[Suggestion] Quickslots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zhakathoom, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. Zhakathoom


    I would suggest you make the scrollable weapons bar on your far righthand side into a keybindable quickslot bar.

    I am severely hampered by the fact that they are locked and cannot be moved around.
    For instance I would like to swap the slots for my engineers turret and mine/utility slots. I'd like my turret on 4 and my mines on 5 and not the other way around.

    I realize I could just make the change with keybinds, but then again that change would take place across all my characters and all the different classes.

    This was quite noticeable when I started playing my engineer and had my turrets on 4 as I hadn't unlocked any utilities yet. When I unlocked the prox mine the turrets automatically got pushed down to the 5 slot.

    Also slap the grenade on there as there is no real point to have them on a separate function/bind if you had a bindable quickslot bar.

    If there's a solution to this that I have overlooked I appologize.

    - Z
    • Up x 1
  2. Demigan

    More versatility in the HUD, why not?
  3. starlinvf

    Probably because its a variable ordered list. I remember how much trouble they had when Underslung GL shifted the entire list, and making it completely user configured might throw the whole thing out of whack everytime the list is reloaded with a new class loadout.

    They need to make the slots hard bound to its category, and make that category what it binds to. It simplifies a lot of things that way when your specialty weapon (which is usually 3) is always in the same place, and your utility, ability and explosives are all on different buttons.