PTS Update 7-10-15

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by BBurness, Jul 10, 2015.

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  1. BBurness Developer

    • Small arms do less damage to Valkyries
    • Valkyrie bottom armor increased to 75%
    • Beacon spawning range increased to 1000 meters
    • Spawn beacons can be spawned at regardless of range if they are in the region with the majority of your squad
    Burst Weapons (Carbine & Assault rifles)
    • Increased hipfire COF by 0.5
    Sunderer Cloak Module
    • Added SCM model
    Coming Soon (Not on PTS yet)
    • Increased damage to ground vehicles
    • Increased initial speed from 50 to 60
    • Increased max projectile speed from 180 to 220
    • Increased projectile acceleration from 0.75 to 1.25
    • Vehicle stealth no longer prevents rockets from seeking
    • Up x 6
  2. MaDiv

    I like dis so far
  3. Moukassin

    Very good to buff the beacons again! They became incredibly frustrating to use! Also please make leading easier and more rewarding. The nanite count of the squad members would be a must!
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  4. XhYde

    About Striker:
    Velocity buff is perfect, but I don't support the damage buff.
    Because a dmg buff w/o accuracy buff means OP at close range and still USELESS at medium to long range.

    My suggestions:
    1. Add heat-seeking feature against ground vehicle, and set ground vehicle seeking range to ONLY 6m.

    2. Remove CoF.
    Lancer and Phoenix are both VERY POWERFUL against MAXes far away, Striker need a buff on ANTI-MAX to match its competitors.
    Besides, keep dropping 6 rockets close to a moving vehicle far away is already a hard mission, CoF even makes it from "hard" to "IMPOSSIBLE".

    3. If all the above are accomplished, nerf RoF from 150rpm to 120rpm.
    We call this tactical REBALANCE. Higher performance deserves higher risk.
    Higher accuracy w/ lower DPS and longer exposure time, fair to both sides.
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  5. TerminalT6

    Is this a preemptive nerf leading up to a buff or am I reading this wrong?
  6. xMaxdamage

    This. Comeon guys, TR needs to be on par with other empires when talking about medium/long range AV. I'm tired of having to wait that an enemy sunderer is inside my base to be able to damage it, while I can shoot it from the Moon with My lancer/vortexes/raven alts.
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    Instead of an increase in damage against ground vehicles, please consider adding seeking against them instead. The current idea will make it even more powerful in CQB, but only slightly less useless at range. Effectiveness against ground vehicles should be in effective range, not close-range berserk damage.

    Or just make it LASER guided, as dozens of people have suggested. Anyways, I'm looking forward to giving live feedback soon.
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  8. HadesR

    No fix for the difference in cloak effects and distortion across the settings then ... Is that something that will be addressed before it going Live ?
    As being able to see out of the bubble with zero distortion makes firing from cloaked very very easy
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  9. Huishe

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  10. Ryo313

    finally some news. looks promising ;).
    but i'd like to see more long range capability for it.
    this doen't look like it changes that much to it to make it a long range option against vehicles.
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  11. vanu123

    Maxed vehicle stealth should prevent the striker from locking. Otherwise great changes all round.
  12. vanu123

    It is called balance. They are designed for long range and are pin point accurate for that role, they shouldn't have amazing hipfire along with amazing long range capability.
  13. Shaggath

    I think you can put the same striker change on hyena.
    Coyote work because you control the esf and you can close gap at the opposite hyena is totally unuseable because you need to be close and is totally irrealist for a tail gun.

    For striker remove initial cof to have a pinpoint accuracy when we control the fire.
    More expose time but accurate a long range and spray and pray for close range.
    But it's good like thaht for me.

    We have the damage per clip we can shoot at long range we can shoot aircraft, we trade this with expose time and poor weapon against ia and xam.
    For range skilled people can make heavy damage or with 6x rocket average damage like lancer and phoenix if we loose some rocket.
  14. Shaggath

    ?? it's the actual problem a single spec can't give a free permanent protection, reduce the range yes immune no.
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  15. vanu123

    It works that way for coyotes which use the same sort of guidance system.
  16. Shaggath

    And it's why they rework that clearly too powerfull
    I 'm back from test and it's clearly better.
    I don't know the value of the damage buff but it's near 50% damage for the back of a mbt.
    You need two clip and one rocket.
  17. TerminalT6

    Yeah, except they aren't "pin point accurate" at any range. They talked about this in streams and on this forum, so I assume they're going to be giving them an edge later on, which makes me wonder why they wouldn't just release burst changes all at once, instead of little by little...
  18. Divenity

    Sorry but these striker changes will do next to nothing, we need long range AV, this does not solve that because the striker still has an absurd COF, the COF either needs to be removed or the striker needs a coyote mechanic against ground targets, and even then the striker might still need a COF reduction, at least bloom removal.

    Yeah no, there is no certline to make the phoenix and lancer 100% useless, there shouldn't be one for the striker... It can work that way against the coyote missile pods because those are available to every faction, it cannot work against the striker because there is no equivalent counter to the other two ESRLs... The Lancer is already better at AA than the striker without the stealth perk making it useless, what more do you want?
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    BTW, it's good to see it's still the old recipe in play:
    1. be dev, ask question from player community,
    2. [community explain their ideas],
    3. spit community in the face and do something completely different.
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  20. Darth Oby

    something i will say now is that when you run with the striker its clip covers about 1/2 of the screen and you cant see much. Maybe only i find this annoying? any way we can make a bit of change?
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