We're all waiting for this to happen. What is the hold up? I've noticed it's been getting occasional GM support. Are you guys getting ready for the transition?
I went back and got turned off by the graphics and then realized how much slower the TTK was. Didn't last 30 minutes.
Ready to go back whenever it goes F2P. If it had like... even 100 more people playing it, id just pay the 15$ to sub again really. Havent heard any more news about when its supposed to go F2P though.
Agreed. There's way more depth and actual tactics in PS1. My sub is still active but no one is ever on. Which sucks. I hope Free to Play brings some vets back. Despite being 10 years old, it's still a far better game than PS2. And if anyone brings up graphics, I'm going to flip.
well if it goes f2p i will instant leave ps2.. ps2 looks betterr but thats it... it is just teamdeathmatch with tanks not more. so please Soe do something good make it free to play
Because I'm sure that's going to make them want to make it F2P. They're pouring their cash into this project and you'll leave to their old project if they make it free for you to play. I know I'd jump all over that if I was a developer.
We don't know how they plan to implement it. It could be a system similar to the old Planetside Reserves, which it was free to play...to a certain level that you couldn't advance beyond. And then allow Planetside 2 subscribers to have full access to Planetside 1. Great way for everyone to try/play it. And for SOE to get you into both PS1 and PS2 with one subscription. It would be a win-win scenario. The main reason I hope it happens, is that I hope new Planetside players can play it and see all the great features in PS1 and maybe have more of them implemented into PS2.
Free to play suggests a micro-cash model like we have in PS2. Both games are owned by SOE and have the potential to make money. I don't understand why you think they cannot coexist.
How exactly would this move to f2p make them any money? Wanna buy dem seven dollar weapons and five dollar camos in that game too?
You think they're just going to up and make their game free without any cash model? This is SOE we are talking about. If they were going to do that they would have done it already. Transitioning it to a free to play model with a cash shop takes development time. Believe me. I would rather them switch on reserves and and force a 5 dollar subscription past a certain battle rank but if the only way I can play PS1 is with 7 dollar weapons, xp boosts and camo then so be it. It won't be any worse than how PS2 is now.
I agree as soon as ps1 goes F2P, ill move back there. even if they microtrans us like they do in ps2, ill still play. why? its the superior game. I don't care about pretty graphics, I care about core mechanics. ps1 is superior to ps2 in every conceivable way
I don't see it happening, because there's way too much money to be made with this one. Frankly, I'm surprised they haven't shut it down; they shut SWG down, and that had way, way more people playing.
I think it was a combination of decreasing pops and their licensing agreement was about to run out so they didn't see any sense in renewing it.
It's a shame, but LA should never have given a licence to SOE in the first place. They butchered such a good game.
You asked what's the holdup, well, there might be your answer. I'm not sure a cash shop would even be enough to finance the game, it being so old and crummy. They would need to keep coming up with new content all the time to maintain the cash flow, whereas with subscription fees they can just leave the game running as is. I don't think they're going to put so much work into an ancient game that a handful of people play for nostalgic reasons.