Problems with the resource system

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zu2, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. zu2

    There are some problems with the current resource system with regards to consumables that I would like to see corrected or altered.

    1) If I am in a Max suit and I want to remain in a max suit, but obtain consumables for another class, I cannot do that.

    2) The auto-supply feature is all or nothing. Quite often I only want to get one or two claymores or tank mines, not all three or five since I want to pull a vehicle. The current system does not allow me to do that.

    3) The auto-supply feature does not work properly. Quite often I click on the auto-supply for a class slot, say engie one, and it does not auto-supply. Even worse, I click OFF auto-supply so I can pull a vehicle, but it still supplies, thus delaying when I can pull a vehicle. This is also inconsistent. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    Solution: give us a limited inventory system, say, five consumable items total in each category. This way we can leave auto-supply off but still add items one by one to our inventory no matter what class we are currently occupying.
  2. FateJH

    If you are in a MAX suit, you should not be worrying about the other classes. It was by intention that you pay-on-use without violating the numeric allowances of your maximum carrying capacity. No stockpiling, that is, with the exception that the system will not steal any consumerables you have previously allocated on a class but did not used in a previous instance. Another way of thinking about it is: if it is not in your spawned loadout, you should not be worrying about it.
    This is actually an interesting complaint similar to the multiple zoom levels issue that tank cannons used to have. May want to add this into a [Suggestion].
    I've read that people have issues with the auto-supply checkbox not always working correctly and implore you (and them) to send a support ticket to draw more attention to the matter. It's important to remember that you only resupply consumerables:
    1. if you resupply with or switch to a class loadout that has those items equipped to a slot
    2. when the auto-resupply slot checkbox is marked
    3. only if you can afford to spend the nanites at the time
      1. you will resupply as many of a consumerable as you can afford, up to your maximum allowance
    If all of these are true and you are not getting resupplied when using a Loadout Terminal, then there is a problem. Note: if you mean that trying to spawn a Vehicle causes you to resupply consumerables, whether or not you have reloaded your loadout at an Infantry Terminal and set the checkbox correctly, that is also bug as far as I am aware and should be reported.

    While there may be room for improvement, bar the auto-resupply checkbox being bugged and the potential for the Vehicle Terminal resupplying consumerables, the basics of the system above should working as it had been intended by design.