Problem with very large outfits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zathrus, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Zathrus

    One problem I have been observing over the last couple of weeks is the effect of very large outfits on the game.

    Enclave for one has a huge population on Mattherson.
    When Enclave comes on, they take 50 to 60% of the continent population, roll the continent, hold NC and VS in their warpgates, then leave and go to the next continent.
    This is pretty boring for all involved.

    When a group the size of Enclave comes onto a server, they simply dominate the population and then choke the gameplay. Don't get me wrong, I am all for outfits and organized game play. I am the member of an outfit.
    I think it is great a group can get together and play in an organized fashion. That is what PS2 is all about.

    However, it is bad for all involved when a single group comes onto a server and takes up 50 to 60% of the population.
    There is no competition for them as most other groups are much smaller and they don't have the population available to meet such an onslaught.

    I don't think this will get much better with time either. Yes other groups will get bigger and might ease the problem, but when you look at the size of Enclave the numbers just don't work. There will never be a good fight when one faction has 60% of the population. The other two factions can muster 20% of the pop at best meaning they will fight and fall back until they are stuck in their warpgate.

    I think it would be in the best interest of good gaming to have continent population numbers from any given outfit capped.
    Perhaps groups like Enclave can do this themselves or perhaps the Devs need to put some type of continent population limiter for outfits.
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  2. Zaik

    I doubt they've devised some magical means of circumventing the 650 player per map per faction cap. If VS/NC run to other continents as soon as they show up, it's on them.

    If the Enclave is really such a threat, they should probably double team them. I don't think that they could warpgate both factions while at a 2 to 1 disadvantage.
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  3. CaptainRobust

    Find out who your local VS and NC outfits are, coordinate, and team up on them. I'm sure the Enclave would love it, and it'd be a nice bit of history book stuff.
  4. Zathrus

    yeah been trying to. cause I know they want a good fight, we just don't seem to have the numbers to give them that fight
  5. Nocturnal7x

    I was in a platoon and we held the enclave off a tech plant. They just need competition, I think they will get it.
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  6. dooder

    False, they cant take 60% of the server continent population, if so they need to be 2 factions which is impossible because each faction contains 33,33% of the continent population max.
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  7. TheEvilBlight

    Server merge...!
  8. Deathrus

    Well the Vs have several outfits the size of the enclave or close to it.

    You msut be NC or PUB.

    For the Vs side- AT,TEST and us when we have all our members on. Also Vs has big issues when moving outfits from cont to cont. It normally end up TEST and AT on one with us locked out or vice versa.

    Semms like the TR only have one outfit The enclave on mattherson.

    My division is on the fast track for 3 platoon strength (molbile infantry). so if you're Vs you're welcome to join NNG click on my link in sig for more info.
  9. dooder

    Where is the love for NC D:
  10. asuka

    zerg guilds always have a detremental effect on every mmo/mmo server they touch. both for game play and meta gaming via campaiging for game changes that suit their private interests.

    the youtuber fameball zerg guilds are even worse because as we see we get their fans posting their videos of their repackaged opinions that have been topics of discussion all over the place then the youtuber fameball presents as his original thought and is then parroted as the messiah who will save the game.

    same old story every game. same ruinous feedback, same actiosn from devs in every company, same results.

    cue the misttributed quote about insanity being doign the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    well yes ofc if you let guild rosters be 500 or larger slots you are gonna have problems. when has that ever not been the case in any game? oh it makes yoru job tougher to manage a 2000 man guild that you live off and is your actual full time job? boohoo. games weren't made for you to make a living off of bros. they were made for entertainment, and you people are the cancer that are killing that enjoyment in teh same way fameballs like kim kardashian are killing tv.
  11. Aghar30

    having smaller guild rosters does not prevent large guilds from forming, they would just form multiple guilds (GOON does this every time they cant fit everyone into one group) and just all hop onto the same voice coms.
  12. Deathrus

    Do you think 1 person manages 2000 people? While the leader maybe a outfit leader. He or SHE has an army of officers to aid in management.

    Myself I am in the process to adding more officers to my division, due to the increased growth. It's a pain to have FUN and coridinate with 3 other outfits as well as leading platoons myself.And I usually end up sitting in a sunderer or galaxy the enitre time, hence my LOW BR lol.
  13. Zedin

    There is no difference between having a single outfit like Enclave on a continent verses randoms except for organization. You can only have so many folks on before the continent is full. The complaint is just that randoms don't compare to organized outfits. Nothing you can do about that. Don't like it? Form your own organized outfit.
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  14. Hael

    NC has The Ascended, which I think is pretty big on Matrherson.

    The thing is unless it's friday night or something ANY outfit is gonna dominate pubbers without an organized counter-effort.
  15. Talizzar

    Who cares? So they win and leave. An hour later all the red is gone and it is all purple. What exactly is the difference? If you don't want to get zerged leave the zone. Blitzkrieg was very successful for a time in WWII right? Same thing.

    It they never get a fight they will get bored and leave. Problem is people are dumb and continue to rush in the the zerg and get farmed over and over and over again.
  16. Zathrus

    my point has nothing to do with organized players vs pubbers...... please read my initial post. The problem is the population imbalance that occurs when a very large outfit come into a continent.

    when they leave there is a vacuum and the continent suddenly becomes all NC or VS.
    This is boring gameplay.. no battles. just taking things with no resistance.
    That is why I care.. I care about good gameplay and the current situation has some serious issues.

    perhaps this will become less of a problem as more large outfits form.
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  17. Deathrus

    I barely see STEW360 anymore. Though our outfit always picks on the redcoats. For some reason we pre-fer fighting the Tr it's been that way since beta.

    though yesterday we fought [GOON] Head-on with jsut our outfit on esarmir we made 14% on the enitre pop out of ncs 60%. We had fun nonless.

    I laughed my *** off at our sunderer driver rolling up into Fyr Amp station and seeing a zerg of [GOON]. I busted out laughing becuase they all stopped and looked at us like WTF are you doing here.

    I was rolling hard, I was telling my platoons we needed sunderer car-bomb lol!.
  18. StoneRhino

    It is not a matter of having a large outfit present. Large outfits are only "good" because of the sheer number of nuggets firing weapons in the same area. Enough rounds going down a lane on Indar and everything will die. There are some problems within the game, but the size of the outfits matter not. You can relabel the zerg, but you do not see it evolve because you relabeled it. A relabeled zerg is nothing but a zerg with a tag.You can relabel the zerg, but you do not see it evolve because you relabeled it. A relabeled zerg is nothing but a zerg with a tag.You can relabel the zerg, but you do not see it evolve because you relabeled it. A relabeled zerg is nothing but a zerg with a tag.You can relabel the zerg, but you do not see it evolve because you relabeled it. A relabeled zerg is nothing but a zerg with a tag.You can relabel the zerg, but you do not see it evolve because you relabeled it. A relabeled zerg is nothing but a zerg with a tag.You can relabel the zerg, but you do not see it evolve because you relabeled it. A relabeled zerg is nothing but a zerg with a tag.
    :end message:
  19. asuka

    what about that post implied anything about the method for management?

    i lead a 50 man guild and i have officers too. woopdeee doo. the difference is i can actually claim to know what's going on in my guild where as yours is just a bunch of random strangers that wait on your beck and call that you cycle through like so much refuse.

    i am aware of how zerg guilds are managed and lead and operate. i've had repeated attempts by various zerg guilds trying to eat my guild because in their view all players should be in their roster.

    and ofc you people don't even see what's wrong with what you do, how you treat other people on your servers and games, how your guilds are the lowest form of a online community, and the impact you have on other players. because it's absolutely mindless form the top to the bottom, and aimed at 1-2 things: fame and money.

    i'm sure kim kardashian has an army of support staff while she waifs around being useless on camera too.
  20. Deathrus

    I know all of my members besides the newer ones.

    We aren't a zerg either. My platoons hold practices and I hold meetings. My ZERG outfit functions on the small level and I focus on SMALL SQUAD TATICS.

    Each squad in my platoon knows what they are doing, have a balanced team and are very professional. LIKE A SMALL OUTFIT BECUASE THATS WHAT I PREACH.

    So get off your my 50 man outfit functions better than a larger one. I can say the same for TEST and AT as well. They function very well on a small squad level as well. I've actually led several test platoons, these guys are good and organized.