PTS Update 8/20

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by JGood, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. EmperorPenguin5

    I'm FINE WITH BEING ***** by fractures and Vortexes, I want my damn RAVEN wins with skill man. Takes skill to hit infantry with those rockets, and then only 2 hit kill if THEY AREN"T WEARING NANOWEAVE of Death prevention.
    I mean seriously come on. Raven was the best thing for the NC. I couldn't care less about the fracture. Cause guess what, If they have the skill to aim small rockets at small targets. They deserve to get the kill. Seriously Stop nerfing things cause Skill is what gets them the kill. Bolt actions are ruined at level 3 Nanoweave on their target. NC maxes are useless for everything but their ravens. I bought those damn ravens because they could actually Kill infantry at range, and rip vehicles up. But guess what They took skill to use.

    So please, If you're going to nerf the ravens to uselessness Refund me my station Cash cause I ain't usin maxes anymore.
    The t2 AV weapons on Maxes are balanced. I dunno about the Vortex but I know fracture and Ravens are balance for their play styles. I hate it when TR with skill fire on my reaver at high altitude with Fracture rockets and hit me but hey. Its what they are for. High velocity easy to aim. Ravens are the AV Mana Turret with a slower travel speed and you sometimes have to lead a moving target a ton like a harrasser for them to hit their target on their destination. Infantry that know when to move can just as easily dodge them. Only thing I want changed about my ravens, is their blast radius damage to friendlies. KEEP the damage to enemies just reduce the damage to friendlies....

    Your forcing more teamwork to keep a max alive and its getting ridiculous. I should be able to run raven and properly take out infantry that aren't wearing flak or nanoweave.

    If the vortexes need balancing so they are on par with ravens and fractures then by all means do so. But I highly doubt they do. Never seen them used on infantry though anyways. just comets. And they rip us up pretty hard too.

    And thank you for whats rumored that you have removed the Vertical thrust nerf!!! thank you.
    All dedicated pilots might just buy the guns to humor you and pay you for a job well done.

    However I think you should redesign the Locust into more of a spray gun. That is effective against Everything but to a lesser extent than a rotary. But it is compensated by the fact that it can more easily hit infantry on the ground.
    like it fires, and then in maybe a 3 times the size of the rotary reticule size circle hits everything in it.
    Takes maybe 3 to 5 seconds of exposure and round hits for it to kill un-certed infantry. And depending on how close to an aircraft or vehicle 5 to 10. or something varied. It gives itself more of a unique weapon feel.
    I know useful commentary from the penguin its unheard of!

    Just please don't mess with my ravens, keep fractures the way they are, and if vortexes need a balance to make them on par with their ability to damage infantry in comparison to others by all means do so. But not by nerfing the others as compensation.

    "What you Can Do"
    Right now the Weapons as is aren't unique anymore other than how they work. But they automatically beat the T1 starters because they have equal damage for a better way to use. (or at least unnoticeable if you find them more effective in general) If you want everything to have a good feel and reason for why some choose one over the other make it this. T1 Anti Vehicle weaponry has a higher damage per projectile by maybe 10 or 15% against vehicles. Next the Falcon is utterly a blatant rocket launcher on max arms now, not much you can do about that, Ground pounders, Give them a 30% (or whatever fair number) Blast radius increase, Give them alternate fire that allows it to act as artillery over a wall. basically it drops faster and has a critical height where its parabolic drop changes dramatically when it hits it. This gives it a minor anti-infantry function, and gives those TR whiners something comparable to the Phoenix.
    Comet, reduce damage per round, Increase projectile velocity, and increase RPM either by increasing the clipsize and adding that RPM or something else. Its a high velocity high fire rate AV weapon, Like their orbs of doom... cept more doom.

    This GIVES us a reason to stick with the old weapons if we want to.
    Not gonna get started on the AI weapons... I don't even frigging use them anymore. So I can't give you good advice on them at all. Definitely not wasting certs into them and probably wanting a refund on my station cash towards the ravens if you make them useless against infantry.. Its direct hits that are killing them, How many 40mm or larger rounds of something you want an infantry unit to survive? Do they have inertial dampening in their armor that makes kinetic rounds of large size worthless compared to small ones? (probably didn't make sense scientifically but hey its 4:30 AM and its my last post before bed.)
  2. Redzy

    Ahh, come on. Leave the Pounder, Falcon and Comet alone. They aren't exactly THAT easy to hit infantry with, especially the former 2. There really is no need to make these weapons useless since AI weapons will still be a much more viable choice against squishies

    If anything, the poor Pounder needs a large buff. In my opinion it should be a good AV weapon with a good explosion radius and also have its advantages over the Fracture. Right now, if you don't have a dual Fracture setup, you are stuck with the dual Pounders and you know will be far less useful in the AV MAX department, whilst being crippled against infantry.

    Falcon seems to have received a buff. So I guess that's fine, although it doesn't really need a nerf in conjunction to that, as everybody considers Raven to be a straight upgrade, whatever the purpose.

    Comets are already well-balanced and have a decent velocity. Past point blank it's not really easy to hit with them, although I should be able to kill infantry with them (and any AV MAX weapon) at point blank. Why nerf it? Dual Blueshift is still the way to go when it comes to infantry killing.

    The Vortex AI capabilities buff is a welcome choice, though. Nobody buys these because they make you vulnerable to even a single infantry unit, unless you approach them for a MAX punch. You shoot devastating armour piercing beams that travel at 450m/s uncharged at them, but apparently the infantry in this game is THAT strong.

    All in all, though, these are weapons that are slightly harder to hit with compared to actual AI-designed weapons. However, I would believe that a weapon designed to tear through heavy armour is also capable of downing infantry in a few shots. Fracture is the only weapon that needed an infantry damage nerf due to it being a high velocity, fast firing weapon with a great hit radius. The other ones don't have more than one of these advantages.
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  3. Neopopulas

    The VS Anti-vehicle MAX weapons feel backwards to me. Vortexes are much better spamming up close - speed + weird aiming with no scope - and the comets are better at range. They are slower, but they are easier to hit for their damage.
  4. Vortok

    Remains to be seen, but I'm guessing the MAX AV nerfs are fairly minor. Far as I know max rank ZOE + Comets = one salvo kill atm, which is kinda strong. Fractures can certainly seem strong in some situations, though in others it feels reasonable against infantry. Seems the overall goal is to push the AV weapons to mainly be used as AV instead of a mid range AI alternative - which was probably screwing with the overall MAX design in that their effectiveness against infantry is supposed to be balanced against their range limitations. That the Vortex is being buffed means there's still intent to be able to defend yourself against infantry while using AV weapons.

    The velocity of some of the weapons (Comet and Falcon stand out) against vehicles that aren't a deployed Sunderer does make performing actual AV a bit rough at any decent range, but that's a different matter than infantry damage tweaks.

    The flak armor change is nice (listed as infantry only, so guessing it doesn't impact MAX's flak armor), and gives a bit more incentive to not run nanoweave 24/7. When a pilot gets a couple direct hits with pods it really felt like flak was doing nothing, so hopefully this'll help with that and flak will be a bit more consistent with the survival increase it gives. Being able to survive grenade launchers will be nice as well. Not sure how the rocket launcher thing will work unless there's a custom resist value. Generally does 1500 - 2000 direct damage on top of the 1k splash, so even cut in half it's still more than enough to kill any infantry other than maybe a HA with the normal (non Resist, since it doesn't stack with Flak anymore) shield up. If it does let a full health/shield + max flak armor infantry survive a HA rocket though... sweet.
  5. Frostbitten

    Yeah, that one is kinda a braindead decision. :)
  6. laovniux

    @Infantry flak armor. If this buff includes flak armor for maxes then it will remove any advantage of using the anti small arms fire armor. If i'm not mistaken that 1 protected from direct hits from rockets. Now the flak for maxes will be OP in every standard and I will thank god for not certing the AI armor ;)
  7. Ravenorth

    I agree with with the majority in here, only MAX weapon that needed nerf was Fractures. I understand that AV weapons are not meant to be used against infantry, but making them totally useless for defending yourself is just bad.

    I use comets usually every time when I take MAX, because they are great against vehicles, but I can still deal with some alone infantry guys if they get on my way. Its everything else than easy to hit those 4 shots that you need to kill one infantry, you really need some skill to lead the shots because of the low projectile speed and against several opponents you´ll just get yourself killed without support.
  8. raw

    I WANT THIS LIVE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. ZenzotuskeN

    I feel the AV MAX Weaponary Nerf is being tested because so many people use the AV Max weapons opposed to the AI weapons and in my opinion The Max AV weapons are fine how they are currently (apart from the TR Pounder which is next to useless even before nerf) without a nerf against infantry.

    There ARE downsides to using them in big fight's already especially at low range like splash damage is a double edge sword which hurts yourself if you attempt to shoot infantry to close and friendly's around the enemy in mass fights is reason enough to use the AI weapons over them, i think a better idea would be to enable the AI MAX weapons to do small damage to Tanks by a small amount similar to the M20 Basilisk.
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  10. Eclipson

    Might as well nerf the Enforcer C85 Modified as well if your in the mood for nerfing completely useless weapons.
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  11. Plasmaszap

    JGood, will this also fix the fact that flares only block 1 out 5 rocket ?

    Also, could you consider changing the striker mecanic so its not a lock and forget but rather a shoulder mounted fracture ? here is the link :

  12. Torok

    This changes are so good I want to celebrate at your good work Developers! Can‘t wait for all of this to hit Live.
    Especially those sick-looking domeshield, the finally interesting if not soon viable drifters, and the max AV weapons nerf on infantry,
    and sincerely.. Thanks for the Flak Armor tweak <3

    But please do answer me on this,
    I haven‘t done the math but try not to **** up with The Prowler AP rounds, it might not be OHK kill if flak were to halve it‘s damage.
    again Thanks and can‘t wai to test all once I get home
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  13. Helg

    Nerfing TR MAX "Fractures". NC and VS are happy. But I am TR, I am not happy at all and I strongly against nerfing the possibility to kill enemy infantry by TR MAX "Fractures" (and "Pounder HEGs" too of course)!!! WHY? Because when "Fractures" were absent in the game, TR MAX comparing with NC MAX was ZERO, NOTHING!! NC MAX could with 2 shots kill TR infantry and.. TR MAXes!! Two shots of NC MAX and TR MAX is dead, 2 shots of NC MAX and TR (VS) soldier is dead! And here come my favorite "Fractures" and at last TR MAX is almost as strong as NC MAX. And now you want to nerf the "Fractures"?? You nerfing and nerfing... Please don't do it. In which century we live in the "PlanetSide 2"? In 29th century. But our weapons still are weak comparing, for example, with weapons from "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3", with weapons of 21st century. On the contrary, we must have the most advanced weapons which must be inherent to 29th century.
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  14. Torok

    Fractures were ONE SIZE FITS ALL weapon.
    And nobody at SOE wants that, as it clearly goes against the philosophy of this game of the "side-grade", yet it got implemented like we currently have them, Fractures are very good at AI/AA/AV simultaneously, combined with the bugged striker the TR was the FOTM faction, for faar too long.

    Now developers have learnt from this and the ZOE, all these changes were much waited for by atleast the 66% of the player base.
    The nerf to the pounders aswell is needed because otherwise any TR would simply switch to them leaving fractures in the closet rusting.

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  15. HellasVagabond

    Looks like the test server has a mind of its own......Any chance it's a distant relative to SKYNET ?
    That being said now that people can see the slow moving Phoenix come their way they will just sidestep and avoid it....Nice fix...
  16. Helg

    "...Fractures are very good at ... Anti-Air..." HA-HA-HA!!! You can't use Fractures against air vehicles, it can be only coincidence if you hit Air Vehicle with Fractures. "...And nobody at SOE wants that..." Are you sure that ALL SOE developers have single opinion? I just want and just ask SOE to keep TR Fractures as they are now so our TR MAX will be at least approximately as strong as NC MAX. I said NC and VS will be happy that our TR MAX will be again so weak as he was once. And of course the masses of players for NC and players for VS will write thousands replies here: "YES, YES!!! Make the TR MAX again so weak !!! Somebody from NC or from VS is already dancing "Nerf Fractures, Nerf Fractures..." - there is even picture of dancing in one of the replies. PLEASE DO NOT NERF FRACTURES. PLEASE.
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  17. vulkkan

    Does anyone know if the new flak armor protects from tank projectiles? If a shell can't OHK infantry on a direct hit...
  18. Zazen

    I like these changes a lot, especially the MAX weapon tweaks & flak armor changes.

    We don't know the values or anything yet, but it is important for maxes to retain a realistic chance of defending itself against infantry attacking it when using the AV kits. I play both NC & VS regularly and it's really silly how the Vortex is completely neutered against infantry, but the Ravens & Fractures are not.

    The near perfect balance the devs struck with the AA kit (bursters) to be good against air and still fair against infantry is a good model to use when balancing the AV kits. A true AI kit is always preferable for AI work (except possibly for an NC MAX outdoors), but the MAX isn't, for all practical purposes, defenseless against infantry either, like a Vortex MAX is currently.

    Regarding the flak armor changes. That was a no brainer in my opinion. The popular consensus is Nanoweave is the only viable armor at MAX level except in very specific circumstances (ie: enemy LA's going nuts with C4 or an Engie tending to his vehicle). The fact that it did next to nothing to mitigate damage from rockets or GLs made rockets an overly powerful point blank anti-infantry weapon, which is one of the cheesiest gameplay pet peeves I have right now. We should be afforded the option to protect ourselves against that sort of cheese, but it will come at a price, we must keep our Nanoweave in the locker.
  19. Pikachu

    Falcon velocity is cr*p until it's at least a constant speed of 90, like it used to be. It's splash damage is c*rap until it's at least restored to 250, like it used to be. The projectile is cr*p until it's a shell without glow, like it used to be. Yes vortex is too weak and should be buffed, but the other ones should not be pulled down. A little harsh maybe but I hate how they changed one of the weapons I liked most for the worse.

    AV MAXes don't farm infantry. Using AV weapons against infantry for any kind of indoor combat is little more but a guilty pleasure. It's not effective and does not make AI weapons redundant by any means. Nerfing their already poor AI performance only serves to make them less fun to use.

    Did you hate facing a falcon MAX pre-GU7? I'm pretty sure you did not. Some random pictures of what it used to be below, the 10% of the time when you actually hit the target.




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  20. Liewec123

    i keep seeing "how to fix pounder/falcon" threads popping up, your player base is trying to think of ways to bring these 2 weapons back from the abyss, why are you determined to bury them SoE?

    that being said i'm glad your back from your 5 month vacation and noticed that we've written "one or two posts over the months" about striker missiles flying through terrain, sorry for pulling your attention from whatever it is you actually do.
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