PLEASE STOP SENDING PLAYERS INTO YOUR "VR SERVER". IF YOU DON'T HAVE ROOM ON A LIVE CONTINENT... EITHER OPEN ANOTHER UP, OR LET THEM SIT WAITING... JUST FIGURE IT OUT!! GEEZ... SENDING BR100 PLUS TO VR TRAINING IS LUDICROUS. OH? YOU WANT US TO SUBSCRIBE TO AVOID THAT? REALLY? well.... many were subscribing that no longer subscribe due to the continuous money grab schemes that have occurred over the last 2 years. we are not going to subscribe anymore... you caused that so get over it. you can choose to keep it irritating... and more will choose to dump the game. It is your choice of course.
It's not that there is not room, it is that your current faction is at max population. Play another faction, or get used to it. Hard caps were 5 years coming and are most welcome. It cut's down on Zergs and 4th factioning.
my point is... I would rather wait in a lobby than go to vr training... have to redeploy... and wait to tell it yes... that is absurd it is them trying to force people to subscribe... what they do not seem realize... or care about is irritation = players leaving... not more $$$ If they are going to make it a friggin pain in the *** to actually start a real game... people will simply go elsewhere. As I said initially... that is their choice of course
Even with the current population control, zerging is how the game ends up. Unless they find a better way to go about it, that's how it's going to be. 33% strict on each would be ideal. Yet, people don't like being forced off of their favorite. That's the issue that DBG can figure out themselves.
Free players leaving. So there was no $$$ in the first place. Though paying players like me still need cannon fodder to shoot at.
I'm at a point with PS2 that I only log on to the smallest faction yet I'm being sent to VR as well....
I rather not deal with a higher overpop. Lobby to what? VR is basically the Lobby! And it's not about money. It's population control.
Yeah, VR for me is killing the fun and also the fact that I can't find a winning TR continent (I only play TR and in very, very rare cases VS but never NC). Was on a continent where TR had 65% of land and 4 - 5 hives but alert still didn't happen the whole time I was on (15 - 30 mins). I want to get into fights but the VR, only one continent open at a time and no TR wins while I'm on are forcing me to leave PS2 and I just came back about a month ago, lol. Very disappointed with this latest update. Rocket launcher that can only lock on when you're basically on top of target (old lock on range was perfect), stuck in VR more then half the time I'm on (I only have about an hour in the morning and maybe an hour in after noon but don't want to waste it in VR), most of the time only one continent open at a time (either make a new continent with old alerts or make it have no alerts and just a free for all, all the time for those who can't get in). Guess I'll try to keep track of upcoming updates and see if they make it more friendly for me. As is, it is just not enjoyable at the moment. =(
"sorry you are not allowed to play your 2k hour character today because we don't have space" "have you conciderd playing without your friends, outfit or certs out gear for another faction?" Wow daybreak I didn't concider giving up all my gear and community. What a novel suggestion.
a lobby would be fun. should it have couches?.... or I know how about target dummy's and test vehicles? They use VR as a lobby, why not? its usefull.
During PS1 era there were Sanctuaries. Small uncontested islands that belong to your faction to gather your squads/platoons, manage your certs, loadouts. And each 7 minutes a shuttle arrived so you could do an orbital drop on whichever contested continent wherever you please, except not directly at bases or towers. Higby did not like the idea of Sanctuaries. He thought it slows down gameplay. But now somewhere I heard that devs are planning to return those Sanctuaries.
I think everyone needs to take a step back and realize that, 1: VR is the lobby (You even can mess around in this lobby with your team) 2: Balance is better than nothing 3: Your not being forced to buy anything so its no money grab 4: The wait time often says 30 minutes but takes 30 seconds (times are no accurate)
All of you apparently missed my point..... sigh I do not care what we want to call it... Lobby, VR server, etc. When I start the game... I should automatically get loaded into a continent that has an opening as soon as it is available. The current system, requires you to sit there and wait until the queue asks if you want to warp to another continent. If you do not say yes within a minute or so... you get dumped from the queue and start over. They are making the game harder to get into than it needs to be... forcing people to sit there and wait for the queue to ask them if they want to actually play on a live continent is moronic.... This will drive people away....
I should have added at the end, IF the person didn't want to play the game... he would have selected VR to start with.... OBVIOUSLY IF SOMEONE BR10 OR MORE HAS STARTED THIS GAME... THEY WANTED TO PLAY IT.... why are you asking me again?
Just because I do not subscribe does not mean I have not supported this game. I have spent plenty of $$$ over the years on things like weaps, boosts, etc. Subscribers are not the only support this game has..... get over yourself
That means, instead of VR you will sit on your login screen with queue timer. Just like WoW. Which for me is more infuriating rather than sitting in VR. Because apparently devs ain't gonna force push you to the overpop faction, increasing said overpop on all continents. That still proves my point. Those who did not invest real money into the game will leave easily. Nothing holds them. But players like you won't leave their investment that easily. They will stay and overcome or take a break and get back later.
I continue to subscribe and support this game I love- and I am still getting sent to VR for lengthy periods when I attempt to play NC. I really like my NC outfit (Blue Lions) and don't particularly want to play my alts (they are currently clan-less). I'd rather wait to play with my clan then get on the underpoped and play by myself. If I could figure out which would be the consistently under poped I might try to stick with it, but TR and NC are both overpopped at different times. No good solution... So maybe instead of strict population control, how about beefing up the damage resistance of the underpopped?
ok... I am not communicating well... I apologize and let me try to rephrase this now that I see how people have understood what I wrote. I do not care that it sends me to "VR training" to wait. That is NOT the problem. My points are this: 1) The game knows who it put there because it did not have room on an active continent...Don't ask me if it is "ok to warp"... obviously if I did not want to play I would have never started the game. 2) Unless the game has automatically gone into training mode (as it does for the first one or two logon's by a character) The game should always automatically re-spawn you on an active continent once an opening is available without asking for confirmation. 3)Making me sit there waiting (or at least being forced to check it every minute or so to be sure you do not miss it's request) until it asks me if it is "ok to warp" is absurd. Do not ask the second time... just respawn me into the active continent. 4) They are adding a step... that if you accidentally miss somehow it screws you into waiting at the end of the longest line again..... please stop doing that! 5) If you are alt tabbed afk and it re-spawns your character the game will likely un-minimize. Even if it does not, the change in sounds is going to alert you it has re-spawned... time to play. What is annoying is having to constantly check for this needless second verification... don't ask the obvious... JUST DO IT!