Ok, so, I'm not saying this guy was cheating (because we're not supposed to do that), but on Emerald tonight (9/3/21. 1:12am central time or so), this guy is headshooting us constantly from hundreds of meters away, while we're cloaked. In the video, I'm sitting on a rock - I had been cloaked the entire time I went out there - not moving, ~28 seconds in, and this can unloads on me from the next mountain over. Obviously, he can't be cheating. So, I'm asking you, the PS2 vets that I respect and shoot at day in and day out for 7+ years now - where can I get a monitor and/or video card that will let me be able to detect that faint glimmer of a stalker cloak on Esamir at night on the next mountain over, consistently?
Probably a cheater using some sort of wallhack. Maybe not but it's very suspicious. The fact is : everybody is complaining about obvious hackers. Those who kill entire armies through wall, while flying etc. Because they are ruining the game. But, I don't read a lot about discreet cheaters. And I suspect there are a lot of them. Players using wallhack and / or aimbot but who are not obvious. Considering how many players there are and the fact there is no killcam, it's often hard to tell if someone is cheating without looking at their stats. Yes there are a lot vets in the game, and some vets are very good FPS players. But there are also a lot of discreet cheaters. What else to expect? I mean you can find cheats for PS2 so easily... If you are a very good FPS player with strong aim, you can expect to have around 30% headshot ratio with an automatic weapon. Maybe more for some, less on others. Now let me show you some suspicious profile. They are often easy to find. Just watch at https://ps2.fisu.pw/activity/?world=17 and look at headshotters profile. Let's take a look : Here are 2 players that I would not suspect to cheat yet there is a chance they are. But they are most likely just very good players : https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=rexthed3stroyer&show=weapons https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=motormaker&show=weapons High kdr, high SPM, KPM seems legit for a strong player. HSR around 30-35+%. They are probably just very good vets. Now here are 2 suspicious profiles. It's very hard to believe they are legit, yet they are still playing the game and pretending to be legit : https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=terrovaxnc&show=weapons https://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=ciaphasca1n&show=weapons The second has 8+ KDR. KPM above 2 which is insanely high. And the most important : More than 50% HSR on their main weapons. Furthermore these 2 accounts aren't vet players. Less than 150 hours of playtime. To me it's obvious : They are cheating, but they are pretending to be legit. And you can find a lot of profiles like this.
In any contest (even free to play, drop in, no prizes) there will always be some people who try to get away with cheating. The thing is, it's not even about winning, it's about getting away with something. Once they figure out that they can reliably get away with something it becomes boring, and they need to do something more obvious to get the thrill out of a risk. That would explain the current escalation. If they'd made more of a point of catching even the handful of subtle cheaters we probably wouldn't have seen this escalation. Instead the resources went elsewhere. Hope you enjoyed the campaign