Had no problems with a crash here and there, but ever since the 64bit came out, ive been to scared to even pull vehicles i DC when i get them almost everytime it seems
Well... it crashes, but I can't say it's more than the 32-bit client. One crash every 1 to 2 hours for me. Hardly stable but not enough to be game-breaking for me. Relatively minor annoyance.
hmm, it worked better on the testserver. my client is freezing a lot too. i wish it would crash to desktop because its really hard to close it when the DX overlay is over the taskmanager and the client wont close down by right klicking it in the taskbar.i allways need to use the freakin preview window of the taskmanager to navigate to the PS2 Process and hit delete :/ dxdiag in the sig
My problem is similar... Either using vehicles or opening and closing the map. So far 1 disconnect but I'm going into ultra textures.
crashing while switch characters twice already in 40 mins, lost sundie... older generation of i7 so no intergrated gpu.... been seeing some ppl saying that in here... 64 bit client in task manager... additional information, tends to crash at 1.9 something gigs in the memory the 3 times i've noticed i have 12 gigs of memory btw. renamed 32 bit client to 64 bit client now and checking if its 64 bit client's fault or game in general
i keep crashing every 1 to 5 minutes after logging in ... since this morning.... no crash in the last few days. this sucks bad
Constantly for me about every 5-10 mins. Theres not a lot of people online at the moment so I'm guessing it's effecting everyone. 32bit crashes as well, but no where near as frequently.
Yes i am crashing ALOT now. Before was 1-2 hours then CTD now its like 20-30 minutes and dropping. Game just freezes then CTD, i can hear my platoon talking in the background. crashes happen when deploying to a base, sunderer, galaxy, warpgate or other continent. also happens when switching classes. Did i mention im on the briggs server so unlike other servers, we have extra waiting time before we can eventually log back in. 5-10 extra minutes. And if we dont log in, we get CTD or g99 error. fun times. not So much for double xp weekend. this sux.
When I started, this morning, I had to update. Since the update I've been crashing like a BAWS every 2 minutes.
Also crashed here, right when I got the res for my ESF, pulled it out, crashed, goodbye ESF ---> RAGE QUIT
They released the April 16th patch for 64-bit, which made me crash every hour and increased the login times to 10 minutes. Then they released a 90mb patch yesterday (which wasn't announced) which now makes me crash after 20 minutes, with the occasional crash on startup (which has never happened before). They're too thick to realise their 64-bit implementation isn't fully baked and ready to deploy yet, but they release it anyway, causing people to crash. The fantastic irony of all this is that the update to 64-bit was meant to, in their own words, reduce crashing. Yet it increases it. Ponder that for a moment. Edit: now lasting less than 10 minutes, taking a break from this mess.
The Game is crashing every 5-15 minutes (15 if I´m lucky) since the last patch. Never had any problems before. Hope you guys are going to Hotfix that cause it´s kinda unplayable right now. Windows 7 64-Bit Greetings from Cobalt
i had to force 64bit to run but i havent had a crash since. i5 3470, 8gb gtx 650ti. i forced it to run on my old machine, q6600 6gb with a gtx550 and the game runs like crap. never goes above 20fps. when a month or so ago i was getting 20-40fps.
Crashes every time I try to use a terminal to change class or pull a vehicle. If I restart the game afterwards I have actually changed to the new class. Game is unplaybale in this state unless I never want to change class or pull a vehicle. Not the best time to change back to 64bit over the Easter weekend.