PPA spam and Vanu Zergs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by donkeykongjr, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Person7man

    Luckily you always have 45% and zerg the hell out of TR, maybe thats why VS fights you so much.
  2. maxkeiser

    People just stop whining ffs.

    Being on the end of a mass of prowlers with chain-guns is EXACTLY the same feeling. Any time the enemy rolls over you with massive armour or numbers it's exactly the same.

    Just play the game.
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  3. Longasc

    Seems to be an American thing, this PPA spam.

    I don't/didn't see it on Ceres and Cobalt at all.

    This is so true. I always have map hotpsots pulled up. There are almost never EVER any hotspots between TR and VS borders. Its all on TR/NC borders and VS/NC borders.... Which is really annoying because TR fights us simply because VS is "unfun" to fight againts, VS fights us because in the scheme of things NC is an easier PPA farm than TR. IDC what people try saying a vanguard is useless if it can't even get to where magriders are spamming from because "hey lets make a hover tank that can go anywhere!"
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  5. Serialkillerwhale

    The one time I saw TR fighting vanu, the swarm had already taken 60% of the map while we were fighting.

    The second TR and NC stopped and took those skilless vermin to task

    It went to 0% vanu.

    That should kinda seal it right there. PPA is OP and needs toned down to bring it in line with other anti infantry secondary weapons on tanks. The other two should not be buffed to god hood. PPA needs to be on the same level as the other two... (NC cannister desperately needs looked at btw.
  7. zaspacer

    I can appreciate your TK NC experience on Conney. I play all 3 factions on Connery.

    I'm just saying TK on TR (Connery) is a staple of TR tactics.
  8. FactionTraitsFTW

    This. If the developers would actually care to design decent bases we would have like 90% less problems.
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  9. Gambitual

    This really gets to me. Why do the NC and TR think that the Magrider should NOT be able to do this. It is a floating freakin' tank. It is designed to do that. I would hope being the slowest with the worst main cannon somewhat balanced this apparently OP fact.

    Higby said that the Saron and PPA are in a good spot and you equate that to nerfing them? How does that make any logical sense? You are legitimately the first person I've seen who advocates against the buffing of the Marauder and Canister. However, even than, you say that the Canister needs to "be looked at."
  10. Pootisman

    100% agree. PPA is the most annoying weapon in the game and VS players abuse it as much as they can. When ever a VS zerg comes to a base, 5+ magriders climb the hills and spam the whole base nonstop with PPA. The sound alone is so annoying, that i just redeploy to another fight when the PPA spam starts.

    SOE needed ~8 months to nerf ZOE. Now we dont have ZOE spam anymore, but PPA spam still exists. I wonder how many months we have to wait for a real PPA nerf. The magazine size reduction had little effect on PPA usage.
  11. Redderic

    While I understand your frustration, I am pretty frustrated at lockeddown Prowlers rocking dual AI cannons shelling towers for the last two years. At least you have to aim the PPA... kinda.
  12. Flag

    Oh yeah? Then how come the Prowler still beats it at manslaughter?
  13. Ztiller

    Or maybe because our primaries are so bad that no Magrider leaves the base without a gunner?
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  14. Ztiller

    The PPA can be toned down to TR/NC level, when the Magrider primaries get toned up to TR/NC level.
  15. ajma

    SOE should just nerf everything we have to underground levels, maybe then people will stop complaining. Just make sure all of our guns are equally terrible, so we use them all and not spam the one that is less bad.
  16. LT_Latency

    Vehicles work good against them. But you can't always get a MBT. A 15 min drive from the main base is not always worth it.

    For ME, It the PPA + the ability to climb mountains. The PPA on the ground is no big deal, but they always climb up into BS spots where they can blast down everywhere and you tank can't even go up to get them.
  17. JackD

    Yeah horrible, a ******** of vehicles that cant defend against armor or air. If we just would know what to do about it.
  18. Cinnamon

    It doesn't. I think that prowler is probably the most played MBT but in terms of what people achieve it is quite poor compared to the magrider or other styles of play. Vanguard also under performs on the field but is played less.
  19. NC supporter

    Pouting isn't going to solve anything. Nerfing, buffing, or deleting a faction is impossible either due to amount of time in coding. Give a more plausible solution please.
  20. Fleech

    have you seen hossin? it almost looks as though its been designed for magriders. plateaus that that only aircraft and magriders can get to everywhere. literally every location has perches and plateaus surrounding them that magriders can fully abuse. i can't remember the last time i had to fight another tank on the ground on hossin. most of the time i'm 90 feet above them getting angles on them they can't do anything about.