[Question] What should I cert out?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by SpartanPsycho, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. SpartanPsycho

    I need a list of the amount of certs I need to grind. I have a decent weapon and the AV turret, but not much else.
    I though I need to cert the sticky nade, grenade bandolier, nanoweave, and utility pouch
  2. Flamberge

    Get sticky nades, flak armor, a good carbine (Or BR, if you just want to be MLG Pro). Make sure your ammo pack and repair gun are maxed out as well.
  3. Kulso

    I say get a good Carbine (Zenith, Serpent, Solstice, etc.) Nanoweave (or Flak Armor) Sticky Grenades, and Maxed out Medical Kits. The Medical Kits will save more times than you can count.
  4. _itg

    Get tank mines. Not just for laying traps, but for doing "pizza deliveries," where you run up to the vehicle, drop a couple mines, and blow them up. Great for killing non-shielded sunderers.
  5. Kulso

    If the 20 something Infantry huddled around it don't see you coming.
  6. _itg

    You'd be surprised how often they don't when you pick a smart angle of approach. And then there's all the unguarded sunderers. Of course, the deployment shield made this tactic a lot less useful than it used to be.
  7. Kulso

    I know, the deployment shield is the main reason why I don't suggest throwing yourself at Sunderers any more. Most sunderers, if not all, have deployment shields now.
  8. Targanwolf

    Engineer's like other classes can be played many ways.Since you did mention the play style/role you like its impossible to answer your question.
  9. GoyoElGringo

    ugh I spent 300 certs on getting 3 tank mines, but so far I have barely had any success with them. I suppose it just takes time to know where to put them so people won't expect it, but I know for a fact that it is far easier to just put proximity mines in doorways and get a kill.
  10. caksz

    AT mine , full certs + utility pouch lvl 2 for 4 AT mines .
    For a good place to put them , drive a tank & get inspiration for best mining spot.