Either significantly increase the number of them or significantly increase the number of seeds they give. I know we are encouraged to buy the masks with SC and, I would've but, I can't justify spending money on a helmet i can't use the other 11 months of the year. It's very difficult to earn enough seeds for them. I found 2 pumpkins in 35 mins and only got 3 seeds for it. Getting 500+ isn't likely to happen with this rate of return before the event is over.
yea but then your basing that on everyone getting a seed...wich will never happen...someone will end up with more and alot with nothing...and to me such events should have died back in 2000...i remember games running such events back then...it made me ignore any events they pulled..so did others in the end..the game had less and less people.
The proble I've found is that if you're not a pilot then you can't find them quick enough. At best you might get to see an ESF nose-gun one just as you find it. There definitely needs to be more pumpkins, or they should respawn to give the rest of us a chance to get some. EDIT: Here's an idea. Why no give everybody seeds based off how many pumpkins where destroyed by their faction. You still get seeds from destroying pumpkins, but like alert XP, you get seeds if you're logged in when the alert ends.
that's actually a really good idea. they could do that or give out seeds to regular alert participants, with the amount based on how continent territory %
I just jumped in on Miller and there was an alert, so i stayed to look what this new stuff is about. Tons of ESF flying around barely shooting at each other... what the heck? Now i know they were searching for pumpkins. I´m overall no friend of all that carneval-nonsense, but this is just too much for me. I dont need ugly masks, played enough TF2 for years. Nov.11th - come quickly ...pls
2 pumkins in 35min? I found 0 pumkins in 4h. I havent seen a single pumpkin so far, despite playing on alert continents most of the time.
I found 2 on Esamir, none on Indar despite looking for the entire duration of the alert. Also strange: So we are supposed to SC/CASH BUY mostly helmet items with the red small print they can only be equipped during the Nanite of the Living Dead event. Or will the spawn/drop rate incease significantly over the course of the event? I think there should be two aims for the design of this event. 1.) IT'S FUN!!! 2.) PLAYERS BUY STUFF Right now they are trying to achieve 2.) by pissing off players royally. And I am not sure if 2.) happens if people read the fine print how long they can use these helmets. Yeah, the Terminator head is awesome, but I really don't want to spend a single Cent or Cert to encourage this kind of event design. Reminds me of the Striker, it's crap, but well, we are running out of time, release it nevertheless! No, thank you...
read the hotfix, not happy they aren't addressing this :/ . yes the 3 crappy halloween masks are now 25 seeds each, but we all know we're in it for both the knife and at least one of the flaming skulls
yea, still 25seeds is more then ill get in a month anyway so, as always ill skip these bad constructed events, i thought people would have learned from others mistakes...ive seen such events as a gamer throu the years and they all fail on the same lvls were some gets it...and alot dont get anything...leaving bitter taste in peoples mouth...and they call it a fun event etc.. make it so it includes everyone...or dont bother with it...rather have it so when you win alert...you get seeds for being there and doing your part...by giving seeds for xp done during the event or something like that..just give people something...
Yes this event is indeed frustrating and why? well because of the already mentioned points above.. WE NEED MORE FRICKIN PUNKINS... better idea: take off the Alert and have Punkins spawining 24/7 like the Snowmen.. maybe that way some of us might actually get to find some rather than the good ESF pilots and the guys mapping getting them all within the hour! I played 3 alerts so far and have found not one single Punkin.. *sheesh*
3 Pumpkins this weekend and boy, it makes snowmen hunt look like a child's play. Not good, not impressed!
On Emerald last night we had an Indar pumpkin hunt during a clash between the TR and VS at Xenotech labs and I got to see 2 pumpkins spawn in front of me. Through shear blind luck I now have 2 pumpkin seeds, almost 1/12 of the way to a cheap helmet for the directive (those 250 ccerts look tasty)
My whole platoon found 5 in total when i was playing earlier today. found 1 in the past 2 alerts... these suck so much it's ridiculous