Well, no - read the OP he wants them changed to be C4 or removed. So, you want them to not sink into the floors? OK, that's fine - we can agree, isn't that nice? I don't want them to sink either, particularly as I think they probably lose some of their effective blast when they do. So, we agree that no change is needed bar stopping the nasty sinking that sometimes happens.
Had a TR infiltrator walk through 2 of my mines and promptly roast me with his pistol while defending the point in a tower. Cert flak armor or quit whining. Working as intended. On a side note, thank you for being one of those people who falls for the mine on the control point trick over and over again!
Man. I leave you guys presents in front of the terminals right before you cap a base, and now you want to nerf them. You're definitely getting coal in your stocking this Christmas. And to the guy who called them a crutch...yep. I've got a lifetime 0.54 k/d. My #2 weapon I get kills with are Bouncing Betties. I'm a bad and I freely admit it. And I'm not the least damn bit repentant about my love of all things asplodey, because if I can't stop you from taking a base, I'm going to at least piss one of you off after you cap it. This game is not the exclusive refuge of the l33t. I'll fight you as hard as I can and then flip you two big guns up on the way out. (Now I wish I could paint little upraised middle fingers on my Betties.) I also find it ironic that the same people who are screaming about nerfing AT and AP mines are the same ones who go "wah wah wah pull more AA noob" when we complain about mass Liberator spam. You don't like mines? Wah wah wah pull more NV scopes noob. BTW, the TR got screwed in the mine department. The NC Betty really is very hard to see on most metal interior floors, I'll grant you that. The Claymore stands out like a big red sore thumb, and the fact it's directional makes it less effective.
They think its bad now, they should of seen PS1 when we could lay out 20 mines at once that detonated on all infantry, aircraft and vehicles without the need for different types. I recall when our platoon would "prep" an empty base before hacking it (to slow the defenders that came to stop you) and when you'd look at the map the entire base was covered with them, all the ground area, base walls, catwalks, area outside the walls, you couldn't step anywhere without hitting one, not to mention boomers (C4) on every entrance and yet they think its bad now that there are a few mines laying round in doorways.
Flak armor. There, the mine won't do **** to you now. And to your answer on #1 and #2: you expect the opponent to be much much worse than you, because objectively, the HA rips the Engineer to shreds - more hp and more damage output. And your answer to #3: no, movement doesn't counter that. Flak armor and paying attention does. And paying attention is what counters all the 3 things I mentioned, funny that it does the same thing for mines.
Proximity mines need to be either be 1) More visible 2) Not 1 shot kills or 3) Have a time/distance limit (IE they should only be applicable for an engagement that the player is actively in). My #1 choice woud be visibility, especially as they are currently bugged in this regard. Typically I have a begrudged respect for someone who kills me, but almost never with prox mines.
No, just make the models the same. The TR claymores are pretty easy to spot, with the red lasers on the side, but it seems that the bouncing betty and the prox mines just merge completely with the floor. And if people want to keep their faction unique look, make them equally visible.
Mines are fine, I spread them out all the time; often I'll see the major hit indicator. Maybe 1/2 kill the target, 1/3 I see an assist fly up, the rest the target absorbed the damage and left. As others have posted, if you want to ignore them for the most part get Flak Armor, otherwise INVR is the way to preclear.
And what will you give me (Engineer) in return? You nerf my biggest weapon... I want something you hold dearly in return. Nothing comes without a price. Candidly- the only people this really hurts are those running around alone. I imagine it's quite frustrating to get killed and realize you will have to run back from an adjoining hex because there's nobody to rez you and no Sunder nearby to deploy too. You wander around alone... you take your chances. Man up. Try joining a squad and moving as a group. It'll still be annoying but it won't be the game breaker you make it out to be.
Mines were clear as day to see in PS1, you just need to pay attention. Placing them in unusual locations is what made them difficult to see, such as above the door inside a base or on the wall, I did this for years on my combat engineer in PS1. Tank mines/turrets were tricky to conceal even if you cloaked them because most people had the darklight vision implant which revealed them.
There is a couple places its a cheap kill, but all sides can do it. It used to be 1 at the teleporters in towers, now it's 2-3. Max flak armor be dammed if your surviving that. Congrats on spending 300 resources to kill me, I'll be back in a moment.
On the one hand mines are about the only thing defenders have going for them. On the other hand... they're kinda lame. With how large maps are no one is going to take the time to minesweep every corner. And the damage of mines makes some of the suit certs direct upgrades. A couple points in flak and you can survive them or nanoweave 4 or higher and you can survive one.
I use them a lot. FUN FUN FUN! Especially when someone takes out one and thinks, yeah.....they ain't gonna get me , I too smarts 4 dem, walks up to the gen BOOM! I can sense teh rage in you Luke.... Comes back to redeem pride and win......BOOM! Mwah ha haha!!! Whaaaa Vanu are OP.
Before I blindly rush into a generator, SCU I take a quick look on the INVR. Denied XP and explosive kill XP for me.
Just talked to a Medic friend, and she asked that Hell no these should Not be removed. She loves sending you blind zerglings in first then rezing you. So.. For Medics everywhere, please don't nerf these and take away their XP.
I find that hard to believe since they are perfectly obvious to all NC; it's just TR and VS that are having trouble... and for that matter I have never seen a claymore... but I've been killed by them... and as an Engineer...I know where to look. Until someone mentioned a 'red laser'... I thought theirs were just like ours... (NC does not have red laser... BB looks like a grey Frisbee) Let's go further... I don't think LA should be able to fly without making their thrusters a lot more visible. Make it 10x more visible on the map when you use it... thrusters means fire and light right? You should light up everything below and around when you use them... how would that work out for you? Paint a nice big target on your location every time you use your thruster pack... sounds on par with making explosives visible enough that anyone can see them flawlessly. Tanks that are in use... emit smoke... I think LA thruster packs should glow for 10s or so after use as well... metal gets hot and takes time to cool-off. So you will be visible to anyone looking in your direction when you use them and for at least 10s afterwards. If we got the Devs to make those changes... would you still be hip to play LA... it is your primary class at the moment... That's about how I feel about your argument against explosives...