Quick Question on yearly sub

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FatSheriff, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. FatSheriff

    Just wondering..... if you buy a yearly sub do you get the 50% cert rite away or after 6 months like you would on a monthly sub?
  2. marticusb

    You get your 50% as soon as you order, +50% EXP/Resources/Passive Cert Gain(The certs you gain while logged off)

    This bonus will last as long as you DO NOT CANCEL AUTO-RENEW. So if you do want to cancel the renew do it in 11 months.

    You should be made aware, EXP is where you get the certs, and those certs come every ~250 EXP(This is a guess, and only my guess). So you till have to work for them.

  3. FatSheriff

    Thank you kind sir..... that is a nice bit of info.