PS4: Experienced Baller lookin for outfit that isn't cluttered with new people

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by DoucheSlayer, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. DoucheSlayer

    Every time I make a prowler I lose tank fights I randomly get myself into because the gunner is afk or shooting at an infiltrator or just runs away.
    Every time I make a max I need to take auto repair because nobody in a 96+ vs 96+ will repair
    Everytime I play Light Assault I HAVE FUN. SOLO DRIFTER JETS FTW
    anyways rank fiddy five looking for an outfit with not new players or new players willing to listen (not a god at tanks but the generals can be taught)
  2. Pattyfathead1

    Connery is a PC server just a heads up.