PTS Update - 12/11

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by ps_nicto, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. Evil Donkey

    I'm almost positive the Canis was meant to be a suppression weapon, much like the Lasher(i mean it has 40 rnds -.-. Is it over nerfed? Probably, but an smg with a 0.2xx TTK shouldn't have been implemented in the first place. Also is 0.007 seconds more to kill someone really something you should be complaining about??? The NC weapon still takes more to aim then the Canis and can still lose engagements to the Canis. It sounds like you're just jabbing at the NC.
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  2. Drsexxytime

    I don't care personally, I used it for a little while since it was new, and went right back other things, so I won't be losing much at all. I'm sure that's not what you were hoping with your smug post though lol.

    But for the others, here's how it went down:
    They were warned about the gun apparently in PTS
    They said it's fine, they'll fix it.
    It went live as is.
    People found out it was strong like in PTS, saw that lag wizard BR or whatever player killing people who couldn't see him even, and bought it.
    Now all a sudden there's a change of heart from DBG that said "hey it's OP" from all the crying that VS has a best in class weapon finally. And they ruined it.

    Now that's not shady right? They knew it's state, released it to cash in, and then "balanced" it after they met their purchase goals. Get out of here shilling that BS shifty Developer practice. You probably support Pay-2-Win loot, errr, implant boxes too.

    It is a jab, at the Gladius, and the devs. And that TTK difference, the Gladius TTK on BODY SHOTS is lower than Canis HEADSHOTS. I mean, NC has had the Cyclone for how long as the best-in-class SMG. Now they have the #1 and #2 SMGs? How is this fair and balanced again?
  3. LtBomber1

    First off: Thank you Devs for making these changes on Test Server first, and dont rush them out to live.

    My takes on some points:
    -Halberd: It was useless, the return of 1HK sounds good.

    -Magrider HESH: I dont get it... it is working in its intended role and you are taking away the 1HK splash ability? All tanks farm infantry, and it has been proven that it is possible- and with recent mobility buff even easier- to get ALL tanks in spots where the Magrider can go without Magburn. Magburn is the offset to either a damn good shield or a damn good DPS improvement. Do not add this at all!
    There are a lot of explainations why this number may be higher for VS...

    It is very good, borderline OP? Maybe. The gun itself is "meh". However, tweaks to the UA are going too far, as its a direct double nerf with far biggger minimum COF. Why not try this for UA:
    A) leave the headshot multiplier and size, but lower the damage Tier by one. 167-->143
    B) remove headshot multiplier, no COF penalty, same size bullets, add splash damage (85 in 0.5m)

    Give UA to Lasher X2!

    Where is a proposed nerf to this beast?

    -Revive implant:
    The multi revive was a really cool thing, why nerf it? It took you quite long to build up the charges, they are lost on death and you still keep dieing easy. You gave a implant slot for mostly nothing but the dusty chance to be revived after 50 XP ticks. Since the implant DIRECTLY triggers when you are dead, your 10 seconds are ticking down You can not wait for a medic (30sec+10sec) or our allies to clean thinks out. You rezz yourself, and will be killed most likly. The multi rezz was the only thing making it usefull. Anyone can still see you are going to be rezzed and easly can keep you knocked out. It should not be on MAX units, however!

    -Vehicle stealth:
    I welcome this change, as it will change the stealth or go home meta a bit. The stealth of the valk should still grant imunity to radar. As soon as a valk is spottet by an ESF, it is dead. It is meaningless if they take longer to wreck it, when you are not in a area with massive AA you are not going to get out.

    The increased TTK from CAI made Hit-and-run vehicles like Harasser and ESF far too strong the Harrasser now is tuned back, when do we see something like this for ESFs, exspecially for Aircraft vs ESF combat?
  4. Nihil

    Do they release OP items to get us to buy them?

    There's a new toy factor to keep in mind. Shiny New Thing (SNT) appears in the game. Lots of people use the SNT. Lots of people die and often to SNT. But are they dying more often than they were before? If you're still getting pwned X times per hour, the SNT might not be OP, it might be popular (for now).

    "Best in class" - We have to remember that the game doesn't have to be balanced within classes of weapons and vehicles. It would be fine for one empire to have the best AI MAX if the other empires have the best whatever else to make the empires balanced as a whole.

    There are no common pool fighters so we don't need to specify Empire Specific. We can call them what we call them in the real world: fighters. Or call the fighters by name. We don't say "nation specific fighters", we say F-22 or Flanker.
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  5. Razeel

    Remove gladius completely make cheatarnis lovers happy again
  6. AlcyoneSerene

    Live testing of Canis without unstable ammo felt underpowered and offered nothing to survive close quarters combat against competitive SMGs, notably Gladius, including other fast firing & more accurate ranged weapons. The downsides of bloom completely override any benefits from spinning up the weapon, leaving it at a very low 500 RoF for tap-firing to get accuracy.

    With unstable ammo (200 certs and initial CoF penalty) it felt very overpowered, requiring so little aim at the general upper torso area for headshots to land very easily.

    Projectile hitbox modification doesn't fit as some area-suppression weapon (ex. Lasher) since SMGs are for CQC only, is not rewarding skilled play, and not fun to use or to have to fight against.

    As an alternative to unstable ammo addon, perhaps allow the weapon itself to be competitive against other SMGs (particularly the Gladius that's excessively outstanding) by tuning the base RoF, RoF spin-up time, and bloom penalty with the spin-up to have the unique trait of a very slight disadvantage vs other SMGs when it starts to fire but a very slight advantage if the target is tracked while the SMG is spun-up, keeping it balanced and in line.

    Unstable ammo addon could then modify those 3 elements in some way, keeping it balanced by highlighting one aspect such as even faster spin-up for hip-firing at the cost of worse bloom.

    Off Topic but worth quoting since it degrades PS2 gameplay as a whole on top of network limitations of very large battles and ping differences between players:
  7. LtBomber1

    How about only every 3rd round is unstable ammo?, so you fire 2 regular ones, the 3rd has increased hitbox?