Quick upgrades or lots of players will leave

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by CalineLaBourrine, Sep 28, 2020.

  1. CalineLaBourrine


    FRANCELY ME, FORMER PLAYER with subscription I think soon to stop my subscription, you know why?
    Take my advice for real, I am also a business owner so listen carefully:
    - more maps!!!!!, and not 4 maps in almost 8 years .... it is lamentable
    - more performance: i7 9 th gen without the shadows, I reach 80/95 fps in a fight of 96+ vs 96+ or almost 100% of the fights in rush hour on the europe server so your game is not playable for massive fps without lowering graphics quality.
    -your competitors are updating more often than you
    -a max is crushed by any vehicle at 15 km / h
    - an indoor infantryman by a motorcycle at 15 km / h

    Seriously, read on and try to get us more art and performance, just that will get you 50% more customers.

    I played planetside 1 for 10 years and we had 10 continents and caves !!!
    • Up x 1