[question] - damaging a turret

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by baka, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. baka

    Last night at the Crown, I was trying to use the south turret and it kept taking damage. When I was in it, the indicator showed damage from the front each hit. When I got out to repair (and getting XP!), the damage kept coming until the turret burned and blew. Rebuilding resulted in the same thing happening, multiple times. Finally when another engy came over to repair, I stood outside and watched the area. No incoming shells, no rockets, no impact explosions. I could watch the turret health drop in chunks until flames and destruction.

    What do you think was hitting the turret and from where?
  2. Compass

    North Turret of Crossroads or a Saron HRB.
  3. baka

    I never saw any incoming fire. My framerates were running lower than normal, but here is a poor video. Thinking about it, I need to actually watch my framerates more often... maybe they are lower than I thought more often, even though gameplay is fine. First attempt at posting video... please bear with me when I screw it up! :)