Pump action shotguns hate

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShumaKun, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. ShumaKun

    I'm trying to get auraxium medal on deimos, 2nd gen pump action shotguns. Since I run with it 90% of time now I get so many insults by tells in game. Really I know that OHK is annoying, but why don't you insult MAXes or Ai mine users the same. From my experience pa shotguns need more skill to get decent number of kills and they are so nerfed.
    So do you really think PA is noob weapon?
  2. PapaMojo

    OHK's are bad when you are on the receiving end and any weapon that does that should be nerfed.
    OHK's are great when you are on the delivering end and any weapon that does that is skill based.

    Welcome to Planetside 2.
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  3. ironeddie

    Pumps were OP no skill weapons when they first appeared. They've been 'balanced' since & I think require some skill.
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  4. CptFirelord

    They require a slight sense of "am I close to the target" and then the ability to pull your mouse cursor allllll the way over to their general body area and click.
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  5. CptFirelord

    Why don't we insult ZOE MAX and AI mine users the same? Because..
    1) We already hate ZOE and are just waiting for a nerf
    2) AI mines are cheesy and we all know it
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  6. Lucidius134

    What's this, an almost guarenteed kill per life? When I take AI mines I know my KDR won't drop so that's a GOOD thing.
  7. Goden

    Who likes being mowed down in a single shot with not even a chance to fight back? Nobody does.

    Hence the angry tells.
  8. Silver Fox

    Same can be said for almost any weapon at that range. Fully automatics have about the same area-of-effect as a shotgun shell in most engagements.
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  9. SquattingPig

    People don't like getting killed in unpreventable situations. Like some guy runs through a door and gets one shot. What is he supposed to do, stop running through doors?
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  10. SpaceKing

    You walk/jetpack for miles to infiltrate a base, and you find some poor sap Medic standing around. You sneak up behind him, aim your carbine dead center on the back his skull. You have him dead to rights. You pull the trigger.

    SUDDENLY he whips around and blasts his shotgun in your general direction, not really aiming or knowing what he's shooting at. You're dead on the floor and he's regenerated his health already. All that walking for nothing.
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  11. Pikachu

    Why does vanu use pump shotguns 10x more than NC and TR?
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  12. BoomBoom4You

    anyone complaining about pump shotguns has a nasty case of madcuzbad syndrome
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  13. TTex11

    Meh. Sure I've had those 'Aw dammit!' irritated moments when I get taken down by a pump-action before I can react. But overall it doesn't bother me really.

    Sure it's a one hit kill, but the weapon punishes you if you miss a shot or aim sloppy and don't get dead center with the blast. Plus its effectiveness goes way down when you have multiple targets due to its slow fire rate. And if you round a corner and come face to face with a MAX, just lean forward and kiss your own butt goodbye.
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  14. Amundsenkalmah

    Today sale...
  15. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    So i tried a noobtube for the first time to see what it is all about...

    oh the hate tells and insults I got...and to be fair I don't blame them.

    Standing inside a spawn. not even moving..just sipping on my tea and shooting out the window and still having the highest score in the scoreboard on a zerg.

    The sad thing is seeing BR100 with it as a main weapon....
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  16. Fortress

    Because it's a bad weapon for bad players.
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  17. Simferion

    Last time I received a hate tell from an enemy I killed with my PAS, it was from a liberator farmer. Enough said.
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  18. Zorro

    I have no problem with OHK kills, real players should learn not to get shot in the first place.
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  19. Earthman

    It's sad that I agree that hate for pump action shotguns is rather silly, considering the range required for the OHK (and snipers whine about 150m limits!), the delay between shots, and more.

    The problem is that knee-jerk memetic repetitions of "madcuzbad" and other related drivel only make gamers and gaming culture seem as childish as the rest of the world already makes them out to be. It's not necessary.
  20. Earthman

    Leeeeeeeet me guess, we all need to use sniper rifles only or not play?

    Please. This Church of Skill crap has got to end.
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