Population lock, why have it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by darktr00per4, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. darktr00per4

    Population lock has been in the game since people cried about unfair population. but seeing as player count has decreased it has become rather silly to have. i feel like population lock is just a passive aggressive way to get people to buy memberships. now im all for supporting the game with money and what not to continue production but theres other ways than to lock people out of populated areas of the game and force them to wait in lines.

    Now i know someone will say "well you can always go to another continent and fight there" yes you can your right but seeing as there is only 2 continents open at one time and one having 95% of the population on it and the other having 5% of the population it certainly makes the game boring and not very fun to play. i get that it allows you to back cap and such to draw the other team away from a big population continent to a lower population continent but its simply not working, not with the population in game.

    I suggest the developers remove the population lock and let the play base decide what continent to fight on instead of being cattle herded to areas the game feels they should be in. it takes the fun aspect out of the game when your locked out of being in a big combat area.

    Now someone else will say "well the queue isnt that bad and usually doesnt take long" yeah but thats not the point, the point is why do we have them in the first place, when the game was first release they didnt exist, we didnt need them and with the current population we really dont need population locks anyways. its almost as if they are making it seem like the games population is larger than normal by locking continents after X amount of players enters and then saying "hey buy a membership and you can get it".

    all im saying here is the current population in the game does not warrant population locks and restrictions, if anything it is inhibiting the way the game plays and preventing the large amazing battles that this game was initially advertised to create.

    does anyone else feel the same way or am i the only one. not looking for troll and crying fanboys just looking for a decent conversation.
  2. Skraggz

    To be clear you are not talking about faction balance? as that is why it currently exists, which it can get lopsided as is already. Yor speaking about overall pop on a continent, which will do away with faction balancing and NO ONE will play 1 of the factions anymore and increased server load... am I correct? or did I miss something?
  3. ShamHotRock

    Faction Balance Queue => Meant to prevent faction overpop, discourage players from fourth factioning.

    Cont Pop Queue => Applied regardless of faction once cont pop has hit a limit determined by the server. Meant to prevent performance issues which can downgrade everyone's experience. It is needed on a per-continent level as while the server could potentially hold 5000 players over 3 continents, it cannot do 5000 players in one continent.

    One thing I will point out is that queues are also applicable to members. During peak times, I have seen paid members having to wait minutes to get in. Skipping to the front of the queue is a fair perk for members.

    I am going to assume you meant removing the Cont pop queue. Doing that would mean either:
    - DBG needs to beef up their servers to support more players per continent. Given that this situation arises like 5-10% of the time, I dont see the business justifying it.
    - Removing the cont pop queue would worsen every current player's experience.