I think its time to review some of the XP gains and even out the differences for Combat vs Support and Vehicle crews, as some limitations and values are simply plain unfair. Combat vs Support Both combat and support can give good XP, in theory. In practice some support task give way more then others and some suffer from unnecessary caps, others from bugs, while combat XP is working well overall. Healing and Reviving work very well as a source of XP, there is no cap and the only limit here are teamkills. Especially in bigger fights players can make huge amounts of XP. This yields to an interesting problem, since it only works well in big fights it cna happen that there are no medics in small fights but alot medics in larger fights in realation to the population of the area. Its also an issue that medics will more likely revive then heal since a revive takes not much time in compare to the XP that is given. The Shield Dome XP seems a bit "ugly" it offers alot of XP since splash is common in bigger fights it offers a big xp income, and it seems a bit to high in my opinion. Repair seems a bit broken to me. The XP gains are low (especially if compared to the medic tasks) but is also prone to bugs, since Squad Repair is only granted to vehicles with a squad member inside, not to vehicles with that are owned by a squad member. Anotehr issue here is that all vehicles give equal amounts of XP, yet a deployed AMS would be way more important then a tank and thus should give more XP. Ammo Resupply is one of the biggest issues in the game. It has a hard cap wich does not allow to get further XP or ribbons for resupplying. In bigger fights the Ammo Resupply caps very fast resulting in a big penalty as it happens on a regular basis that packs dont give XP ~80% of the time. If you come to a fighting squad as first eEgineer/Ammo Sunderer you even get further penelized as you dont get XP for fully refilling them (cap hitted). Ammo Sunderers can easily hit the cap with only one refilled vehicle, making it less worthy to even considering getting one, youc an rarely see them in bigegr fights. The Cap should either be removed or dynamicaly increased based on the number of players in the area. Recon (kill assist XP for enemys you reconned with darts and scout radar) seems to be not realy working overall. In some cases it gives a steady XP flow, in otehr cases you rarely get any XP even if alot of players you detected get killed. Vehicle Crew XP The Vehicle Crew XP is another highly unfair element of the game. The current rules are the following. - If something gets killed, the kilelr recive 100% XP, the driver gets 7%% and every gunner gets 50%, passangers recive only very small XP, rumble seats count as passanger seats (even if they can fight). - If something gets assisted the driver and the gunner recieve 25 XP flat, passangers get nothing. Not the unfair part here is the following: - Vehicles with dedicated drivers (Sunderer, Galaxy, Harasser and Valkyrie) end up with way less XP for the driver compared to the gunner. They are unable to do assists and thus will allways have less XP gain, sicne they get only 75%. - the 50% kill xp share for gunners i s also very unfair. On vehicles with specialized Equipment (Liberators, Sunderer etc) you can end up with one guner geting way more XP because the situation is in his favor. - Rumble Seats are passanger seats, the issue here is that players in rumbe seats cna actively help fighting but dont recieve enought credit for there participation in the vehicle team (why should someone jump into a Valkyry rumble seat to fight in air combat if he doesnt get much?) - 25 XP flatt for assists is a pain, especially for vehicles with dedicated drivers as they recive practicaly nothing for there work. What i think should be done: - make Rumbe Seats into Gunner Seats, players in Rumble Seats can fight and thus they are Gunners, not passangers - change the kill xp to be shared by 100% between driver and all gunners so everyone gets the same amount of XP for kills no matter what position they have taken inside the vehicle, they work together as a team and thus should be treated like that - change the assist xp to share the full value between driver and all gunners, this would help dedicated drivers alot and is also a more team oriented approach. The changes that i would like to see for crew XP will lead to more overall XP gain for some players, but they would also reward teamplay much better. Vehicle Crews are teams working together and they should be treated equally, no matter what they do inside the vehicle and there is no reason to penalize players for having a position inside a vehicle that is currently not favored by the battle flow (and it also sucks if you drive a Harasser and get no XP because your gunner got only assists).