Post your "Hitching" Videos

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. LohaMoha

    I found a workaround or solution for the "big hitching":
    You need to turn off the Windows virtual memory or page file.
    Change the size of virtual memory
    You need to select "no page file" -> "set" for all drives and restart the system.
    Tested and working on Win7 x64 SP1 with 8GB RAM.
    I don't recommend it below 8GB system memory.
  2. NC_agent00kevin

    I get it seemingly at random and it doesnt repeat itself for a good while (~1hr) But when it does, Im frozen for so long I think the game crashed.

    Im playing on an SSD.
  3. NC_agent00kevin

    Well I take that back. I alt tabbed out to report a guy who teamkills AFK players (or players who appear to be AFK but are in actuality configuring loadouts in my case) and the hitching went to a regular pattern of every few seconds Id get a short freeze. I had to restart the game to make it go away...for now.
  4. Chris Bingley

    No 'hitchs' here, but definitely FPS drops. I normally have a stable 40fps no matter what. Recently it's been dropping to ~20fps whenever an enemy is on my screen.

    EDIT: System specs.

    AMD Phenom II X6 3.3 GHz
    12GB DDR3 @ 1.33GHz
    ATi Radeon 6570 1GB
    Windows 7 64bit (running 64bit client)
    Page file set to custom.
    Cores in 'Unleashed' mode (BIOS setting)
    Software graphics overclocking (Via AMD Catalyst Control Centre)

    All my settings are on low, except for texture quality which is on high (to reduce CPU load) and those settings which can be turned off are off.
  5. RedGeneral

    8gb ram
    second gen i5 3.4gz
    Planetside 2 and 64 bit OS on SSD
    GTX 650 1GB Graphics

    Still getting 5-7 second freezespikes or hitches in game. Memory is now shooting up to about 6-7 gigs of usage at times. Never had any memory problems playing PS2 before 10/2.
  6. BetAstraal

    A little confusion.
    You say turn off and then set all of them for 8GB+, so, which one is it?
    If 8GB+ i can understand, but i never tried to turn it off if that's the case, and if so, how does it work?
    (currently happy with my setup and i wouldn't really mess with it without some proper notice)
  7. RavenXIII

    I started experiencing some hitching after the October update, For me disabling smoothing actually fixed the issue. Might have just been a problem with my rig, but it never hitched before the patch and hasn't since I've turned off smoothing. Hope this helps someone else.
  8. DeadlyPeanutt

    i've got a new dell xps with a high end nvida card and plenty of ram
    no reason why this stupid game should not play at moderate to high frame rates except incompetent coding

    not playing anymore and will not play until these issues are fixed...
    insane lag
    frame rates that cycle from 1 to 50

    this game will be deleted soon to free up unused space
  9. Neodymius

    Specs are:
    • i7-4770K CPU
    • GTX 770
    • 16GB RAM
    • Windows 7
    • Installed on a 200GB SSD
    Nothing is overclocked. This is the first time I've had any performance issues in this game since the beta. As with other users, this issue began with the update at the start of October. Hope this helps.
  10. Ransurian

    Thanks for your contribution. I feel your pain.
    • Up x 1
  11. LohaMoha

    Turn off Windows Virtual Memory (page file), if you have 8GB or more RAM (system memory) in your PC:




    4.) Restart
  12. ShoeFlip

    Okay I'm one of the people suffering extreme hitching/freezing since Valk and October updates, but decided to try again after seeing this thread - this is my game session so far today:

    Sat in the middle of VR (by the two magriders / one sundy / one scythe area) for like 20 minutes, game freezes of about 5-7 seconds with about 10 seconds of stable frames in between - this was with me standing directly in front of the max unit there, looking at some trees and grass. Moved over just in front of the two magriders and got perfect performance with no hitching to speak of and relatively high (for my laptop) frames for a solid 5-10 minutes.

    Turned off smoothing, jumped to Hossin on my sniper infiltrator, staying at least 50m away from any vehicles and other players - absolutely no hitching. No hitching until another player comes near me (sometimes) and extreme hitching (near non-stop) when vehicles come near me - been out here on Hossin for about 25-30 minutes now. Otherwise I'm doing fine. Other than having bad aim no issues while sniping. Guess I'm sticking with sniper until things get sorted out.

    Sorry for no video evidence / proof. Tried to describe things as best I could since I'm too dumb to run video stuff :rolleyes: and before the computer elitists huff and puff - I had literally no hitching in any sized fights before Valk patch so don't waste time saying my rig sucks (I already know it does).
  13. Breach

    I have 4 videos, about 30 seconds long each. The first 2 shows the 64 bit version, while the last 2 show the 32 bit version. Please spend 1.5 minutes and watch at least the first 3 videos.

    64 bit executable

    32 bit executable

    I made these within a few minutes of each other and in the same exact spot on Hossin. As you can see there is no hitching whatsoever in the 32 bit version but it does tend to CTD randomly but is at least playable.

    (FYI, I used Fraps free recording software and it forced my fps down to 30, it is usually much higher.)
  14. Whatupwidat

    The hotfix has cleared most of it up for me - still the occasional hitch but nothing like the constant it was 2-3 days ago.

    Thanks SOE :D
  15. Raap

    I don't have a video but the game is pretty much unplayable for me.

    However I notice a pattern. The hitching only occurs when outdoors and while moving in outdoor environments. The hitching does not occur when playing inside buildings or tunnels where the outdoor environment is not being rendered (so building with open doors don't count as they still render outdoor environments). While outdoor and not moving (therefore not loading new outdoor objects), the hitching stops.

    Nvidia 760GTX
    Win7, 64bit game client

    Hope this bit of info helps.
  16. Stigma

    I'm sorry if this is perhaps off-topic, but I just wanted to say that there was a short period where the game ran NOTICABLY smoother than it ever has before or since. I believe that was either a few patches before the valk update. Possibly including the valk update (ie. it might have been the patch riht after the valk update that made the change). Maybe go back and review what got changed there, because even since then the game has been running pretty sluggish overall.

    I've only noticed minor and infrequent hitching since these last two patches (there wasn't any before though), but I have noted a drastic increase in crashes. Typically I only got a crash ever maybe 8-10 hrs. Since about the last 2 patches I've been getting 5-6 times as many - often just minutes after logging in. Seems to be especially prone to crashing in high-load areas.Using 32bit client.

  17. Vortex1337

    how can you run the game on x32 bit? nooby question but im curios :p
  18. 8ladez

    Mine is exactly like this one.. Its almost as if everytime I go to target someone my screen freezes, I could be wrong and forgive me if I am but its like if I get to close to more than 4 people I start to hitch.. at first I thought it was someone using ps2 to overflow my pc but its no one person or outfit it just feels that way sometimes.. its really really bad.
  19. hostilechild

    Had no noticeable hitching on 10/4 fighting mostly small-med size fights. Last night fighting in larger fights with exploding vehicles and lots of ppa spam i notice my fps steadily got worse all night and the hitching was very profound during lots of explosions or vehicle wreckage falling near me.
    Before the recent patches fps was great smooth 60+ fps in large fights with 200 in the warp gate 120 small-med fights.
  20. S7rudL