Where is my Combat in my Combat Medic? Where are my capabilities to specialize in combat as much as I can specialize in healing? Why there are no offensive grenade certifications for medics? At the moment Grenade slot, utility slot, ability, even extra ability all have Medic part in it. So where are my combat options? Assault rifle is only one tool of the trade, but where are other things, that would speak of Combat capabilities of a CM? Where are offensive grenades, where is Nanite Painfield? (Bit op, just as example), Why can't I choose wether I want to specialize more on medic or combat side?
IDK... I think the medic has a pretty sweet set up. ARs are really really really good (I like them so much I'd trade carbines and LMGs for them ), you can heal yourself (an ability which can be used offensively as well) and have C4. Frags are a great offensive tool (personally I roll with revive nades, I let other people toss nades to flush out people). The Combat Medic is an extremely powerful class for head on infantry fights not only because he's the backbone of any team because he can revive but also because he can deal a lot of damage. I'll never say no to more specialization but ATM you can't really say the CM is weak for combat.
I don't think you're looking at this the right way. The Combat Part of the Combat Medic is that they get an assault rifle, grenades, C4, armor, the certification to pilot vehicles and aren't suck back in the medic tent seeing to wounded soldiers. What else would you give them that wouldn't take away the specialties that other classes have? You're a medic and a soldier.
I'm pretty good with our loadout choices. I usually take either healing or most times revive grenades, so that takes up that slot. And I have 2 bricks of C4 so, I can use that against maxes and such if I need to. And the hydra is beast and I love that gun. The rest I'm fine with being healing oriented. In fact, I wish triage was worth a damn, I would cert into that, but sadly it's not really worth the certs.
Your assault rifle will tear through opponents in cqc, you have c4, you can negate a lot of damage taken at long range with your heal, and you can revive and heal allies. Nothing to complain about. Though I do think some sort of bio 'nade would be cool.
Actually that gave me an idea, instead of AoE heal, small range AoE up to 10% damage reduction aura, that depletes fast. That's a Combat ability. How about counter revive grenades? Bioscanner we allready have, so that would be going into infiltrators territory. Tool that would apply your shield to friendlies, though I don't believe there is a way to make a tool better, than it allready is. It's the most part of being medic and shouldn't be changed actually.
You're a medic because you have a healing tool and a healing aura. You're a combat medic because C4 and assault rifle. Seems fine to me.
Honestly, it's not the tools that's limiting Combat Medics, it's how people want you to play CM that's limiting. People who don't play Medic want the people who do to go around reviving people first and killing second.
Assault Rifles, check. Frag grenades, check. C4 explosives, check. Selfheal ghetto HA shield, check. What else do you really need for combat?
A medic is also the class that gives up the least for that pack of C4. "Self-healing or Portable explosives? Hmmm. You know what, I'll take both".
Assault rifles are amazing. Nano regen device (F) is amazing. Revive is amazing. Wheres the combat? Don't get bogged down repairing everyone that has lost a little bit of health when there is still fighting to be done. Its faster to rezz them anyways. You have an amazing rifle and infinite health. Shoot the enemy.
Kinda what I was getting at, last thing I need is to have my class labeled as a cheap POS class like the inf and engies with there dirt squirel land mines
Has anyone else noticed that ever since around GU 04 or so the combat medics self-heal had stopped being as useful as it should be in combat, while every other class seems without detriment? For those of you who were not playing PS2 back in March/April of 2013 HERE IS WHY THE COMBAT MEDIC TOOK A NOSEDIVE IN THE COMBAT DEPARTMENT: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...t-the-short-straw-fix-this-please-soe.133069/