Normally I'd be in-game to much to care about the forums. However, after 2 days of slide shows I'm tired, frustrated, and exhausted with trying to fix the issue on my end. I've spent around 6 hours testing a very large range of useroptions.ini formats, texture levels, render, ect, ect. I've tried the last 5 months of Official and beta drivers, tweaked the Nvidia control panel, optimized my memory and verified my stability in my overclock, tweaked my SSD, and the list can go on. So yes, maybe our complaining on the forums is a bit much. I'll agree, but I'm a outfit leader, a leader of over 120 daily active members, I took up my position from my community and plan to hold it till Nov when get a new duty assignment for my job. But the fact that I'm unable to play with my members, I"m unable to enjoy a game I've supported since Phase 1 CBT, and a game I just love, upsets me. And I'll be vocal about that frustration.
I'm one of those actually. After GU04 I can drive vehicles without any problem, but as infantry my frame rate is terrible. In large bases it's almost impossible to play. I'm sick & tired of patches screwing game performance, don't misunderstand, but I see a lot of forum fighters crying at every single change and update. This time of course players got plenty of reason to raise their voice.
I still dont understand why they cant just roll back the ******* patch ? its not like anyone expects them to make a big fuzz about it and send out an apology mail to all members ... just roll it back and keep silent for all i care, keep posting about your private thoughts and feelings on twitter ... but please grow a pair of smedballs and roll the game back to a more functional version.
Its to save face, they are at MLG Dallas atm. Wouldn't look good for them to have to roll back a patch while trying to show MLG they can make this work.
seeing as every single patch released has ****** up multiple game mechanics it seems really ******* stupid to have a patch released in time for say an MLG event. What is going on @ the SOE mothership?