Possible sunderer buffs from Higbys stream

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasonSTL, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Udnknome

    This will most likely give people even less incentive to defend a sunderer. So getting 2 or 3 people to the sunderer to destroy it will be even easier.

    Forum whining will continue.
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  2. Govedo13

    Indeed because it us a way more easy to whine in the forum instead putting motion spotter and man your gun while paying attention to the map.
    The huge scrub whining way of thinking shown by the majority here is beyond repair.
  3. lawn gnome

    when i first heard of the motion spotter device i thought EVERY deployed sunderer would just have one planted under it and my days of killing sunderers with my HA would just be over, but that never happened and i just don't get why it never happened. a motion spotter plus one or two defenders should render the sunderer almost entirely immune to solo infantry.

    so my big question: Why are you still allowing my HA to kill sunderers when you have all of these tools that allow you to stop me outright?
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  4. Hoki

    You can put that to the test if you think so, but you aren't going to like the results.
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  5. Peebuddy

    I like the cloaking shield, it was in the first planetside and worked great.

    Though I do worry because the shield also cloaks people outside of the bubble for those inside (so you can't set it up at a corner and ambush people completely invisible) will make rendering infantry like sappers really delayed. Giving defenders no chance to kill him before he blows up your spawn.

    Rendering needs to be seriously addressed before a bubble cloaking shield should be added.
  6. Govedo13

    Those questions can be answered by the following pattern.
    SOE dumped down the game constantly in the last 8 months.
    As result they got what they asked for- more dump players and masses not so dump veteran players leaving.
  7. Tacom

    Yea, I agree the system should change. A good system could be:

    The ZERG brings 10 sunderers, so the loss of a single one is a hard hard blow, but not a killing one. TEAMWORK wins. :)

    A single sunderer lonewolf can't expect to defeat the teamwork of the defenders.

    TLDR: not neccessary to change anything.
  8. Goretzu

    There's no way I can set up an AMS defence in PS2 like I could in PS1, simply no way.

    And it wasn't about laying it and forgetting it at all, and worse in PS2 with the TTK being so much lower AND your own defences often being as much a hazard to your own AMS.

    In PS2 you simply can't defend them like you could in PS1 (you can still defend them, but it takes more people working with significant coordination to get a similar result).
  9. Tuco

    A sunderer buff/shield benefits the overpopped zerging side (and/or offensive tactics)

    A sunderer cloak (PS1 AMS) benefits the underpopped side (and/or defensive tactics)
  10. FateJH

    Why would it not also benefit the overpopulation side, exponentially so in the same manner that all things in this game end up benefitting the overpopulated side?
  11. Kunavi

    Chill, I got this; Introduce a portable AMS for the Engineer, with long Spawn CD and costing Resources to buy and to Spawn from... :p Would synergize well with the deployable cover Engies will get. The latter in fact could work well for Sundy defense. I'm only half joking...

    But as far as bubbles and cloaks are concerned? Yeah +1. Needs to happen.
  12. TheFamilyGhost

    Yep...better to increase the sundy strength instead of realize that people not guarding their sundy (or just flat out getting beat) is why C4 is effective.