Sorry, incase this is on the wrong thread. I cannot find the way to migrate my account. My launcher tells me to migrate my character from PSG to SOE. It says: "Starting today, we are migrating all of the ProSiebenSat.1 customers over to Sony Online Entertainment. Please click here to start the migration process. Or if you would like more information about the account migration, please click here for the FAQ." When I click on the link "Please click here to start the migration process." It doesn't do anything. It does say "This migration flow should be available to you later today. Please check back so that you can complete the process and get back in game with us!" When I can migrate my account, does it tell me on my launcher? I see other people already playing. Please help me, and thank you in advance.
If I remember correctly the eta for that page to have the actual migration process was 19:00 CET (or was it BST...?). SO keep goint to that page, it will turn into something else in few hours.
This migration flow should be available to you later today. Yes, it's scheduled 19.00 CEST. And I doubt you can "see" someone playing. Servers are down for maintenance...
You should be able to start the migration processnow so if you have issues, please submit in a support ticket.
and when is that going to be fixed i tried to migrate at 1930 cest, i can't even access my old account, my account here show nothing !!!! 18 months lost or what, btw yes i'm annoyed but what do you expect
Nothing is broken since many players were able to migrate. This sounds like an account specific issue so my best suggestion is to submit in a support ticket. We will be happy to review each and every situation to determine what's going on.