[Suggestion] Quality of life improvements regarding bases and alerts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TRspy007, Jul 19, 2024.

  1. TRspy007

    Please consider addressing the issues mentioned in this post. As much as I appreciate the time spent improving the audio and certain animations, the are core issues that have never been addressed and over the years persist to cause issues with the core gameplay. Here I'll try to address some issues with the bases and alerts.

    First off the lattice system should be reworked completely. This was meant as a temporary solution from the start while working on a complete overhaul of the territory capture system which never came. Here's a video that touched on the subject, it's a little outdate, and some few tweaks would be required, but it's a good place to start.

    Then can we please add Koltyr to the continent rotation, especially off hours.

    Next, can we please fix the abomination that is esamir. The simplest thing to do would be to revert it to pre-campaign esamir, and again work from there. Yes the old esamir needed some tweaks on a few bases, but deleting all the biolabs and replacing them with containment sites nobody likes really killed the map. Same with removing an entire lattice to replace it with 3 bases in a row that have no hardspawn. I'm not sure what people were thinking when they made these changes, but they need to be reverted, it's long overdue. Revert esamir then make a vote on which bases need to be tweaked to make the playerbase happy. There was a lot less to fix on old esamir than the new one.

    Indar needs the rockbridge at TI alloys. It literally went from the most popular spot on the map to I haven't fought there in years. Yes, there needs to be some sort of system for the guys from ceres to get up the hill without getting farmed (that goes for the crown as well, the B tunnel entrance from ceres is awful). No, removing the rockbridge did nothing to fix this.

    Amerish needs Ikanam back. The lattice died as soon as they replaced the biolab for..whatever that is. the ascent also needs to be redesigned to allow for all 3 factions to have somewhat even footing when fighting there.

    Hossin is probably the best continent in the game's current state. It offers a variety of mostly decently designed bases and has the best center base to allow for fun 3 way fights. The main issue with Hossin is the construction bases which suck and are nearly everywhere. Granted they were meant to be temporary placeholders while they designed bases to replace them. It's been 10 years, we even got entire continents done and reworked and these construction bases have still not been addressed. Seriously can we please finish Hossin before releasing other stuff?

    Oshur is by far the least enjoyable continent, and although efforts were made to appease the playerbase by making it appear less on the rotation and also faster alerts, as soon as Oshur unlocks most of the playerbase just logs off. I'm baffled it still hasn't been reworked yet, the player feedback is there. The center bases need to be fixed so people can actually fight there, and it has to be at least somewhat enjoyable. A big nuisance to gameplay on oshur are the water mechanics, which are just awful. non-flying vehicles and infantry take forever to travel underwater, and the fighting is akin to being in a perpetual state of concussion with half your abilities and weapons locked. It makes no sense to me how people can pull scattmaxes underwater but you can't shoot your rocket launcher or gorgons/av weps to counter them. And enjoy c4ing with practically no cover and -2000% movement speed. Its horrible. This continent needs a near total rework, especially the central lattice and underwater mechanics. Yes there are a few bases here and there but overall it was a complete flop unless you main flail or a2g. At this point you're seriously better off removing it entirely from the rotation if you're not going to rework it, at least you'll keep half your playerbase from logging off as soon they see Oshur unlocked.

    For all these continents the bases without hardspawn need to be removed. People just don't fight there and it's not enjoyable to sit around an empty outdoor capture point for 2 minutes or deal with a pmb if there is one. Remove them from all continents and replace them either with the old bases or new ones. You can grab from the tutorial, koltyr or the list of deleted bases:


    Just please try to make them enjoyable bases to fight at.

    Biolabs need to get the direct spawn ability back for attackers. Most teleporters are in the sunderer no deploy zones and far away from the attacker spawn, and on top of that there's the increased respawn time since they're spawning in a hex with little enemies since that's not where the fighting is. This means you get a boring 10-20s walk after a 15-30s respawn to teleport back inside the biolab. While the defenders just spawn directly in. Same story if you spawn on the air pads, except this you get the added benefit of being vulnerable to nukes and a2g in addition to being farmed at the chokepoint when trying to enter the biolab. Not exactly conducive to fun. Ironically the reason they were removed was because too many people would fight there for too long. Can you imagine that? A game bleeding players complaining about a base creating large, fun and sustained fights that a majority of the playerbase adored. Well they really outdid themselves when addressing this "issue", no one really fights at biolabs anymore, or anywhere else on the maps for that matter.

    And bring back the benefits to owning special bases. Biolabs give passive health regen, amps heal turrets and generators, and tech plants allow to pull mbts and libs/gals from the smaller bases. Keep the outfit modules so players can still have these benefits even if they don't own the base, but now they have to spend something to do so, which gives the bases a bit of value, without being overpowered. Add an outfit module that does what the tech plant does, and it's all balanced.

    Next I'd say alerts should be shaken up a bit. First off introduce rewards for locking a continent again. Let's say esamir gives 10-20% off mbts, indar 10-20% off maxes, amerish 10-20% off consumables, oshur 10-20% off esfs, hossin rep ammo pads and towers, and for koltyr the faction gets to do a vote on which ability it gives, they get to pick from the continents they don't own. If they own all the continents koltyr just gives double the xp, cert and iso rewards. Really alerts are meaningless right now and in general no one really cares about winning them since it really doesn't provide anything meaningful. Yes back then Hossin granting 50% off maxes was pretty op, but everyone really fought their best to own hossin, since you'd be severely disadvantaged if you didn't own it! At this point no one really cares about alerts or territory, because they lost all meaning after the benefits were stripped. 10 or 20% off seems more reasonable while still providing an incentive to fight for the continent.

    Also upon a tie at the end of the main alert a random alert type is triggered for 15 minutes. Aerial anomalies, maximum pressure (one with free maxes, one without), or just a classic one with most territory control again, etc. Already made a mini thread on this before. This would add a bit of a twist and randomize the game a bit but not become too repetitive since there would be a pool of alerts to choose from and they only occur at the event of a tie.
