Problems with PlanetSide 2 as I see them.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. Rahuruk

    Agree on pretty much all points except the universal upgrades.

    Entirely disagree with that, if I buy an extra gun for one vehicle I do not want all the other vehicles of similar type to suddenly gain an extra gun as a bonus I did not work for. Some people enjoy getting rewarded little bits at a time, picking out new things here and there for classes/vehicles, without suddenly unlocking 10% of all vehicle cert upgrades with one purchase.

    I love streamlining certain things but I personally don't care for that particular idea.
    All other points you made were fantastic though.
  2. Chemicalmix

    Blacknight said:
    Since i joined the beta in September, the Devs have shown without a shadow of a doubt that they listen and they listen intently. They read these forums, and changes have already been made to certain parts of the game based on player feedback. There have been some fantastic ideas (and some interesting discussion points) that have been brought up by the OP and added to by others for 30 pages here.

    No doubt, the devs will take all this into account; i've worked on the beta testing of a dozen or so games, and i can guarantee you that the SoE devs are the ones who were most in-touch with the users. They continue to do be like this, and i have full faith that in the coming months, the game will be changing to meet the whims of the player base :)
  3. MetalGrave

    i sure hope they do.
  4. xWarMachine

    Thought this should be posted here... it's from another thread, but SOE be warned your time is running out to fix this game. Ball is in your court.

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  5. TopGrunt

    I am not captian shepard... But, I do approve this message!

  6. Jameow

    I definitely agree with the layouts of buildings points, there are too many entrances... windows are useful, but mostly on higher levels.

    When I first saw them I thought "Who designed these? No strategic thought was put into them at all!" Holding a building should give you a cover advantage for a fight and it should be difficult to get in and clear it out, but it's not, the defenders need to be facing six ways at once while looking out for grenades and explosives that will clear half of them out before anyone's had a chance to react... that would be strategically valid if there weren't so many entrances to cover.

    Alternatively you could add in blast doors, so people inside could close some doors and windows to focus on a particular point. Maybe make them destructable/repairable, maybe just hackable, giving strategic meaning to buildings. It also means you could essentially lock down a base if the odds are against you for a sort of siege and hopefully buy some time for reinforcements.

    I also thing that medics and engineers should get a small amount of kill assist points for healing/repairing troops for a short time, after all, they are helping kill people by keeping the people doing the killing alive, while at the same time making it more advantageous to rez people that aren't just going to die and can actually get into the fight more than rezzing someone who immediately gets killed again.

    Personally I'd like to see some extra specialisations if someoen chooses to unlock them. Why does my infiltrator have to be a sniper? Why can't I equip myself more for actual infiltrations? I LIKE hacking terminals, taking over turrets and generally causing mayhem. I'd like to see more in the way of closer combat and sabotage/hack options. The same could be said of attacking vehicles... sneak up, place an emp charge, fry it. Plant an explosive on it, that sort of thing.

    I also think engineers should be able to specialise in antivehicle combat if they choose. Maybe certs for an armor piercing turret? some sort of mortar style round or something? I know they get mines, but that's not something you do DURING the combat, you usually wouldnt get a chance.

    There are so many times when I've been a medic, infiltrator or engineer, and along come a huge army of vehicles that I can't even damage. As an infiltrator especially it means I have nothing to do, at least as a medic/engineer I can heal/repair.

    Perhaps given the maneuvrablility of light infantry, they could get an anti aircraft specialisation, perhaps a jetpack boost and weaponry focused on anti air as an option.

    Pretty much with the specialisations I'm just thinking of other ways you could even out the playing field and diversify some of the roles even more. Also because I think they could be fun.
  7. Compact

    How is that in indicator of anything, and how on earth is than an indicator that the game 'needs to be fixed'? PS2 is free. People like free stuff. People accept free stuff even if they don't want it, like it or need it. They try it, like it, don't like it, never intended to even play it BUT IT WAS FREE - easy to discard. That's the decline you see. Good for Chivalry though, issa fun game. Not worth the price though, but hey, I paid for it, gotta play it right?
  8. Snowfake

    Agree with most of the point mentioned here apart from the combat down time.

    I think another serious problem with the game right now is the size and shape of the maps. The worst fights in PS1 were always the endless three ways that lasted for days and that is what this often feels like.
    I can understand they wanted to shorten the time between fights but I miss having them big open field battles pushing the enemy back to their base. This also lend to more strategic and tactical game play an outfit would outflank the main zerg or an indivual player could use his initiative and get an AMS into a more forward position.
    These great fights have been replace with traffic jams and the camping of small worthless outputs that you have to capture. I want to capture a hill because it gives me a better firing position not because it has an (A) on it.
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  9. TimbukTurnip

    I agree with everything you've said and all the fixes, and I would probably add a few of my own. For some reason though, I feel I must say I never use vehicles, I only ever play Light Assualt.. Though I'm often killed by mossies with missles or bombed when I try to walk out of a spawn room, I always die in vehicles myself, either due to dodgy controls, terrible framerate, poor terrain or just being unlucky. I assume I would have better chances or be able to do what others can if I put some certs in my vehicles, but I don't want to have to do that, nor do I want to risk wasting such a high number of certs.
    Also, you said the only infrantry to fear at close range while in a vehicle is Heavies, but I would actually put them as the second thing to fear - the first is Light Assualts. I'm always flying over vehicles and blowing them up with C4.
    Or maybe Heavies should go third, behind Engineers with Tank Mines.
  10. Pinchy

  11. Skadi

    Hows that HA **** treating you?
  12. wabbitseason

    Bunch of ******** losers attacking the poster instead of his points. Do you have a particular objection, or are you both just ********?
  13. xWarMachine

    This is actually people playing the game. I would agree with your point, however for the first week of release on steam 30k played the game consistently. That means they tried the game, didn't enjoy it and moved on; which is essentially your point, but you fail to grasp what you said. The people en mass have tried PS2 and didn't enjoy their playing experience for whatever reason they deem.

    Furthermore, even with the holiday sales and double XP SOE has still lost 66% of its player base... Yes, that's right, 30k on steam down to 10k on steam. That's awful after almost 2 months this games should still be growing and adding new players daily.

    A large part of why players are not playing could be the reasons BUZZ has posted here or the lack of defensible bases. Either way I am disappointed that after 2 years waiting for this game it may be dying before hitting the 6 month mark.....
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  14. xWarMachine

    As a side note...

    keep on topic...

    take your bias for the person that posted away
    and discuss the content please!
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  15. Arcanum

    You can get some automatic and otherwise high RoF rifles if you want to. Dunno if you can say they're good weapons, but they're made to be usable at close and medium ranges.
  16. Jameow

    This is true, there are some, and to be honest I have some difficulty working out which weapons are good and which aren't, as there seem to be some very expensive weapons that have worse stats than the cheaper ones, or identical to the starting ones, so that means there must be OTHER advantages to using them like with their addon slots(which isn't information you can clearly see when making a purchase). But really there isn't a great deal of choice for anything other than sniper rifles.

    But that was just an example, it seems a bit odd to me that the specialty of a class named for infiltration is to keep their distance from combat where their other abilities should be used.
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  17. bigcracker

    I would love to see something posted by the devs to at least acknowledge the players concerns and ideas. I myself have stopped playing planetside for now because of many facts that buzz has talked about in his post, and I am not the only one. This game can still be great and glorious but right now I can log in and feel like I havent missed anything. I feel like i go from one camping farm spot to another, and if I feel like i am getting camped I feel like i have no way to stop or no need to try and stop it.So I ask the devs to all those that hyped this game so much and sparked our interest to keep that spark alive and make these changes to bring back what planetside should always have been about.
  18. Alex516

    And I would love if people would do some research before they complained.

    "I've read it. Good points, and ones that will be addressed with some substantial score, xp, and reward changes in the next few months" - Higby on twitter talking about Buzz's post.
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  19. Arcanum

    Well, rest assured. Pretty sure least Malorn knows about it, the rest probably know about it as well. It would be very much unlike them to ignore this. Even if they didn't already have to read the thread the fact that this is on PCGamer pretty much forces them to.

    Edit: Went afk while typing the post, didn't realize the guy above me posting that tweet. It's kinda disheartening to read that response though. Guess what he chose to focus on as if the post was exactly about that. Not a good sign to me.

    Oops. I remembered, Matt doesn't do weapon balance nor level design, does he? Ah, no worries then. Just hope they manage to see the flaws in the points and fix them, because if they do exactly what is suggested the problems will not be fixed, not completely.
  20. bigcracker

    See thats the problem I do not follow twitter, I read the official planetside 2 forums where imo it should be posted, cause as you can see i did not know about this post and I am not the only one. So to us it feels like nothing is being done about it.

    But I thank you for informing me.
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