PPA would have to be nerfed inorder to balance it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BadAsElite, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. miraculousmouse

    Why make all 3 SUCK by ruining the only effective one when you can make all 3 ROCK by making the sucky two better? Glass half full. Or in this case 2/3 rd full. :D
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  2. Kalivix

    The VS really make me scratch my head, they have the best easiest to use gear and never stop whining that they have it bad, try using guns with a 10m range, or our lovely guns with the recoil of a bull thats been castrated with bricks, or our tank thats a huge brick and CANT climb walls, or our ESF which isn't paper thin.

    Seriously the only reason I can think is the VS know they have all the best gear and also know they'll be nerfed or TR/NC will be buffed if the devs notice so they decided to start whining about random things to make it look like they feel hard done by
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  3. Fenrisk

    Way to avoid all talk of game balance. Nice deflection ;) Understand my entire post before replying. No I won't be seeing myself out. ;)

    The developers designed MBT's around the concept of having to trade long range anti-tank killing ability on their main cannon for long range anti-infantry killing ability. That's why nearly all anti-infantry secondary weapons are designed to be short range as MBT's already have a long range option for their main weapon slot. PPA is like having a second main anti-infantry cannon. That's where the balance is lost.

    Furys were nerfed and they were a much shorter range then the PPA but apparently the devs thought it was too effective at killing infantry.
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  4. WTSherman

    Actually, IIRC there was a time for a while where the Marauder would OHK infantry, had a higher rate of fire, had a 15 round magazine (upgradable to 20 I think it was?), and could damage heavy armor better than a Basilisk. It also had a much larger blast radius than it does now.

    Even so I don't remember it being too overwhelmingly horrible on Prowlers, though that was back when Prowler HE was an absolute farm machine with 1000 splash damage per shell, so it was being overshadowed by the primary. The issue was on Harassers, where a single Marauder Harasser could wipe out as many infantry as it pleased while also hitting tanks/sundies/other Harassers pretty hard.

    Though I don't think the AV aspect was really a big factor, because this was also back when a single Vulcan Harasser could one-clip MBTs and Liberators.

    Of course, this was compounded by the fact that back then Harassers had well over twice as much EHP as they do now, and they were immune to any lock-on besides the Striker (both have since been fixed).

    So that's why the Marauder got nerfed.

    The C85 of course has just always sucked. :D
  5. Foxirus

    Infantry is about the only thing our tank excels at. 1v1 with equally skilled pilots, The magrider will lose in every single scenario versus another tank. Infantry killing is all our tank has. If you want to take that away, You better be damn well prepared to give it something to at least put it on par with the other MBT's.
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  6. Ronin Oni

    Oh yeah, OHK Marauder and Fury days... even then it wasn't really "OP". It had much less mag size than PPA to warrant the higher lethality. Instead they nerfed both Fury and Marauder to no longer OHK, which to be fair was a good move, but then didn't increase Marauder mag size... removed all AV damage, and increased Fury to have almost the same Mag size!!!!!!!

    The ONLY thing the Marauder still has is RoF over the Fury which is a joke really.

    Yeah, Canister is and always has been a joke.

    Tell me, what do you think of a limited pellet spread, explosive rounds, high capacity Canister?

    The PPA is literally the reason why the Magrider is actually perfmorming better than the Vanguard (but its still under the prowler). Wait a second. Prowler drivers don't even need a PPA. A PPA + Prowler HE would be the most OP crap in the game. The prowler can get a PPA once it gets a nerf to its main cannon.
  8. TheReaperKing82

    I think if you want to nerf the PPA, one of the best secondaries for the magrider, then you need to buff the magrider itself to be on par with the rest as far as durability and overall damage output. We have the lightest armor, the weakest main guns with the most bullet drop. You can't just make one thing even in your eyes without making them all even. This game is about asymmetrical balance so one faction is going to have a weapon that is better in a certain category than others. You can't just whine about this fact and try to make everything the same, it's not what the game is about....
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  9. Kalivix

    Just learn to drive it and you'll be fine, most mag drivers beat a vanguard/prowler with no problem as they side step all the shots and do such incredible damage. The only problem the mag has is being hard to get use to as its so different, other than that its better in pretty much every way.
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  10. LIKE A BOSS!

    They say "ITZ ASYMMETRICAL BALANCE THE GUNZ IS SUPPOSED TO BE BADZZZ" when we ask for a buff to be competitive (lasher, Phaseshift) But when it comes to nerfs it gets thrown out the window.
  11. BeefySleet

    Your tank can strafe sideways and climb mountains. Your armor is on par with the Prowler. Your "bullet drop" is still easily adjusted for, and you have the huge advantage of main cannon stabilization. Try hitting ANYTHING in a Prowler or Vanguard while moving over uneven terrain, its incredibly challenging.

    Your pro's outweigh the cons by a mile, even without accounting for the gross OP state the PPA is in right now.
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  12. Ronin Oni

    Oh, bullet drop is easy to account for?

    I guess we can finally remove that from discussion about how OP the PPA is then eh?

    PS: Main gun stabilization was given to all tank turrets last month. Mag is still a little smoother being off the ground, but it's definitely a LOT easier to hit enemies while moving in a Prowler/Van/Lightning now than it used to be. You don't have to come to a full stop anymore.
  13. BeefySleet

    Your main cannons' bullet drop is very manageable. Don't take what I said out of context.

    If you think that lack of bulletdrop is the only reason the PPA is OP, you're delusional.
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  14. LIKE A BOSS!

    I fixed that for you. Magrider and incredible damage is a oxymoron.
  15. Ronin Oni

    Yeah, It also has a large capacity...

    WHICH if you've read ANY of my other posts you'd know I've been asking to massive buff Marauder and Canister capacities as well.

    I've wanted these buffs for a long time since I do in fact play all 3 factions and I'd like to use them on my other tanks.

    I'd also like a small tweak to the Vulcan (it's not as bad as people make it out to be, but the Halberd is simply better, so it needs better range normalization OR it needs to be a lot better in CQB again... more range normalization is probably the better path)

    I still use the Enforcer AV on my Vanguard even after the last nerf... but it's no longer a clear winner to Halberd anymore either. It's at least generally better though still. However max reload certed Halberd v Enforcer I think Halberd finally eeks out ahead. Takes a significant cert investment though to get there.
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  16. LIKE A BOSS!

    Fixed that for you. Compared to the prowler its like shooting a mortar. I feel like I'm in a point and click adventure when I'm using my prowler.
  17. Kalivix

    Completely lied you mean =p mags always seem to do way more damage per shot than the vanguard and prowler and are so easy to dodge with. Again, if you learnt how to use them instead of just whining you'd do well but I guess we can't expect too much of the VS =p most of them pick VS for the easy mode
  18. LIKE A BOSS!

    Good luck but the stats say other wise.
    Magrider- http://planetside.wikia.com/wiki/Supernova_FPC
    Vanguard- http://planetside.wikia.com/wiki/Titan-150_AP
    Basic math the Vanguard hits harder. If you can't hit a magrider thats a l2p issue. And btw the Vanguard and Prowler are easier to use effectivley compared to the magrider by a large margin. A 1 manned prowler can out damage a 2 person magrider.
  19. Kalivix

    Its funny how you try to pretend its easy to hit something using afterburners to fly about =p not to mention ignoring the reload time difference which balances out the damage. Oh and has been mentioned have you ever tried shooting a vanguard while moving over bumpy ground with pebbles that stop you dead? its MUCH easier to shoot with a mag, so smooth and you just keep going!

    Don't worry nobody here is going to pick on you for being awful at piloting a mag, you could even get tips on how to strafe properly and use the burner to avoid shots. Or you could keep trying to convince people its bad just because you don't want to bother learning how to use all those awesome advantages it has.
  20. LIKE A BOSS!

    Afterburners move you forward not left to right. You have no idea what you're talking about.Vanguards have gotten turret stablization almost a month ago. If you can't hit a strafing magrider than you're bad and you should feel bad. Strafing only works on bads like you. A decent vanguard or prowler driver can aim perfectly. And you said yourself "mags always seem to do way more damage per shot than the vanguard and prowler. Look back at what you said. You lack reading comprehension. Tell me some advantages. Magriders do the least damage. Magriders are the slowest. Magriders have the most drop. Magriders are tied with the least amount of armor. Magriders can't aim up. Now tell me the only advantage you have said is "STRAFEZZZ OMG I CAN'T AIM OMMMGGG I'M BAD IT MUST BE OP".