Possible sunderer buffs from Higbys stream

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasonSTL, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. MasonSTL

    Hey I'm all for raising the cost of a sundee with this change, to me its not about how much you pay to destroy the sundee, but how fast it happens.

    Sneaking up on a sunderer is NOT hard at all with an engineer I was doing it pretty easily the last few days.

    One player shouldn't pose a complete threat that can stop a platoon or more. Because it isn't just going to be one player trying to destroy it.
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  2. CrashB111

    Well so long as Sunderers are only a mouse click away from anyone in the game pulling them for base assaults, they have to be easy to kill.

    Assaults already have the advantage in this game, taking away the abilities to easily remove the hordes of naked AMS Sunderers is not the correct approach so long as they remain easily attainable.
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  3. lawn gnome

    i don't know if your 8 seconds is accurate. i pop down my 2x C4 which takes around a second each then i pull out my rocket launcher to set them off (i rarely actually use the C4 trigger) or if you can aim it well you can throw an AV grenade to trigger the C4. in my experience it is probably more like 5 seconds as a heavy assault.
  4. MasonSTL

    Like I have mentioned in other posts, raising the cost of a sundee is more than fine, they just are able to be destroyed too quickly by infantry.
  5. Hartkernharald

    i've said it before and i'll probably say it again: the general durability of the sundy is fine. if you actually fight a sundy, it's a very durable vehicle and can defend itself from quite a lot of trouble. if that spawn shield gives resistance to actual weapons as well, i think it will become too durable.
    what is not okay however, are those quick and easy disposal mechanisms where just one guy needs 3 seconds with the sundy and it goes lolpoof.
    my proposal (again):
    - explosives (all of them, but mostly mines) just deactivate when destroyed, instead of exploding for damage
    - c4 is planted like in counter strike, instead of flinging it wherever while you're flying through the air
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    For 3x C4 it's about 8 seconds assuming you approach with your weapon up and only switch to C4 once in range. 1 second to take out C4, 2 seconds per brick, and 1 second to detonate at the end. With heavy assault you can use your rocket launcher instead of placing a third brick, which requires only about 6 seconds.

    6 seconds is still time to fire an entire carbine/AR clip, reload, and fire again EVEN if you didn't spot him and start shooting before he reached the sundy.
  7. SiosDashcR

    2 MBTs vs 2 Repair Sunders ... MBTs win. Focus fire one Sunderer at a time instead of dividing the damage. If you get a gunner, those Sundies will die without a problem.
  8. RHINO_Mk.II

    One person doesn't. Only the combined idiocy of 48 other people poses a threat to their push.
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  9. kirinohana

    All the more reason to fix lag and hit detection issues, which are major, MAJOR issues for all aspects of the game not just sundie defending. I might even go as far as saying one of the biggest game breaking issues currently and a better focus of developer resources.

    Anyways back to topic at hand, with the gal as a untouchable squad spawn and upgrading sundies, why even make bases defendable? Why does the game so strongly favor attack to defense?

    I flank AT mine sundies all the time, I love it. Out of all of the sundie kills I have done, you know how many have had manned guns (of which they have 2)? maybe 5% tops. You know how many have had mineguard? only experienced it once in my 9 months of playing.

    Here is some tips to any one person who thinks a sundie is hard to defend:
    1. Park it well. Something that is hard to flank, give yourself some open space if infantry are an issue. Or set up some AP mines in of of your many garages.
    2. Man your guns, get some AI guns.
    3. Drop a motion spotter.
    4. Pay attention.
    5. If you really hate infantry/engies toss on mineguard.

    If you do all of that and still have major issues you are likely outnumbered or your team is doing very poorly backing you up and the spawn point should be lost.

    PS - If you make everything require significant teamwork, you will most likely loose the casual player base even more so then is currently happening.
  10. FateJH

    The AMS in PS1 was pretty much paper that couldn't cut you and Infantry repair under duress was not very efficient.

    Why not yes?
  11. Udnknome

    You forgot about vehicle hacking.. this was the number 1 way to instagib a AMS in PS1. If you didn't defend your AMS, you'd find it spawning enemies.

    ---The reason we don't want to nerf C4 is because of other vehicles (tanks mainly) and MAXes. The whole "Place C4 on your target" or "Nerf C4" really destroys the anti-tank/ Anti-Max game.
  12. FateJH

    I was only comparing what already exists in PS2.

    Surely, with the way turrets get hacked with barely a notice, sometimes, vehicle hacking in PS2 will surely be declared OP as well but SOE will only react to people griping about the S-AMS being indefensible. No other "force multiplier" will get special treatment against something that destroys it quickly.

    That's also a reason list by people who don't want the Heavy Assault class to make the choice of either going AI or AV, i.e., making the rocket launcher class a Primary Weapon rather than a Tool. Regardless ...
    What about its damage yield, another thing proponents scoff at the thought of adjusting?
  13. Codex561

    First of all its on the road map already. Second is that you need the PS1 cloak fields.
  14. Hoki

    It takes a high certed player to defend a sundy from one sundy sniper. Quite a few players have OCD when it comes to sundy sniping.

    And besides the high certed players that know how to defend like me, it takes a fair bit of coordination from non-certed player to have any hope of defending a sundy from one sniper.

    And since infantry engagements are driven by sunderer, well it doesn't make much sense that they're the hardest ******* vehicle to keep alive. If it took a similar amount of coordination to snipe an air vehicle, the samurai would have flooded the earth with their tears by now.
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  15. RHINO_Mk.II

    False. I would wager that I can defend a completely stock sunderer from an enemy infantryman with a completely stock infantry class 10 times out of 10. The sunderer is in fact the second hardest vehicle in the game to destroy, the first being more vulnerable in its own way due to easier LOS for attacks.
  16. Regpuppy

    I personally prefer blockade... which pretty much assures that people are bombing your sundy with 3-4 guys with C4 or engies, who have to run aalllll the way to your sundy on foot and place 2-3 at the foot of it, then throw a grenade before an enemy engie sees it and disarms. (good luck taking out a blockade sundy that's got three engies on it with rockets)

    This isn't even considering the possible change in meta due to the resource patch we should be getting. Which will remove infantry explosive storage and tie them to the same resource as everything else. A change that I welcome, but hopefully includes a prohibitive sunderer cost.
  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    Sunderer cost is going to be way cheaper after revamp for no reason. Only twice the cost of a flash. Why get a flash when you can buy a sundy for nearly the same resources?
  18. Latrodectus

    Because having to babysit a Sunderer for fifteen minutes straight while every one else is having fun on the not-so-off chance that some one will bail out of an aircraft to insta-gib your reinforcement point makes for such engaging gameplay.
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  19. Udnknome

    Hopefully one day they will figure out how to link resource cost to load-out. --A stock sundy with no attachments could cost 2x flash cost, while a battle sundy with Fire Suppression, Blockade Armor, and Scrapper fully certed could cost more.

    Or perhaps this would make the entry learning curve too steep.... oh well.
  20. Juunro

    Blockaid Armor ought to provide near invulnerability to C4, but no protection whatsoever against AP weapons on other vehicles. This way, given that bases ought to be designed to prevent vehicles farming spawn rooms, tanks have something to actually do while a base attack is happening. This also prevents the pack of auto-repair bulldog Sunderers from killing multiple enemy MBT's at once, which is a little silly.

    I often wind up setting hull-down with an AP/Enforcer Vanguard guarding friendly AMS's from PPA spammers and HE tanks of all stripes. Less score, but very satisfying.
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