Got no crashes on 64-bit last night for a few hours, then just now got 4 crashes within 10 minutes all in the same place - just south of Crossroads. Seemed that a lot of the other players in the same area were also crashing - they were either standing stationary or reporting crashes on teamspeak.
if your fps dropped from whatever 60 to 90 fps to 5-15 fps. simple answer is that your internal gpu is being utilized rather then your dedicated gpu or external card.... for that you need your manufacturer's utility driver to disable the internal gpu and use the dedicated gpu.. there are similar posts about that issue if you are crashing nonstop switching classes or getting a tank/aircraft its the 64 bit client in which you need to rename the PlanetSide2_x64.exe to PlanetSide2_x86.exe and vise visa AFTER launching the client launchpad requires the program to be checked before launching so what we need to do is to implement the renaming of the 86x client after the launcher does the file check. so far a lot less crashes/freezing for my i7 system when i use the 86x client instead
Haven't crashed for me anymore either, been running few houras now. Dunno if sony just did something about it or not, but game has been working now after I upgraded my nvidia graphics driver to newest, BETA version, 337.50.
If you change continent from the redeploy tab it still crashes. But asides from that its not crashing anymore. Is the nvidia kerner crash gone with the 64 bit client?
I did this and am still able to crash the game just by walking up to a terminal and pressing F1-F5 and E for a bit.
If you dont want to crash in 64bit, just lower the RenderDistance to 2000 or lower. I played 2 hours with no crash with 2000 RenderDistance.
How come they stick with it this time? no hotfix or even a mod post. Alot of players crash and normaly they rollback to 32bit within 1h. Now we have double xp and nothing? For me its kinda ok now. I went from 10 mins to continent changing crash and the normal 2h or so crash (funy how a crash every 2h is already considered normal), but ingame chat is full of crashing players. Even if they collect data to fix the leaks... dont do that on a double xp weekend, or at least add some days.
I tried that, but unfortunately the game still freezes every time I access the console to change class.
guess what? crashed again. yep. was in the middle of a massive fight at snake ravine and was reviving someone as medic then bam!!!! screen froze. Had to end the ps2.exe process in task manager. Totally over this game. Im just waiting for double xp weekend to finish then im going for extended long break from CTDside 2. Having to put up with this issue is just torture. Plus the random frame jitters expecially when engaging another enemy in 1v1 omg so friggen annoying. My server briggs is dead. almost no fights anywhere now. such a let down.
Yesterday after installed the main patch the game crashes like 5 times in only 1 and a half hour. At some point at middle afternoon i launched the game and installed a little patch, only 40,000 kbs... Played 5 hours without problem, fps loss o another issues... Today, i launched the game and installed a little patch, 90,000 kbs aprox... 4 crashes in 1 hour.... simply impossible to play. Always the same screen freeze, minimize to black screen... and then go to task manager to close planetside process who "stops working".
My game also crashes very frequently can't say if its exactly every 10~15 minutes, but its crashing way to often and a lot folks in my outfit are reporting the crashes as well mostly very close after one another. Currently the cashes are hurting the game, one moment we manage to grab a critical point and and the next 3 or 4 folks report there client crashed right before an enemy counter attack hits. By the time you get back in game, you will have to recapture the point back. Could we please get an option to force the 32bit client, instead of of having to trick the game by starting the launcher and swapping the x86 and x64 execute names in order to play as 32bits
I crashed twice today (both times I had to restart my PC because i couldn't even kill it in task manager). During the first crash I was just driving around in my vanguard, during the second crash I was about to redeploy. Never had any problems playing this game untill now after the last update.