Power Knife Nerf - Ok then Bye for good

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Atrus2g, Mar 30, 2022.

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  1. Atrus2g

    Something about the power knife nerf irks me. They are NOT the only one hit weapon in the game, but they are used effectively by the weakest class vs all the other OHK weapons used by all other classes. 'Oh but you can headshot heavies then its one kill', yeah for those of us without aimbots against moving targets and a weapon with a cof of near zero means headshots are rare.

    If they nerfed all the one hit weapons "to give people a chance to respond to a wide swath of damage" great but this is lopsided, all the other one hit weapons arent even up for discussion. Reductio ad absurdum, they will eventually resolve the game down to fortnite levels of making HA/LA superior to all other classes. I've heard of heavies and LA player complaints actually impacting gameplay updates, but the whole point of Planetside is that we dont want two classes dominating because everyone will just pick those two classes.

    Delay powerknife use, increase sound profile of activation etc, so many ways to make it LESS effective without making it a death sentence. Unless its a 1v1 with another infiltrator, it will take a serious n00b to allow for a double-knifing. So basically in lieu of a light nerf its now unusable. Good luck with everything, low-key happy i didnt renew my membership
  2. AuricStarSand

    I didn't hear of this nerf till now. I just bought a NS Victory knife today. Before reading this thead.

    I've had a lumeriree 1 hit knife for 2 years or less. So I've trained with the 1 hit knife enough. I'm having fun with the new 2 hit knife. I never really wanted to play force blade. So I never played 2 hit knife seriously.

    Not having to turn on another button to use is 10/10. & enemy vets don't hear you. Isn't a player more likely to not get a headshot with the 2 hit knife? I've played lumeriee for over a year & not noticed headshots? The nerf is fine if they nerf 1 hit everything, like you said. Even commisioner shouldnt 1 hit other infils. Then ye I agree. No 1 hit snipers, no rapid 2 hit scout rifles either.

    Now theirs less reason to return to the lumineree. However the nerf is fine, enemies don't respect the 1 hit knife, so I try to use my pistol often too. Either way it still takes skill to sneak or to hit with the 1 hit knife, it misses plenty of times, or you die just sneaking around. I like that the headshot gives it another skill lvl to attain, so its fine. Yet I'll prob stay with the 2 hitter knives, from now on.

    Even if they didn't nerf the 1 hit knife. For extreme pro vets. The 1 hit knife is still too loud. VS has the quietest 1 hit knife they tell me. Yet still its too loud if trying to 1vs1 another pro. I'd say the 1 hit knife is only op verse medics or engis. HA survive often with their shield, yet they are still salty duelers. However the score for 1 hitter Infil verse HA is usually a fair fight, each dieing 1 time.

    Ultimately yes this nerf is only fine if they share details about how they nerfed other aspects of the games 1 tap or rapid 2 tap rifles. Or QCQ bolting nerfs.
  3. Mcsonic00

    They could keep the 1-shot knife at 900 damage for a hit like they nerfed it to, but make it do 50 damage per second for 2 seconds after you hit an enemy with it. Nerfing Nano Armor Cloaking by removing the +100 Shield Health & also nerfing the 1-shot knife in the way they did is a double whammy that is too much of a nerf to that Infiltrator play-style.
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  4. Tops

    I dont use knife a lot coz hitting is extreme hard and you expose yourself and therefore mostly get shot. Amaterasu is still best knife. power knifes are weak. if you dont hit the 2nd try is mostly too late. Also you hear its sound (in my case lumine edge which I switched all over to amaterasu coz it was already bad) and therefore better players will actively search you.

    Nerfing smthing that weak wasnt a good idea but one less problem I can get killed from lol...
  5. Demigan

    Wow so many people hating their crutches getting taken away.

    Is the nerf too harsh? Yes, they should get something in return beyond a 2-hit potential or a OHK on a headshot. Should they get a free OHK on a bodyshot? Absolutely not. It was a cheap way to get kills. Add a concussion effect on enemies hit by it for example but don't let it OHK.
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  6. VV4LL3

    As a new player, I can appreciate not being one shot on every spawn, or watching a stealther chain one shot an entire element, while stealthed because of an implant.

    I'm sorry, but this seems like a fair balance since there isn't a cooldown.

    This was a common occurrence.

    Grab the popcorn and feel the shame.
  7. Somentine

    The knife should have never been given to Infils in the first place, and it should have only one shot from the back or head, if they wanted it to actually be balanced.
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  8. Ssymm

    I tried the power knife gameplay a long time ago but I never liked it.

    Nevertheless it was a different gameplay and it wasn't OP at all. Those who tried it knew it wasn't easy. So I support those who like it and hope they will revert back this nerf.
  9. Mechwolf

    The power knife nerf makes no sense when the only knife ever used is the amaterasu....

    If they're going to nerf damage, at least give the knives a little bit of range/sweep so you don't have to hit someone standing still
  10. Mechwolf

    Now that I think about it, it's probably heavy mains who raged enough, they have the most pull in the forum/reddit community
  11. Scroffel5

    To say that a nerf to a 1HK close range weapon with little counterplay is unfair because the 1HK weapons with more counterplay than it aren't getting changed is stupid.

    Yes, the nerf should be that it only 1HKs to the back, but this is fine. Sucks to have to aim your knife, but I don't really care. In all honesty, I only would have a problem with the 1HK knives on the first time I died, because there was no way to know that a Stalker was in the area without them killing someone first. But it changed the way I played once I died, so I'd always be ready to hear that knife activate and the Stalker try to uncloak and swing at me, and when they try, you can sidestep and dodge them pretty easily. But I do see why they nerfed it. But to compare it to other OHK weapons is dumb.

    But make no mistake. It wasn't weak.
  12. JibbaJabba

    You're complaining that you are required to demonstrate skill to get an instant unstopable one hit kill? Really? And canceling membership? What are you doing with guns exactly? Are you firing bodyshots with those too?

    What a baby.

    I bet you play shotgun a lot. Those got a buff btw, enjoy.
  13. Scroffel5

    Legit, they are like, "Its too hard to get the OHK!!! Please buff!!!" Like bro, take a knife to a gun fight and what to you expect? But the ability to OHK someone with your knife is powerful, just aim for the head.
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  14. JibbaJabba

    I know right? It's still a frickin' beast!

    LOL at one hit kill body shots. That was a stupid mechanic and good riddance.
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  15. TR5L4Y3R

    now if they would do the same with most AV weapons oneshotting infantry i would be a happy planetman ..
  16. Scroffel5

    I see where you are coming from but if a giant metal rocket that explodes on contact and is the size of your torso is being fired directly at you, I think you are going to die. Instead of making AV weapons not OHK, I think they should focus on making OP stuff harder to use. That way, you can keep the POTENTIAL for the OP-ness, but not the current ACHEIVABILITY for the OP-ness. Maybe making tank main cannons have, oh idk, RECOIL that actually affects something, or having to constantly fight the turret drop.

    Does it necessarily make sense in a game that is supposed to simulate an advanced society? No. Recoil does, I guess. Does it balance the game better? I'd think so.
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  17. Demigan

    I think that they unwittingly talk about how wielded knives work.

    I heard once that when quick-knifing you have a volume in front of you where you score a hit. This makes it easier to hit an enemy.
    If you wield a knife suddenly you fire an invisible bullet to hit. This means that in some cases where enemies walk away perpendicular that the bullet misses while it looks like a hit, and would have been a hit if you werent wielding it. Its a bit of a strange explanation since the speed of the bullet needs to be mind-numbingly slow for it to not cross its microscopic distance in the same frame you fire it, but apparently its true. Even if the missing is bull, then you still have a much smaller hit detection area compared to the regular quick-knife, making you feel like slashing a dude while secretly your knife-bullet went just below the armpit and misses or something.

    My suggestion: stop using wildly different methods for achieving the same thing. We already have recon darts that scan in a spherical volume while dildars scan in a column all the way to the sky ceiling as wide as its radius and stuff like that. That kind of stuff where they essentially do the work twice needs to stop, and it will likely help the game's smoothness if they homogenise some of these bizarre differences. Wielded knives should hit like quick-knife, that helps players feel justified when they hit and not frustrated when it missses despite looking like a hit.
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  18. AuricStarSand

    Experience with Lumineree knife. 1 hit = 2 years

    Experience with NS Victory knife. 2 hit = 2 days.

    Honestly I like my NS Victory more right now, even if they didn't nerf Lumineree I'm killing just as fast & nobody is hearing my blade. So this nerf is fine. Maybe lots of practice with the 1 hitter, made me better or fine with the 2 hitter knives. Tho now I prefer 2 hit knives.

    Most I've had to knife someone is 4 times with ns victory, if they HA with shield. Tho even lumineree before nerf, made me hit shielded HA's twice. Also been practicing how to jump & duck / dodge bullets. Use speed & catwalk. good times.
  19. TR5L4Y3R

    i may have not been clear (apologies for that) i specifically meant vehicle AV Weapons (AP maincannons and halberd as well as the Liberator´s Dalton) ... it´s already difficult enough as heavy assault to get a dumbfire shot on a MBT or lightning without otherwise exposing yourself too long when using lock ons instead
    infils and medics can only dream to damage armored vehicles if they don´t have Huntercrossbows with explosive bolts ...
    when vehicles have access to big splash high explosive rounds specifically effective for bombarding infantryclusters i don´t think it is neccessary for them having their AV options be able to oneshot infanty on bodyshots ...
    my primary petpeeve with planetside for the longest time has been that infantry and maxxes have next to no surviveabiltychance against vehicles and aircraft outside of bases unless they throw themselfes against them in high numbers like expendable lemmings ...
  20. RabidIBM

    Holy crap, a lot of strong opinions here. First, OP, I'll be honest, if one change you don't like caused you to quit then you were probably going to quit soon anyways, and were I a dev I wouldn't worry myself too much about it.

    Anyways, I think the 1HK knives could been balanced if they were all as noisy as the TR one.
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