Question: Why no leaning or going prone?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xien, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Corporate Thug

    Why on Auraxis would you want prone to be added to this game. I vote no to more camping and hiding. In battlefield I rarely prone, but I do enjoy knifing people laying on the ground. Also, this game doesn't have tactics, only numerical superiority and cheese.
  2. Robes

    There should be server transfers, and there should be a ping cap on servers, high ping players just bring down the game.
  3. Elrohur

    While I agree with you I have to say that since the NWA nerf and the HS buff the TTK has gone pretty low in PS2.
    Thus the not needed mechanism such as lean and prone became more relevant.
    I'd rather not have them and get back to a higher TTK.
  4. KO-tic

    I really see no use for prone in a game like this (consider the cloak,overshield,jetpack,est)

    And I dont even see the point of "lean" in any game
  5. z1967

    150 ms is .15 of a second. TTK in this game is around .5 of a second. Aside from that, random ping spikes would DC even more players than crashes do. If the servers do get ping capped, it would have to be 250-500 ms and you have to have ping in that region (250-500 ms) for longer than 5 mins. I really do not like the idea of alienating server populations by their internet quality.

    There is also the fact that East Coast players that play on Connery (or those crazy Australians that play on Connery, and the Asian players) usually only play for the play experience or because they have friends that play there. A ping cap would kill a great deal of the player base. Even worse, not everyone has access to spectacular internet (I cannot wait for Google Fiber... 1 gb/s). So yeah, no.
  6. Erilis

    PS2 is more strategic than tactical. The only tactics are squad tactics, not individual live fire tactics and movement. Players use general FPS tactics but the game isn't exactly meant to be realistic. As Phreec alluded to, ArmA3 might be more the kind of game you're looking for.

    "In common vernacular, "tactical" decisions are those made to achieve greatest immediate value and "strategic" decisions are those made to achieve the greatest overall value irrespective of immediate return" ~wikipedia on military tactics
  7. MasonSTL

    I think Killzone had lean, but I don't remember it being used much online.
  8. Xien

    Uh no not at all play AA3 and press Q or E, there's no animation...
  9. SpcFarlen

    Was referring BF 4 implementation, which PS2 is far closer to than Arma 3. Also just on Arma, if im not mistaken you can not lean while strafing and vise versa. Again for a more fast past game you dont want a mechanic getting in the way of of input or else things feel clunky. Its why Quake, Unreal, CS, etc never had leaning or prone as well even when game at the same time started to implement then as well. It just doesnt fit with they style they are going for, run and gun.
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  10. vsae

    Imagine someone lives far away from any server...How is he going to play then?
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  11. Robes

    Australia area is about the only place that wouldn't be "close" to any server, and to an east coast server they get roughly a 250 ping, west coast 200. 200 ping isnt the problem, its the 300+ ones that need to be kicked.
  12. TheStink

    Dolphin diving is all this games needs,mechanics to hinder dolphin makes you fight the UI rather than play as you a have to wait for a mini animation to finish before performing any actions. As well as the other points made on added camping, not to mention easier clipping exploits the come with such a feature. It really wouldn't add to a game like PS2 just like PS1 before it. I'll have to vote no on this one too.
  13. Xien

    In a game with such a low TTK, lean is very beneficial. It allows you to stay behind cover (somewhat) and shoot at other people.
  14. Rift23

    Because we lost our brains when we turned immortal.
  15. JudgeDeath

    Pretty much because of this:
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