[Question] Looking for loadout advice

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Pingonaut, Sep 1, 2014.

  1. Pingonaut

    During my time in Planetside 2 I have rarely played the Heavy Assault class, and recently I've been trying to figure out what my playstyle is and what loadout fits that playstyle. I'm basically just looking for peoples' opinions on good loadouts (primary gun, ability, utility slot, etc.).

    I've been focusing on Resist Shield, Advanced Shield Capacitor and these guns:
    • T32 BULL & T16 RHINO - I'm enjoying these, especially the Rhino's aesthetics
    • T9 CARV & T9 CARV-S - I've been using the Carv-S, but can't figure out if I like it better than the above
    • MSW-R - I just bought this one, and I haven't done much with it yet.
    So with that information, hopefully I can get some helpful advice from you folks. Thanks!
  2. breeje

    the MSW-R is a attack weapon to go fast in and out fights to use best at the closer mid range
    it is 1 of the most accurate weapons 4 the HA
    watch the bullets a clip is fast unloaded and we find ourselves looking for more ammo

    the other weapons u mention are more support/suppress spry and pray compared to the MSW-R
    it is a long time ago i played these weapons now i play other classes with more accurate weapons
  3. lawn gnome

    if you want a straight up AV rig i run:
    • lasher (obviously TR will have to pick something else) + 4x scope + extended mag: for clearing mines and general support against infantry.
    • hunter QCX + explosive bolts + IR/NV scope (it is the only scope that doesn't get in the way of the long range arc shots AND it works at almost any range the hunter will) + flashlight (for spotting infiltrators): on it's own the hunter is unlikely to kill vehicles but it does work well for finishing off burning vehicles and it hits ESF REALLY hard so you can use it to drive them off easily and maybe kill a few dumb ones.
    • decimator: blows stuff up, it used to also be good for triggering C4 but now the blast damage is not strong enough and i have to trigger C4 manually.
    • C4: blows more stuff up.
    • AV grenades: hit as hard as a rocket if you can aim them well and they should still trigger C4.
    • grenade bandolier: because you can spam grenades faster than you can rockets.
    • resist shield: because it has more longevity in big fights, but this one doesn't matter much because ideally you shouldn't be using it often.
    • (implant) sensor shield: allows you to sneak up on vehicles that have radar coverage (sensor darts, deployable motion spotter, proximity / scout radar)
    and if you want to know how i use this rig then i created a guide:

    this rig WILL allow you to solo a shield sunderer. i have done it several times.