This video outlines 2 bugs that are months and months even years and years old. First is the mentor ribbon which you cannot get for leadership directive. It does not work for me and hasn’t worked ever since the dawn of time. I remember trying to do this directive 2 years ago. It is because of asp. You get asp and can’t get directive ribbons done towards mentorship. ( below level 30) for the directive. There is loads of people who run squads everyday but can’t get the NSO helmet. Unfortunate really. Needs a bug report and a fix. We tested this multi times and it just doesn’t work if you have asp. Please fix. Please please please. Second bug is the “ camo bug” When you have a vehicle slot with black camo equipped you CANNOT equip it to the same slot as your character on enginner. This bug has been around awhile but needs fixing. Some can’t equip certain camos to ESF or Sundy because they have it on enginner. Confused new players with cell camo who can’t equip it. And annoying as a black camo user because I can’t use it on half my Sundy slots. Please look into these. Thanks Edit I know this is PS4 and a big sigh in the office but please take a look. Ask around. Speak to a few PS4 devs if there is any left and let’s get this show rolling.
Please don’t ignor this post. If you could give us some feedback it would be appreciated. We always get ignored and bugs take years to fix. But these bugs are well past their done date and need fixing.
Greetings, this has been reported to the team. Although I don't have an ETA on further updates, I can let you know here as soon as I hear any movement on this. Thanks!
Thankyou. Although I feel this will be left for another 2 years plus with no feedback. Anyways thanks for getting in touch. Much appreciated man. Have a good day.