(PS4 Genudine) Liberator and Reaver Auraxium

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SunnyXtreme83, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. Cheezy Q

    LOL, not that well. I've been bored with chasing down directives and PS2 in general, so trying something new over the last couple of days. I can 1v1 okay, and I won my first 1v2 the other day, and also beat an A2A lock pilot once as well. But my biggest problem most of the time is finding decent fights where I can just take on other pilots for practice. Most of the time I'm fighting off ground locks and 25v1 TR air zergs.
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  2. SunnyXtreme83

  3. Cheezy Q

    Damn, how do you remove the chat box? Didn't know that was possible yet.
  4. SunnyXtreme83

    I was asking Devs lol
  5. Jubikus


    bragging needs less childish **** talking.
  6. Seagulkawkaw

    I can't understand what you're trying to say.
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  7. Cheezy Q

    Oh, LOL. Didn't catch that's what you meant.
  8. ExiledGirl

    Im just going by what the top esf pilots have said to me about you and Ive seen you fly. Anyway I fly on an alt on NC and I'm slightly above average.

    Not sure what the rest of your comment means.

    But congrats on araxiums.
  9. BedCat

    Maybe it can take you too long to understand auraxium doesn't mean anything, NattyIce has no ESF auraxiums, I flew without auraxium for months on all ESFS, Vulture doesn't have more than 1 auraxium, all of these mentioned and others can use a default ESF to take you out in no time, all of these know each other, all are great pilots and all fight each other in duels and understand the air game just as much as each other....and then..... there's you talking about elitism and that "I think I'm the only one that knows everything".

    You talk about shooting me down, I would agree with any pilot, even the most horrible, if I knew it happened, and obviously the odds are never a perfect 1v1 setup in a live situation, so you got to take in consideration I was dealing with probably not only your "amazing skills" but also Alockers, multiples and so on, anyway I get you're trying to feel special for partially damaging players like us ingame but honestly, feel free to post footage of you effectively shooting me down, in your fairest scenario, if you understand any of these concepts.

    I also agree, if you think you are,and or, can get good, that we should duel some time, your ideologies are funny interesting and specialy how your scale of skill works, compared to reality of course.
    I hope this is a good response for your dose of saltiness.
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Omg i am so trggered!

    Libs and reavers actually flying........

  11. Azagar_

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  12. Cyrax Servius


    Well done...
  13. SunnyXtreme83

    quote="Azagar_, post: 3377099, member: 213840"][IMG]
    Padding League[/quote]


    U mad brah...chill while u see this pic of urs wish I had caped more.thats a pad named Azagar right there. thought u were different but naa...it was U who tried to cease fire with me remember....????
    I motivate newer players, not like u senior people messaging me to pad hornets. Hilarious.
    still getting better, ill come to the forums back when I start taking u "sky knights" regularly. Till then GG
  14. Dirge


    U mad brah...chill while u see this pic of urs wish I had caped more.thats a pad named Azagar right there. thought u were different but naa...it was U who tried to cease fire with me remember....????
    I motivate newer players, not like u senior people messaging me to pad hornets. Hilarious.
    still getting better, ill come to the forums back when I start taking u "sky knights" regularly. Till then GG[/quote]

    Well that's an odd glitch.

    You're delusional.

    I'm just going to talk nonstop zhit from now on.

    You can't even do 20% damage to me in 1v1, your fanboi zhitfit is horrible and got beat in 3v1 against me, you have to pad the ESF araux because apparently farming hornet kills is too hard for you.
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  15. SunnyXtreme83

    Well that's an odd glitch.

    You're delusional.

    I'm just going to talk nonstop zhit from now on.

    You can't even do 20% damage to me in 1v1, your fanboi zhitfit is horrible and got beat in 3v1 against me, you have to pad the ESF araux because apparently farming hornet kills is too hard for you.[/quote]

    Lol that was cute, that cap is from saved video. Also horents are auraxed already boy. Like I said earlier im done with u and will u pls **** my post. Thank u
  16. Dirge

    Wah wah wah. Cry more.

    You are a pilot who ground farms with a 1 k/d. I mean lol you can't talk any sort of zhit.
  17. BedCat

    Juan V Juan boii.
  18. LordSippyycup

    But.... shooting infantry with the air hammer is fun