Right I came up with these ideas ages ago and there once again become relevant due to some discussions I've been seeing popping up. Here's 3 new weapon ideas with lore to back them up starting with the NC: Auraxis Industries Riveter Modified: AI Riveter M The unmodified version of this 'weapon' was fitted to the civilian/industrial MAX suits that were used in the first uprisings against Terran Security forces (The Police of the TR) These modern tools used gauss technology to stamp three super heated rivets through 2 inches of solid steel on a daily basis, when turned against their oppressors they proved more then a match for the Stab Vests and outdated Bullet proof vests of the Terran Security. They were quickly superseded with jury rigged shotguns after the TR Military stepped in to quell the 'minor' unrest's in the industrial complexes of Auraxis. Fast Forward to now the new Modified Riveter has been released for general combat. It functions thus: Three Round burst with bright tracers for the MAX using them. 30 round clip, 120 in reserve. High projectile Velocity, can easily hit targets out to 50m. CoF increases quickly but isn't too extreme. VS Corona During the development of plasma weaponry there were a few failures, the primary obstacle was projectile containment. One train of thought was providing a high electrical charge to clear a path for the projectile in flight so it wouldn't destabilise. This idea never worked and eventually a solution was found elsewhere, but the project's Praetor noted the high fatality rate of the staff using the prototype warranted additional investigation. Thus after a extended period of additional research (and many more lives sacrificed on the alter of science) the Corona was released for general use. It functions thus: A large high damage cone of plasma and lightning in a short fixed range in-front of the VS MAX 8 round clip, 32 in reserve. Damage affects any enemy in the field but doesn't spread beyond it. TR EW Scourge The Scourge was originally a extremely high rate of fire fixed emplacement weapon. The Scourge however had notable flaws in the fact that the weapon would jam if used for extended firing, the lead to the weapon being archived by Earth Terran Republic. Skip forward to auraxis conflict the TR Brass authorised the Scourge to be de-mothballed and modified for MAX suits. To do this the weapon was limited to a 10 round burst fire mode with a forced reset time to prevent jamming. It functions thus: 10-round fixed burst fire with surprisingly controllable recoil. 60 round clip, 240 in reserve. Accuracy similar to other TR MAX weapons. And that's it. Leave your feedback below!
I do like them. But speaking of the Corona, will it be an accurate shotgun that reloads somewhat quicker than NC Shotguns? Or will it be a NC shotgun with shorter range?
It's More like a NC Shotgun with a shorter range but no damage spread and penetrating bullets. Basically anything in the cone takes a set amount of damage and anything outside of it takes nothing.
OKAY Love 'em now that I have confirmation. Good ideas! However, on to more important matters: How will they be modeled? Magically inserted on a MAX's arm? Or shall they be massive guns that the MAX holds? Because that would be epic
For The VS ones it would be similar to the standard crab claw design of other VS AI weapons but with the top curved bit removed giving them a exposed incomplete look. The TR would have a fist of barrels design were the gun would basically be wrapped around the fist and lower arm of the max with ammo feeds leading to each barrel around the arm. The NC Riveter would have a big trigger mechanism in the hand of the MAX with a large rotating tri-barrel mounted on the arm coming out to a similar distance to the burster's.
umm... recoil is why they are inaccurate..... soo... what is it really supposed to be? a mini burst chain gun?
I meant the CoF and bloom stats would be the same, There pretty much shotguns that aren't quite shotgun's. But these are just general idea stats not set in stone
Sound more like futuristic guns than Planetside... OH. Man, I'd like to see the shotgun claw! It'd be hilarious, seeing the NC's faces when they behold the thing
And then the Panic of the VS when for the first time ever the NC MAX is hitting them from outside there range. The Corona Ironically works really well with ZOE on paper.
I hope so. If ZOE could make ONE weapon useful, then it doesn't really need that ENORMOUS of a buff. It still needs one, just not as much as everyone dictates.
Lore? As in ZOE, or shotguns? Because ZOE does go with the PS1 Vanu mobility trait, but not here. I'd rather have it increase accuracy and slightly speed than damage and massive speed. If it's shotguns you speak of, then it's justified, as EVERYONE uses shotguns. Just make the shotguns accurate, give them a frozen fish/crab-like model, and you can call it Vanu
Very well written. If the TR version can be used at longer ranges than the current AI guns, I want one. Trading automatic fire for burst fire in exchange for long range accuracy would be very nice. I still claim that the best way to stop MAX AV weapons being used to farm infnatry is to give them a long range AI weapon. The reason AV weapons are used against infantry is because they're the only guns that are accurate enough to kill at a distance.
Well it's going to be firing a pretty consistent circle each time it fires, the gun fires a ring of 10 barrels in quick succession. So fas it will sound like a rip cord being played over a PA system.
Now that all of the MAX weapons have had a SFX and visual overhaul I would really love to see these puppies rendered out by Daybreak's artists.