Possible sunderer buffs from Higbys stream

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasonSTL, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Ken Photon

    I agree. Since Sunderers are such a vital resource for both attack and defense, they should cost more so that they aren't thrown around whenever people feel like it. They could, and should, make the Sunderer tougher, but also more expensive to illustrate how important the Sunderer actually should be.
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  2. Udnknome

    They're not really winning, more resistant doesn't mean completely indestructible. So a guy will have to respawn. The problem is that people aren't defending/repairing.. when they only get 10 more seconds on the battlefield, they'll keep complaining. BTW, my engineer carries 5 tank mines & 4 C4...Bring it on!

    Any more durable than that and we'll be back to the AMS GAL problem... People spam deploying sunderers and you can never move forward in battle.
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  3. KlyptoK

    They've been mentioning that for years
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  4. MasonSTL

    AT mines........ one man job.

    And no it is not that hard to flank a fully crewed sunderer usually the engees are too distracted to see people coming up to it or it just happens too quick like i said before it is harder to respond to a single engineer than it is to an AV tank. Hell I've seen players flying an ESF just to crash then lay AT mines at the sundee. So to deffend the sundee from one player and the different ways of delivering that pizza you need AI (ok easy I'll give you that) AA, and AV in case he grabs a tank (few shots, pop out, C4). All that just to deal with one guy with his heart set on destroying that sundee.
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  5. Regpuppy

    Something that's partially made necessary by how easy it is to pull a sunderer.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not entirely against sunderer buffs. But the price is going to have to come up with it. Especially compared to that price someone posted on another topic.
  6. Canno

    Sometimes a suicide run for a sunderer kill is the only way to turn the battle. The only hope of stemming the tide.

    Look for a lot more spawn camping, yay.
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  7. m44v

    That's not the problem, the problem is that even if you're defending it, it only takes one random dude that manages to slip through to instagib a sunderer.
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  8. lawn gnome

    they had the cloak back in PS1 and all you have to do is follow the stream of troops to the cloak bubble. the cloak only works against dumb players and when the sunderer isn't spawning troops AKA: useless. the cloak might help a little against rocket and base gun spam, but against dedicated AV infantry it might as well be naked.
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  9. Udnknome

    Conversely... it only takes one dude to deploy a sunderer..

    That said, I can't wait for my outfit to troll sunderers all over and they be too defenseable for the base defense to actually ever get a leg up. Enjoy being overrun. Already ran this tactic with GALs in beta. It'll get nerfed back quick.
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  10. Canno

    So if a guy is willing to spend the resources on an ESF and three thank mines (maybe a grenade to make it all go boom) they shouldn't be rewarded? How is his sacrifice of resources worth any less than whoever spawned the sundy?

    Same with a tank. Resources for the tank and the c4 should be totally discredited?

    There's a middle ground somewhere but toughening up the sundies too much removes the individual's heroic efforts, which I think is the wrong way to go.

    There are MANY ways to defend a sundy, but most don't do it. (AP mines, tank mines, actually staying back to defend it with people/vehicles).

    Look at it this way and not from a "I heart my sundy!" position. I have taken my engineer, repaired a vehicle terminal, spawned a tank, drove through a battlefield, gotten to the sundy almost dead, bailed, dropped my mines, detonated them.. killing myself and the sundy. In one case it helped turn the tide of the battle and we defended the base.

    I put a lot on the line with that heroic effort, I may never have made it and 'wasted' the resources for spawning the tank. I could have lost the tank, laid the mines and got killed before detonating them. It's happened plenty of times.

    But when it works it creates a memory. It gives a sense of accomplishment. It proves one person doing the right thing, with a little bit of intestinal fortitude, can make a difference.

    I don't want to see that taken away just so people don't have to defend their sundies. Don't get me wrong, I've lost sundies to this tactic but I appreciate the effort.

    Bottom line, for me, is if it's important defend it.
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  11. RHINO_Mk.II

    The only infantry that can kill a mineguard sunderer is 1) Heavy Assault with C4 (which, for the record, is the dedicated anti-vehicle class whose role is explicitly described as the destruction of enemy vehicles) or 2) Engineer with thousands of certs into Utility Pouch to carry 3 or 4 bricks of C4. Note that for either of these classes to destroy the sunderer they must be in point-blank range with the sunderer for a period of ~8 seconds with no way to defend themselves if attacked. Neither class can fly, stealth, or otherwise approach in an unexpected manner. If you are losing your sunderers to a single infantryman, the problem is not that the sunderer's HP pool is too low. It is that you are not protecting your vital assets.
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  12. MasonSTL

    Problem is when it becomes the first resort. Normally I don't go strait for the suicide bomb right away because I like fighting to get to the sundee. But recently I have be doing straight suicide runs and it is ridiculously effective. Hell even if I live I'll just redeploy to restock and start looking for the next sundee.
  13. m44v

    Being overrun? ha? if you're being overrun then that means that the opponent has the population advantage, spawn points don't overrun bases. Besides Malorn already said that if the low cost of sunderers makes them a blight then they will tweak it up, not reason to be afraid of every change.
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  14. Turkeys!

    Sunderer shields =

    You can even see the repair dinosaur keeping it up while the two zergs meet
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  15. Phyr

    There's also a the risky tactic of placing 2 C4, running all the way back to a terminal, resupplying C4, running all the way back to the sundy, detonate, place new c4, detonate again.
  16. Zotamedu

    Regarding defending. The server lag and stuff often means that when you see the guy next to the sunderer, it's already too late. Seems like a reasonable balance point that one lone infantry can't take out a Sunderer. Also seems reasonable that you need to chose blockade or mineguard that only protects against explosions and mines respectively but works at all times or a shield that protects from both but only when deployed.
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  17. Udnknome

    Yet another player that believes his K/D wins the battle. --The only way to win the battle against the Zerg is to destroy their spawn points. Stronger Spawn Points = Stronger Zerg. More Spawn Points + Stronger Spawn Points = Unwinnable fight. There will be no reason to defend once people figure this out.

    The only reason you can't see this now is because there is a way to instagib a sunderer. Once this goes away, it'll be like the GAL bane all over again.
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  18. Hoki

    I posted a thread about how to defend a sunderer while lonewolfing, but it requires a LOT of certs and mainly defending as inf.

    Gotta light up them doritos.
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  19. Frostiken

    How about we just nerf C4 instead.
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  20. Phyr

    How about no?
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