Poll about Implant System

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chettone, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Chettone

    Do you like the new implant system?

    1. Yes, I like it how it is.
    2. Yes, but I would change a few things.
    3. No, but the older system sucked anyways.
    4. No, I still prefer the older system.

    In order to take the poll and see the results enter here. You cant vote via this post, sry :(

  2. Demigan

    You also aren't allowed to post polls on these forums according to the rules.
    I won't report it, and I've voted 1 since I know changes like looting/earning ISO4 from alerts are on the way and the current implant system is pretty solid for it's purposes.
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  3. Shpiler Killer

    if you like the new system ,you a sucker who has too much money to give away ,and DBG is there to take it from you .
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  4. Demigan

    1: I don't have too much money and haven't paid for the implant system.
    2: If no one pays money to DBG, then the game stops functioning, be glad people pay money
    3: The current system works well. You can pay similar amounts of certs for two tier 4 implants as you do for upgrading a vehicle, but it's available for all your characters and they are mostly convenience items that change or enhance a particular playstyle.
    4: The devs have already bounced idea's around to add other systems to acquire ISO4 and implants. And you cannot fault them for having a sort of "pre-order" time in which players who buy implants can get their stuff quicker, which in turn finances the game's further changes and servers for all the other players who play.
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  5. Campagne

    2, because I never used implants before this new system.

    However, I definitely would change a good few things, and for time being I'm not even bothering to continue playing my new alt over the power difference in implants.
  6. Lord_Avatar

    2. Overall solid with room for improvement.
  7. AllRoundGoodGuy

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  8. Demigan

    Does it want a cookie?
  9. FieldMarshall

    I like the new system better overall than the previous one.
    Removal of implant energy is a huge advantage/buff for people who didnt have enough score per hour to maintain implants, which was usually newer players.

    I would change a few things, but the main things i would change are things that they are already working on.
    (For example rewarding ISO-4 and/or implants for completing certain in-game tasks)
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  10. TR5L4Y3R

    System is ok
    the rollout handling was BS
  11. AllRoundGoodGuy

    No, it's waiting 8 seconds for the MC to kick in. (Then possibly a cookie)
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  12. OldMaster80

    What I hate about the new system is I lost Sensor Shield which was the only implant I used.

    The new system requires massive certs in order to upgrade the implants, but at least energy has gone.

    In the end two bad systems, but at least now the energy has gone.
  13. Demigan

    You making this poor guy jelly
  14. NikolaiLev

    3, because both systems were awful. The game already has so many disadvantages for new players that discourages them from playing. Now that they're behind RNG and even more cert-intensive, well... It's awful. This, plus the abhorrent HIVE module costs have made the game even more grind2win, bordering on pay2win because the amount of time needed to acquire these with free playtime is just impractical.

    The new implants are cool, though battle hardened, regen and catlike seem to be far too useful, leaving other options in the dust.

    Nerfing numbers would work for the first two, and catlike's speed boost could require 1 second of crouch moving in a certain direction to build up its speed; increasing its maximum speed to compensate would be fine. This means if you crouched and then changed direction (as is currently done in combat) you wouldn't get any benefit from it. One second is quite a long time to be moving in a single direction in combat.

    Another consideration is that Target Focus is a starter implant, yet half of its functionality is only useful for bolt-action sniper users. Not sure how to make it more generally useful without changing it completely, so I think that's what oughta be done. Making it extend ranges for IFF, and/or making it highlight allied positioning heavily would fit its role as a starter implant to assist new players in cutting down on friendly fire. Could also allow it to decrease friendly fire from direct fire (not explosions, to prevent cheese) by a significant amount; say, 75% and FF is now non-lethal (using targeting focus will mean you never tk with bullets).
  15. Demigan

    The poll doesnt work properly. I saw the sudden spike fo "no neither system" so I tried as well and you can just vote as many times as you want as fast as you want. So if you ignore the spike of mister "I disagree and will cheat toget the results I want" then more people still like it/like it but want changes than people who dont want the current system