Prediction: VS Will Win the Next Two Weeks of WDS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CptFirelord, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. CptFirelord

    Why do I say this? Northern warpgate is now theirs, they own ZOE MAXes, they have the best weapons (imo) and damn good tanks when in numbers. I can't see NC or TR winning for the next two weeks.
  2. BlackbookPS

    People came and go, I believe some people play just for the warpgate location, better for ESF's/MBT's etc.

    Indar Northern Warp Gate is strong, but randoms have no chance against coordinated attackers/defenders.

    In the end it depends on how much of a deciding factor your outfits are in key battles.
  3. Chipay

    Have you ever seen a Magrider zerg?
    Those things just strafe over each other causing them to shoot each other all time, mobility + zerg = :confused:
    Imo Magriders are the best tanks in small numbers, Vangaurds are the best in large numbers and Prowlers are the best a spawn camping :p
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  4. WyrdHarper

    Not to mention their late night zergs and DA (c'mon, we can't have a VS thread without rustling Ender's jimmies a little bit)
    They were already doing pretty well before the scoring changes (and after the first warpgate rotation).
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  5. Aegie

    How does this not beg the question why NC did not do better with the north Indar WG?
  6. Van Dax

    you got rotated in a way that left VS with the best esamir and amerish WG, did not have a massive pop imbalance, and in my experience the outfits lack direction.
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  7. Serafine

    NC had the northern warpgate for the last period and still it didn't help them that much.
    If the VS wins then it is because TR and NC don't get points for ghostcapping the crap out of Esamir and Amerish anymore.

    This is nonsense. The Magrider is the best tank in a duel or small tank battle situation. If there are more they loose their maneuverability advantage because they block each other.
    Magriders do not work well in large groups, that's the strength of Prowlers (which work exceptionally well if spammed, especially if half of them is deployed so they can even snipe infantry with AP-AP ammo and the other half is covering their flanks) and (to a smaller degree) Vanguards.
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  8. Aegie

    Wait, so does VS keep the best Esamir and Amerish WGs and get the best Indar WG?
  9. Van Dax

    no clue, haven't logged on.
  10. Aegie

    As far as I am aware, NC did not have a massive pop imbalance when they had the north Indar WG, and if all the WGs rotate as they usually do then I still fail to see how this does not beg the question. While possible that outfits on a specific server may not be great, the idea that this is imbalanced across all servers is ludicrous.
  11. CNR4806

    There aren't even two weeks left for anyone to win.
  12. Flashtirade

    I agree with the prediction in the title. The VS have been picking up steam after weeks 1 and 2, while the TR have been losing theirs. There's no easy wins anymore, week 4 proved that. The scoring changes support not only hard aggression but also solid defense, so both factions will have to stay on their toes and watch those maps if they want to stay ahead.

    The NC are the wild card here. The new scoring may help or hurt them depending on exactly how they play out the weeks from now on, but they will need to pull out all the stops if they want to take advantage of the opportunity that has arisen for them.
  13. Posse

    Who cares, I just log with the 3 alts, play for a bit and I'll get the bonus no matter who wins, this event is BS anyway.
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  14. John_Aitc

    I am a pure blooded TR. Onr Character - No Alts in other Factions. On Connery, we have great VS Outfits. If TR can't win, I hope the VS will because if they do, Future Crew and DPSO will be the main reason. They are great opponents. (plus it may quiet the boring TR-WDS-DEV-OP Forum threads)
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  15. CptFirelord

  16. RedDeadVirgo

    Most likely the NC will win because they are 40k points behind VS globally (the scoring changes are based on global score).
  17. Xasapis

    The VS do get a hefty bonus for being the least populated empire. Combined that with both NC and VS ganging on TR, I doubt TR will stay on top for the coming two weeks.

    On a side note, if we separate today being the first day the new rules are implemented, NC win for now.