Problems with PlanetSide 2 as I see them.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. Mrasap

    Remove KDR and Death count stat
    Couple of seconds of immunity after deploy
    Scaleable XP

    Resecure XP when defending bases
    10-min and 15-min timer on small outpost and larger facilities, respectively
    More info on the map
    Redesign bases (biolabs more ways for attackers, AMP and tech plants more defensible)
    Jump pads only work for the defending team
    No-deploy zones for sunderers inside bases

    Remove HE weapons, or reduce infantry damage but keep the radius
    Reload after every zephyr shot
    Longer acquisition timers on vehicles
    Better G2A lock-on missiles
    Damage based XP instead of kill based XP
    certable EMP grenade

    Close windows on buildings and add more closed doors to buildings

    Frag grenades cost 125 and other grenades 75 or 50 resources

    More universal certifications and weapon unlocks

    Lower shield regeneration time to 7.5 secs, 5.5 when certed
    Medic revives to 100%, irrelevant of rank
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  2. MrPokealot

    Mm...This Terran. I like him.
  3. Tevv

    The fact Buzz has exploited the system in it's current form is exactly why he knows they are problems. A video game isn't some exercise in ethics where you abstain from using cheese because it "is not fair." You use every edge that the rules of the game allow you to take if you want to stay competitive. I don't understand why people think there is this mutual exclusiveness with being able to recognize a mechanic is broken and also using it while it is in the game. As far as I'm concerned it only adds validity to the claims that there are underdeveloped/poorly implemented/broken aspects of a game if the people who actively exploit them acknowledge them as being a problem. Who else would know any better?
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  4. KayGeddon

    I'm still wondering why infantry and armor have to choose their defenses(explosions vs raw HP for infantry, positional armor for ground vehicles) yet aircraft don't have to choose(flares and composite can be both be taken which eliminates all problems except an ESF shooting your butt with a rotary). Move flares into defense, they make no sense in utility for aircraft and cause a 100% decision(flares+composite on all aircraft always).
  5. DorkSided

    I agree 110% with buzzcut the bane of AT ;)

    Also don't blame the players blame the game.
  6. KayGeddon

    No, he openly puts out these things. He only killwhores between OPs. The reason he doesn't like it is he wants to be tactical all the time, but the way the game is designed forces him to lib farm to get certs to be effective.
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  7. Degenatron


    I agree with this and am in the middle of doing my own write up.

    I have read and analyzed your post. It goes from very high level to intricate details. You make a lot of good points, however, the presentation is off. I would consider this almost as a rant, however, you do provide resolution on the issues you raise. I understand this is the internet but let's clean this up and get it the much needed and clear attention it deserves. Doing a /agree isn't going to be enough. People need to actually see what you have written in a broken down way. I added my comments. Take it as you wish. I like a lot of the ideas but I also challenge some of them. There is certainly a bias for infantry on your end, which is fine. I will say I am a fan of your nightly ops and have quite a few friends that are in your outfit. They love it and you certainly deserve the 500+ people that watch nightly. It is truly something unique to watch. On that note, here we go:

    KDR and Stats
    • Death Stat
    • KDR is responsible for Killing Team Play
    • No Support Statistics being Displayed
    • Not Enough EXP given to Support Roles
    • Remove the Death Statistic
    • Change the font/color/placement of the Kill Statistics so it is 'buried'
    • Add more 'Support' Statistics to make those feel better about going those roles (go into some detail, but not in a list format)
    SWEETBRO's Comments:

    Everyone loves statistics. If a statistic is preventing "team play", then there is a bigger issue (meta-game?). Perhaps support statistics are already being tracked but not displayed. I am going to leave that one alone as we don't know what is being tracked that isn't shown.

    Encourage Fighting and Discourage Ghost Capping
    • Minimal XP for Capping a Base
    • Minimal XP for Capping Points (A, B, C, D)
    • No XP for Re-Securing a Base
    • Give more XP
    SWEETBRO's Comments:

    I didn't play PS1 and quite frankly I am tired of hearing of the "glory days". I got it, nostalgia is great to live on but you have to move on. I like the increased XP for a base that is heavily contested. The alert levels (Platoons, Squad, Orange, Red, etc.) should determine the amount of XP. If it is platoon on platoon, then everyone should get a significant boost. I like the re-secure XP. It is heartbreaking to see a base you are about to capture on it's last tick just for it to be taken back. The defenders should be properly awarded for that type of capture more so than a cap that has just started. This all goes with your longer the fight = more xp points.

    Capture Mechanics
    • Influence has too much influence on base captures
    • No Timer to determine how much time is left on a base capture
    • Base Layouts (AMP Station Towers, Amp Station Sheilds, Tech Plants too Easy to Capture, Biolabs are too easy to Defend, AMS No-Deploy Zones)
    • Reduce the amount influence has on base capture / remove it completely from the game
    • Normalize timers for all base captures
    • Prevent Enemy AMS has direct access to the AMP station
    • Add no-deploy zones for AMS
    SWEETBRO's Comments:

    I don't agree with removing influence. If a squad is taking a base that is surrounded by the enemy, then that base should capture a lot slower than one that isn't surrounded. The issues with the base layouts are heard but it isn't going to prevent people from playing the game. I consider the base changes as minor. Not all bases are equal and I like that. If the base is not powered/influenced (e.g. Biolab defenses) and it has an SCU, then there needs to be a power drain on the SCU (death ticker). In other words, the SCU will only be able to spawn, for example, 250 people from death before it is shut down (much like conquest mode in battlefield).

    • Vehicles
    • Spawning of Vehicles (Acquisition Timers) on Role
    • Zephyr and HE Cannons
    • Lack of Anti-Air for Infantry
    • Lack of EXP for those playing Air Cover Support
    • Vehicles Not Respecting Infantry
    • Increased Acquisition Timers on Vehicles
    • Increased Cost of Vehicles
    • Change HE cannons to less damage but add the 'concussion' affect from grenades to infantry (much like Bad Company 2 / BF3) or Remove HE Completely
    • Add more Anti-Air for Infantry / Improve Anti-Air for Infantry
    • Remove 6 rounds from Zephyr
    • Add EMP grenade for non-heavy classes
    SWEETBRO's Comments:

    Vehicles are always there to support infantry. Vehicles cannot cap bases. I like the change to the HE cannon which would further boost the support role of armor. Disorienting the enemy will help support your infantry and help push the objective. The counter to air is not infantry. This has been stated many times. The tools we have as infantry is just fine. You complain about the AA launchers. Yes they suck. Perhaps give infiltrators the ability to add a tracking dart on a vehicle which would increase the chances of the AA/AV launcher to hit to 100% (unless they go around environment). I don't agree with splitting support/non-support vehicles on different timers. A failed attempt at taking a base shouldn't be rewarded immediately with no timers to the ones that failed. However, one could argue that the ones defending can do the same and launch an offensive strike immediately as well. Adding an EMP grenade as a universal certification to disable vehicles. You talk about tanks but what about other vehicles? How does the EMP grenade work? Does it explode on contact? What does it do to infantry (remove the HUD)? Does it prevent an AMS from spawning people? Does it knock out a galaxy out of the sky? You speak specifically about tanks because they should "respect" infantry.

    Defensible Structures
    • Too many windows on buildings
    • Too many entrances on buildings
    • Remove windows on buildings
    • Remove entrances on buildings
    SWEETBRO's Comments:

    If there is a building full of heavies and one tank, then there is no reason that tank should still be alive. They are simply doing it wrong. EMP grenade is definitely needed for one tank against a building full of heavies with T9 CARVs. Give me a break that is the worst scenario you could of given in this post. You want to change building layouts. Perhaps we should get someone from HGTV to help decorate the inside of the buildings.

    Grenade Spam
    • Handheld Nuclear Weapons
    • Cheap to Acquire Frag Grenade
    • Expensive Unique Grenades
    • Frag Grenades to 125 Infantry Resources
    • Non-Lethal to 50 to 75
    • Remove Windows
    SWEETBRO's Comments:

    I would like to see the other grenades used and give the proper support XP (assists) on use. I think I have been hit once with the other grenades (concussion, flash) in combat. They aren't used because it is easier to kill people with a frag grenade. People on the point know the risk of being on the point. The issue is giving xp for those on the on point over the period of time to capture. Seeing 6/6 works the same way as if you were in a Zephyr. Getting 6 kills with a frag grenade is nice but that is why there is specific armor to counter that type of damage.

    • Armor from Different Classes
    • Types of Ammo for Different Classes
    • Normalize Certifications on All Classes and Vehicles
    SWEETBRO's Comments:

    I agree. There is no reason your flak armor should not work on another class. The same goes for the other items you listed, however, the restrictions should still be the same (e.g. no infiltrator should have C4).

    Combat Downtime
    • Shields on Infantry
    • Medic Revives
    • Lowered Recharge Time to 7.5 Seconds (5.5 with certification)
    • Medic Revives to 100% Health for Non-Max Units
    SWEETBRO's Comments:

    What is the percentage change for the infantry shields? Everything is percentage based. If a medic revives for 100% health, then there needs to be a longer timer to revive and/or delay for that person revived to use their weapon.

    Ok it's now time to get in my lib and find a sunderer :)
    VANU #1
    AMERICA #1
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  9. Uben Qui

    Thanks mate.
  10. pnkdth

    I found myself nodding my head all the way through.
  11. GhostSpartan

    I completely agree with what you have listed Buzz and I really hope SOE takes this thread to heart. To respond to SWEETBROS comment on PS1 "nostalgia". Referring to the "glory days" has nothing to do with it, people refer to some of the mechanics from PS1 because they worked granted not everything was good about that game but there are many things that were which SOE has completely ignored.

    Just because a base is next to another base why should it have "influence" on how fast or slow another base is capped? It simply makes no sense. The only factor that should affect how fast or slow a base is captured is the people fighting over the base.

    I also think there should be another mechanic to bases that you can destroy to remove the benefit that facility provides. I could give organized outfits another thing to do similar to gen holds in PS1. Granted this would only be useful if benefits are added that are meaningful, currently the only benefit people care about is the Tech plants.
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  12. Xuerian

    Commenting on first post only:

    While it isn't fine, you're considering vehicles in more or less a vacuum. I agree with your point that some things may be too good at their job, I don't think it's nearly to the extent you're suggesting.

    Additionally, if there is a superior force (Supported armor|infantry), you should die or have a very hard time - preventing vehicles from performing their jobs, or nerfing them because people either don't understand the counters /or/ haven't been provided with a good cheap or default option to combat them (I would suggest making the Annihilator less effective+very cheap, or providing a 100-200 cert lesser alternative for example)

    Edit: Also, just because Buzz is a pubstar doesn't necessarily mean his opinions carry any more weight than anyone else's. He's made some well thought out points, but they should stand on that merit and not "He's a cool guy do what he says"
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  13. Vindrel

    A question about KDR. Is the constant worry about KDR a cause or a symptom of the disease? The lack of anything else to do really aside from kill, kill, kill is rather frustrating. Maybe it is frustrating because I'm a terrible pilot and all I do is use C4 on sunderers. I agree with Buzz though.
  14. BeefNoodles

    I think most of the bad posts in this thread error in the opposite direction. Several people have basically said, "These are great ideas, but because buzz is saying them, and he farms infantry, let's NOT fix the game!"

    Because that is somehow logical...
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  15. Stncold

    I have to agree on a lot of this.

    I loved PS1, it's probably my second favorite all-time MMO after UO, and that's high praise considering how much I loved DaoC, SWG pre-NGE, Asheron's Call and vanilla/Burning Crusade WoW. I could play PS1 all day.

    PS2 is not a bad game at all, but I've barely touched it the past 2 weeks for a lot of the reasons Buzz listed. I'll play for like an hour or so before I get bored and go play LoL or something, then when I'm finished with whatever else I play it's hard to bring myself to log on PS2 again. I've talked to a bunch of other vets and even non-vets who share the same sentiment.
  16. Webstermeister

    I agree with Buzz here.
    When I started playing PS2 I expected a Planetside game not a Battlefield clone.
    To be honest, I'm sure SOE will pull the same bull they did during the beta, they'll spew the same nonsense, "Oh we will listen to the community, we swear", "We totally learned from SWG and Planetside.", "Your opinion is important to our corporate overlords!".
    In the end they won't do jack, they'll alienate the game from us and try to appeal to a wider audience.

    Anyway, 10/10 Buzz, I hope they listen to you, at least.
  17. SolitarioSoldat

    the biggest problem of PS2 = almost unlimited vehicle spam
  18. LOLcheshireCAT

    Not a fan of BCP personally, but I agree about 90%. Some of the stuff at the end is debatable, but the rest is gold.
  19. Balm

    Brilliant post, Buzz. The more attention this in depth analysis of the critical issues facing the game, the better.

    I felt like going into this game that I would get a month or two 'golden age', where everything was great, before SOE screwed it all up. Right now PS2 is on the path to crashing and burning as infantry oriented players burn out on getting farmed by vehicle ******. Things need to change, and your highlighted them exactly at they needed to be.

    Most importantly, in my opinion...
    I'm tired of having good, fun, challenging gun fights RUINED by vehicles.
  20. Ramaans

    I agree that the vehicles should be nerfed in power or availability.

    In my mind infantry should be afraid of armor and air, they should be fairly powerful. The biggest problem with this, like you said, is you can spam vehicles with ease. There should be more incentive to take care of your vehicle because you won't be able to spawn them forever. Even switching mossie/lightning with few cooldown certs is an indefinite loop when you are not completely reckless with them.

    I think there should be an element for the infantry that "ooh **** watch for that tank before it gets too close" but also there should be an equal respect from the tank "I'd rather have this up and running than just recklessly drive this in the middle of infantry to spawn the next vehicle". Raising the prices and/or cooldowns of vehicles considerably making them require at least 2 people to effectively handle. Right now I don't give a **** if I don't have a gunner for my prowler, it's a complete non-issue, not having one isn't a hindrance for the operation of the vehicle. I don't think they necessarily should be weaker, the could even be stronger if they just required more teamwork instead of a lone-wolf.
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