Hey all, I'm a bit new to the TR as my main has been VS for quite some time. I tended to stick to the air in VS as I absolutely LOVE flying. But then after a bit, I've decided to move on and play TR. Now My main thing I have issue with is the enemy ground. Especially the Zergs that often occur from the VS on Emerald. So I decided since I was a pilot in VS, to be a driver of a prowler in the TR. However, I know little to nothing of how to use this machine properly so i need help. Keep in mind since I just started, I will get at the very least about 2000 certs to start with when i hit level 15. Probably more. SO. Load-outs? Best guns? How to use it efficiently? Give me the details please!
-AP (naturally) - zoom/thermal depending your preference. Reload is quite important since ROF is your highest strength. HE is sometimes deadly, if you have good AV cover, but highly situational -Vulcan for close range assault. Halberd for all rounder. Gatekeeper for AV artillery. Walker works well too if you're soloing. -Side armor works well for beginners (cheap & useful with this new AV harasser fotm) Consider getting stealth later with more certs. Nanorepair works also well if you're playing artillery and relocating regularly. I've met some people with radar which is quite nice while anchored but careful to sensor shields. -FSS for beginners or assault prowlers until anchor lvl3 or 4 if you prefer artillery (anchor < lvl3 don't dive enough advantage to worth being immobile). -Racer for flanking or assault Rival chassis for artillery setup Assault: Use your speed to come into an unexpected angle or from cover and use your high DPS combined to Vulcan to shred opponents. Take care to infantries and shielded vanguards. Can be rewarding, but highly risky, especially with new AV secondaries. Artillery: Goes into a hill and tries to snipe at long range. Unanchor and get cover quickly when damages (exposure mainly depends of opposition) Flanking tank hunter Works better with stealth and a small flanking session (prowler top speed helps for that); snipe them rear from long range while they're busy attacking something else and trap them between 2 sides. tips: -Remember that prowler main strength is its firepower, but is the MBT with the worst survivability (standard armor, no shield, no strafe or dodge ability) Always attack first or try to disengage it it isn't the case.* -Very deadly to gals and libs while anchored on ridge. worse against esfs, but still a good deterrent. -Stay far from infantry while anchored and be very careful to your environment/surroundings. If you spot an infantry close to you tank and miss it; you're dead since unanchor takes some time. I've 4 loadouts: Long range tank hunter with AP- Halberd or GK (depending range i expect fighting) -Stealth (my main loadout) Large scale tanks battle: same loadout with side armor Solo support tank: HE - walker - nanorep - anchor Dirty risky loadout: HE - marauder - stealth - anchor
What's your opinion on the Gatekeeper? Its mainly anti-vehicle and shoots in a straight line. I tried it in the training grounds and its got a ton of ammo when upgraded. Kinda like a range sniper rifle also, what about AI? I was actually just in a battle where a Prowler could overlook this tall hilly area that had enemies CRAWLING everywhere on it like ants. You suggested the stock HEAT but what about the AI main gun? Is it worth it at all?
At the cost of 550 certs, the Gatekeeper is fantastic at what it does - hitting long ranged armor. However, it's general pitfall is in raw DPS and infantry killing power. You might leave yourself vulnerable to cqc ambushes from the other two factions, so you will need to be relying upon the primary gunner to do their job effectively. Generally, If you're running with support, I always run with AP/Marauder with Nanite Auto Repair, Anchor, and Rival Combat Chassis. AP will deal handily with vehicles while the Marauder can suppress enemy positions and keep those pesky C4 fairies away from you. If you're running without support, I generally run AP, but with the second gun you have the choice of a halberd or gatekeeper. The halberd fares better against infantry while sacrificing DPS against vehicles, while the gatekeeper is highly specialised against vehicles, but lacks infantry killing power. You may want to consider certing in this order (generally, but you can change it up based on what you want to accomplish): 1. Anchored mode (up to about lvl 2/3 first, and you can max it later when you're swimming in certs) 2. A reliable secondary gun 3. P2-120AP Cannon (you might wonder why this isn't 1st. The HEAT cannon is pretty effective and a secondary gun with the combination of anchored mode will make up for any AV shortcomings that the default cannon has) Also, since you're new to prowler tanking, here are a few tips: - Stay away from HE cannons. They're not worth your time. - I wouldn't bother too much with the chassis just yet. Racer is quite popular though, at least on Connery TR. - Run with support. Your first few hours in a TR Prowler will mostly be supporting pushes with the main zerg. After you get certed up, then you can get ballsy. - Anchored mode is your friend. However, be sure to respect it as much as you abuse it. You're rooted to the same position until you mobilize, so make sure that position is relative safe and not exposed to multiple threats/angles. - Try to remember that the MBT isn't a brawler tank (that award goes to the vanguard). The Prowler performs best at range where it can safely pick off enemy targets.
The GK works especially great at long range thanks to close to no drop and high velocity at the price of lower DPS than halberd. It's mostly depending of what kind of range you expect. and yes, fews ammos upgrades are required on it to keep it working without searching ammos towers, especially if anchored, the main gun will be empty first most of time. About AI,can't tell more since i didn't gunned anything else than AP since GU velocity changes (all shells have the same velocity now). i would say: AP still decent thanks to double barrel. HEAT: good if you don't have accurate aim and want to fight vehicles and infantry altogather. HE: great to kill packed infantry or if you have a very bad aim. Overall prowler have a strong SPH and deals considerable damage (best KPH, VKPH) but stay alive shorter due to no special defensive systems and even put itself vulnerable while lockdown (outclassed by magrider in KPU and VKPU). Keep in mind you're driving a nanite glass cannon.
Anchor mode, Nanite Auto repair or stealth, and Racer. AP Gate keeper or Vulcan... All else to situational.
I use AP with 2x zoom and r4 reload, full rank lockdown, full rank autorepair, and max racer. I use the ranger as my secondary for soloing, and i keep it pointed behind me and up a little, so i can take care of any surprise air attacks. (for the prowler, you want to get the ammo rank on the cannon as high as you can because it goes quick) I would rank up lockdown to r3 then get ap cannon, and get the reload as high as possible