[Question] Does Anyone Like Shorter Cap Times

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ash87, May 10, 2013.

  1. Ash87

    If you do, please post here.

    Current cap times are rather long-ish, but the PTS just nuked it by staight cutting cap times by Half. Now cap times at small bases are 2 minutes. 5 minutes at facilities.

    Does Anyone on the PS2 forums Like this.

    I'm going to pose this, I don't intend to attack anyone, but I haven't seen a single person on all three forums (PSU, PS2, and Reddit) that supported this change.
  2. anaverageguy

    I, for one, think a 50% cut like that is too much. During alerts, the turn-arounds we've made at small outposts were usually with about 10 seconds to spare; if the times were cut, we would have lost all those fights.
  3. HadesR

    Nope .. To short IMO by a long margin
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  4. Kupcake

    Yeah. I liked the new SCU changes, but combining that with this seems like a terrible idea.

    And I think cap times are already way too short at small outposts. Dropping it to 2 minutes from there? Seriously?
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  5. MorganM

    To me it has less to do with some arbitrary, fixed, time limit and more about the situation at hand.

    If there's zero resistance at the facility then it's booooooring. We dork around for 5 or 10 minutes just waiting for the XP. Nothing of any purpose to do.

    If there's actually a good fight between defenders and attackers then I love having enough time for either side to sway the battle in their favor.
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  6. Ranik

    The PTS cap times are overkill. They need to remain as they were.
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  7. Radec594

    We still don't know how it will react with Lattice + Alert population levels; add to that the fact that SCUs are going to bring down spawn rooms too, and I think 5 minutes is more than fine for facilities.

    Otherwise, if you stall fights for over 10-15 minutes on the only lanes you have available, it'll be impossible to turn the tides on an Alert or even win it in some circumstances.
  8. MarioO

    With the current base design I'd really appreciate shorter cap times. In most bases the spawn is just a few metres away of the capture point, and that's just no fun. Neither for the people camping inside the spawn, nor the people camping outside the spawn. I don't even want to talk about the few suicide bombers jumping out of the spawn... So a shorter capture time would save us a lot of boring camping.
    But on the other side: when a base is quite undefended, a shorter capture time would prevent any chance of sending reinforcements.
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  9. Ranik

    This basically.

    I'd rather we get stuck in grueling knock out fights rather than have less time to respond to backhacking.
  10. Nathaniak

    No. I want 10 mins minimum and 20 mins for facilities, with bases that actually allow you to fight for that whole time instead of spawncamping.
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  11. Elrobochanco

    I can deal with longer cap times if there was a way to nuke spawn tubes/rooms like in PS1. It's not the time to secure that bugs me, it's time required to keep camping just to keep one infiltrator from reverting a whole quads work in 6 seconds.
  12. TomaHawk

    It is too long, and this is why. Capping a couple bases when no one is there to defend it is one thing. But a string of caps w/o and it means the most of the time you are not doing anything for a longer period of time than WAITING.

    And this is where cap times get LAME.
  13. Endlos

    Cap time should be proportional to the troop percentages in an area.

    Base cap time is X. If Attackers outnumber Defenders by 2:1, then cap time becomes X/2. 3:1, then X/3. And so on. Sitting at an empty base waiting for it to flip is awful, horrible game design. By the same token, though, making a base nearly impossible to re-secure due to having super-short cap times even in a hotly contested base is also pretty awful.
  14. BalogDerStout

    SOE never does things in small increments. Like a 1/4 to 1/8th reduction.

    Instead we have bouncy castle tank mines and this.
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  15. HadesR

    Guess the ADD CoD kiddies can now relate to bases being more like " Rounds "
  16. Dis

    2 minutes will kill small outpost fights.

    This simply cannot happen.
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  17. Eclipson

    Waaaaaaaay to short, especially considering small bases have an SCU as well. 2 minutes is insanely fast, no time to defend what so ever. Same with 5 minutes for large bases. Its gonna take all the strategy out of defending bases. Horrible idea.
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  18. iller

    Little outposts are not 2 minutes, they're 3-something.
    Strongholds are 7 minutes (usually with 3 points to cap which changes the cap rate)
    And Large facilities are 10 minutes.
    • Outposts are right where they should be, As are strongholds... (good for Smaller outfits, waste of effort for huge ones)
    • Though we could really use some Tunnels 'from spawn' in a few of those Strongholds....
    • Facilities (except Biolabs) are definitely NOT where they should be. They need more points....like 4 cap points...
    or a lot more tunnels to the Generators in them. Especially after this new Hex system gets put in.

    This is especially true with Alerts. Way too often, Alerts have been all about 1 faction showing up at the 40 minute's remaining mark to try and ghost away all the teritory they can from the other 2 who are too distracted having an actual REAL 'Batle Front' on their side of the Continent. If that's the way Alerts were intended to be won... then SOE wouldn't have made them 2 hours long.
  19. xen3000

    While I completely agree with you, I have trouble believing SOE is capable of accomplishing the task.
  20. Cpu46

    Cap times need to be longer. Before they were long but that gave enough time for a few platoons I rolled with to organize mass Gal drops on the base after the SCU went down. Those fights are the most rewarding and frantic moments I have played. At the halved times it is far too short to even organize a platoon to spawn at the same base, get everyone in Gals, and transport them there, much less do any actual fighting.

    Return them to the old lengths please.