Prime Time Server Maintenance?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by strikearrow, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. strikearrow

    What's the deal with taking the servers down at 8pm CT? Couldn't it wait until say 3am to disrupt fewer players? At least they didn't do it on the weekend, but right when people return from work still is not a good plan.
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  2. Hal9010

    They do not want to keep losing money for the repair "exploit".
  3. Voodoo4500

    Ya it's a ****** move to take down the servers prime time but remember they're giving us double XP for non-members and quad XP for member :D this weekend. Its all good.
  4. Silkensmooth

    There are a lot of us who haven't been able to play since Oct. 11. This patch is supposed to fix the network connectivity issues and some of us are very glad for it.
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  5. frogman4949

    You're complaining about not being able to play for a few hours.... imagine not being able to play for 15 days.
  6. SmittyJensen

    I'm also guessing the sys admin team is getting a well needed 3 day weekend for all the OT they've likely put in.. or at the least tomorrow off. So they probably want to get this in today to just get it over with.
  7. Waspkiller

    And i thought hearing everyone scream noooooooo in chat was halarious, Now theres a post about it.
  8. Devil 2 U

    Going offline at prime time and nearly 3 hours down (1hr past estimate). Not a great time to perform this work. :(
  9. PiddlyWiddlyGoo

    Just reinstalled after not playing for years! Rotten freaking luck I tell ya! :D
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  10. Silkensmooth

    Unless like some of us you havent been able to log in for 15 days, and others who havent been able to log in since monday.
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  11. Ares8

    It's going to go live at 10 pm I can bet for some odd reason? I've never been more bored on a weekday
  12. Voodoo4500

    It's always laughable to me when people post a time and not include a time zone as if the internet revolves around them ROFL.
  13. Scatterblak

    It's not 'Scheduled Maintenance' with no notice and pulling them down during prime time. It's 'Oooops, we found an issue that needs to be fixed right now'.
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  14. Waspkiller

    Its just that people kept exploiting the construction so they are disabling that exp gain until they can cap and fix it.
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  15. frogman4949

    no its that hundreds of people havn't been able to play the game for the past 15 days...
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  16. OgreMarkX

    FYI, I also play DBG's game, Everquest.

    Yesterday they did a patch and the servers were down all day. This happens EVERY patch now.

    So it looks like it's spreading to Planetside 2 as well.

    Something is very wrong with their server farm. Very wrong.
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  17. Ares8

    OP posted Central TIme, I don't think it takes a genius to figure out what time zone were talking about in the thread.
  18. Aoikazego

    they dont give a **** about people not being able to connect. its the mass exploitation of decay repair that caused the sudden "hotfix" This exploit has been around for at least 2 months since I discovered it. I honestly have no idea why they are bothering with harasser and MBT balance when this patch is clearly for the exploit and server issues.
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  19. Scatterblak

    Good! Worth waiting form IMHO.

    I'm a fan of any action they take that changes the EXE offsets and breaks the cheats for a day or two as well. :p
  20. Aoikazego

    top tier paid hacks get patched in minutes after patches