Queue time bug/concern/suggestion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PokemaniacMatt, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. PokemaniacMatt

    My TR Outfit run OPs on Wednesday night's at 8pm on Soltech, so I typically sign in 1-2 hours early, knowing there will be a queue and I enjoy some solo play before OPs begin.
    The queue time varies each night, and is generally reasonable, but I feel like Soltech's queue time has been getting longer lately and this came to a point of frustration tonight.

    Logged in and joined the queue at 6:40pm tonight. After 31 minutes I was 21/32 in the queue and everyone received the blanket invite to warp to the continent. However in that split second I was redeploying and moved to the loading screen, and when my character re-spawned the invite had disappeared (this is the bug hinted at in the title). I then had to rejoin the queue and wait a further 45 minutes before the next invite to the continent. A total of 1 hour and 16 minutes and getting into the action at 7:46pm (see screenshot below).

    So besides this being a bit of a vent to get this off my chest the main things to suggest or request:
    - Can we look into the "bug" that removes the 'Warp to _____' invite during death/redeploy/loading screen before players can select an option?
    - Not sure how others feel but queue times of 30-45 minutes are pretty unreasonable (And for anyone who might suggest I play another game or faction as I said this is the night my Outfit runs OPs so I don't want to miss out on that great social aspect of the game that I still very much enjoy).
    - Side-note: In my 1h 17m wait in Koltyr I noticed times when there would be at least 1 member of each faction waiting in Koltyr. Assuming that each of them was also queued to join the continent is it possible to invite those 3 players rather than waiting for the blanket invite, so at least some people can trickle in to play? (Hope this part makes sense)

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  2. Clay

    No matter if there is a bug or not, queue times of 10 min or more are UNACCEPTABLE. I get it pop differences are an issue sometimes but not allowing people to play the game is not a solution for that. Not everyone wants to make 3 alts for each faction and change accordinly. Because you know, players identify with their faction, or are in outfits with teammates waiting for them etc.

    Do you know what im doing when i have to queue for 20 min to play planetside? I log out and play another game.

    Its not like its working anyway, pops are as unbalanced as before. So you just make players suffer for no gain.
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  3. JibbaJabba

    Know what happens when we don't queue things and instead let a 40% pop crush a 24%? Hundreds of people log out and play another game... for good.

    Hate to hear about this bug and I hope it gets fixed. In the meantime you can avoid the queue and improve the health of the game by switching over to the underpop faction.

    And as someone who actually does this, the pops are ok. The queue that you suffer from makes the gameplay bearable for the underpop faction. So it *IS* working.
  4. DarkStarAnubis

    Just keep more continents open and allow players to choose whether to queue and wait for a more populated (but unbalanced) continent or join immediately a less populated (but balanced) one.
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  5. AllRoundGoodGuy

    Pretty sure most people would only play indar, maybe esamir. I'm not sure it would fix anything, this is just speculation but I don't think opening up more continents would solve the issue.
  6. strikearrow

    With so many people running off and going 4th faction (tking or fighting in a distant unconnected hex), it's not like forcing pop balance matters much anyhow. Keep it within 5% and it's reasonably fair. I.e. 33, 31, 36 is fine. Sure the 36% has an advantage, but not so significant that people will log-off - and people do log-off if they must wait 10+ min. to play.