PSA-02 Diamondback - not tracking stats

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 1john, Feb 22, 2021.

  1. 1john

    I main an engineer.
    ASP took Assault rifle and started using the PSA-02 Diamondback.
    The problem is it is not tracking kills.
    On my killboard I see PSA-02 Diamondback.
    On my weapons page, this gun does not exist.
    The NS-11A does not exist either.
    Is this gun not tracking properly because I took it as ASP?
    Where are the kills for the PSA-02 Diamondback?
  2. 1john

    Does anyone have this weapon and its counting as kills on the weapons page?
    Or is it just me not tracking properly?
  3. 1john

    Or was this just a maintenance nerf to keep me off the leaderboards?
  4. Novgdea

    Isn'it the diamondback for a specific directive ?
    One of the Exceptional for the weapon bought with DBcash ?
  5. 1john

    If the PSA-02 Diamondback is just a cosmetic variant of the NS-11A, why don't I have any kills with the NS-11A?
    I could have auraxiumed this by now.
    Still showing Diamondback kills on killboard, but nothing in weapons.
  6. Novgdea

    For what i understand, diamondback kills are on the exceptionnal directive (but should count for the "carbines kills" in the infantry directives.
    For the weapons kills, you should find "empire specific" guns, and a few ns variant, but not all (there is a list below the directive)
    Kills with cosmetics variant (like gold, black, platine, ...) count for the mission system (12H to kill 60 peoples for exemple) wathever color you use, but that's the exception.
  7. JustGotSuspended

    first off it's an ar, so it'll never count as carbine kills. They should count as ar kills for the medic directive, not the assault rifles directive.