PROJECT CHIMERA / 1vX / Infiltrators Only

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Devaldus, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Devaldus

    Group of elite Infiltrator players specialized in recon, diversion, basecap denial and map manipulation. Play in groups of 3 within a massive platoon to ensure VS victory in alerts and continent lockdowns by supporting the bulk of our main forces using strategically placed, diversive & fast paced attacks on 12-24 bases; disrupt enemy frontlines & ghostcap unassuming bases. #1vX
    Recruitment now officially OPEN:
    - BR 40+.
    - Infiltrator one-trick.
    - Mastery.
    - Loyalty.
    - Ability to function effectively within a group or solo play.
    - Ability to 1vX and to feel comfortable while outnumbered.
    "Infiltration is the art of killing without fighting."
  2. Devaldus

    Find Outfit in the outfit browser in game and send your application.

    Happy hunting.