[Poll] Should Infiltrators be able to hack vehicles?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dr. Euthanasia, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Dr. Euthanasia

    You would think that the bright green text might make it a little more obvious, huh?

    The Infiltrator's job is sabotage, among other things. What's the most important objective in the game that players can interact with? Almost invariably, the answer is Sunderers. What can we do to those? Nothing at all.

    There's no point to being able to sneak around if you can't do anything from an advantageous position except kill people, and there's no point to killing people when they can park a mobile spawn point on top of you without fearing for its safety. I might agree with you if vehicles were less important to this game, but as it stands, it would be hard to make them more significant than they already are.
  2. KodanBlack

    Nope, I don't think they should be able to. However, hacking a Sundy's equipment terminal? That would be cool.
  3. X3Killjaeden

    No. too easy to cloak, run up to something and hack.
  4. DG-MOD-02

    Polls are not permitted on these forums per the SOE Forum guidelines. I am going to close this topic now.
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