maxes have 80% resist to infanty and only 60% to es ha weapons. so the question : am i suffering from hit reg with mcg and i need same ammount of bullets to kill max as from carv , or they messed up another patch ? can one 1 test it pls
? Does this happen in large fights? Higher RoF guns tend to register damageless bullets once in a while.
i just stoped pulling it already in 2-3 platoons skirmishers .there it totaly useless. it happed today in about 36vs36 , you can say it was kinetic but it was br 4 , so i exclude that possibility. and i used 70 bullets
Hm sorry mate, I'm baffled on that one, I tried the MCG just then in VR, too me around 50-80 bullets, all head.
do they count in vr as full fledged maxes ? . mine vr test just now was 69 bullets from carv and same 69 from mcg in point blank