Hi all, Figured Id post here since its the heavies that shoot unguided missiles. Maybe you can help me? Since the last big patch I took up playing the Skyth (jet). After some rare deaths I am rather confused on how some heavies are killing me with unguided missiles (at least, thats what the death screen says). These deaths have the following: Instant death (plane gets hit, plane health is in red for about 2 seconds (no health at all) and I die. 2nd, Im high in the air going at full speed and not necessarily in a straight line either (I tend to move around, even on long flights). This is usually in the mountain area's near The Crown, but not necessarily at the Crown. I guess a heavy could be on a high rock outcrop or top of a cliff or something but even still, it seems a bit strange to me. These deaths are fairly rare but have occurred enough times to warrant some confusion on my part. Anyway, if you have any idea's how people are doing it I would be grateful. Or maybe some tips on avoiding it? I don't mind dieing but this almost seems like a cheat or something?
I shoot down airplanes with unguided rockets all the time... it's not cheats, rocket flight is server side, there's no way to cheat it to begin with. Pro players shoot planes with unguided rockets, planes come to forums and call hacks... How did they do it? They aimed.
I have died a lot to flying too low or hovering. Heavy see's an opportunity and I die from my mistakes. This situation is more flying high, full speed and not moving straight. Im guessing they're in a good position on a cliff or something and I just happen to be flying at them or just under them or something... I dunno.
Well it just happened again. Killed a jet near Crown, Did hard bank to the right with afterburner at a pretty good hight and BAM. Heavy unguided rocket. No way in hell thats a skill shot. Lucky maybe, but not skill. Thats also 2 kills like that in 2 hours.
Before switching to the dedicated G2A launcher i once shot down a ESF with the default launcher, it was 200+ meters and i pulled a 1 in a 100000000 shot off and got the ESF in mid flight. So good aiming skills+lots of luck = a dead ESF no matter what.
Are you ABSOLUTELY sure it's the dumbfire missiles? That's the Shrike, ML-7, S1 or maybe even a Decimator...
I only know what the game tells me on the death screen. It sure seems to be a dumb fire as my health drops to nothing and there is no lock on warnings.
The last 2 days I believe there have been some sort of shrike hack. I have been getting one shot in a mossie by it usually the same guy. People in my outfit also were complaining of the same thing by the same person. The persons in question I have obviously reported but this may explain your findings.
While it is possible to hit full speed aircraft with the dumbfire launcher, it's extremely difficult, and exponentially so if they are flying at altitude. About 3 weeks ago there was a Vanu hacker 2 shotting Libs as they left the NC warpgate on Waterson with the decimator (which has even lower speed than the default dumbfire) at 500m and 200kph. He was banned shortly thereafter, and I haven't seen it happen since, but when people started bringing this up on the forums that's immediately what I thought of. The hack doesn't actually fire the rocket with correct target lead, as people flying in crazy spirals at high altitude were killed by it as well. I suspect it's a client-side tool that reports a hit on whatever you want to the server (since all damage is calculated client-side in this game) Report him, and he should be gone soon.
Supposedly, some hackers found a way to alter the default dumbfire into a hitscan weapon. I can't confirm or deny that though. You're not the first pilot to claim to have been shot down going full speed at decent altitude with a dumb fire launcher though, which would require so much leading that you wouldn't even be on their screen when they shoot. If you were hoverspamming and got hit, you earned your embarassing defeat.
yes there is a hack. if you get shot down by dumbfire always go to players.planetside2.com and check their stats to verify if legit or not.
I've seen the same thing with ground vehicles. Shot out of nowhere, no rocket, no player anywhere remotely nearby. The players who are doing this who have been reported usually have terrible kdr and out of nowhere suddenly there killfeed is full of killstreaks of one hit dumbfire kills. Have reported them of course and these are players who have been reported in the past for similar activities. Predictably, still playing.
Well its happened twice now in 2 hours. Hard turn, afterburner, dead. Unless Im the unluckiest guy in the world (or someone is the luckiest) this is painful. I checked out the guy who killed me. He doesn't seem to have amazing stats. The weird thing, I see his name kill me all the time today and his only rank 9. Oh well.
Well its confirmed. Theres hacking. To be more to the point, iv been taking names and its the same people over and over and over. No matter your speed, as long as they see you you're dead. Players are using the "Shrike" and some funny people are even using Shrike in their names. Great... I cant wait for simcity5. Im so gone once that comes out.
He'll be back. EA butchered Sim City 5 into a Sims:Villagesque game requiring constant online connection to not crash. It's worse than the transition from PS1 to PS2.
Don't fly near the Crown, even if its friendly, unless you have to of course (I usually find a skyguard or a couple of Burster MAXes up on the hill near Crossroads) Also anyone can hit an ESF that just hovers around and people can be lucky/very good and hit you even if you are moving EDIT: I've also noticed a bug in which fighters (and liberators, but its harder to tell with them) just stop in mid air, no loss of altitude which you would expect with from a hovering fighter, they are very easy to hit but it usually only happens when they are far away, for me at least